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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 57853 1 12E SO SOANNA 1077COG1 ANNA SMITH blk m 5 by Longford or Pontiac Carmine Nugent Bros AVeight today 107 7COG1 AVindsor 51 f 107J fast 15 103 2 2 2 2J 335 Kennedy Please Topsy Robinson BoftheRity 7C013 AVindsor 34 1153 hvy 40 10t 2 1 1 3J 5 C H ShUgBelmere Fleming Refined 75931 AVindsor 51 f 107 fast G 96 2 1 1 1 4 Whitning Chief Hayes Bertha E MInot 75754 AVindsor 34 114 fast 2 104 1 111 = 11 Francis TofSpfldes Ben Stllle Left Guard GuardALENCON 1147IU16 ALENCON ch g G hv St Carlo Gold Lace Fairport Stable AVeieht today 114 7IU16 AVIndsor 34J15 slow 15 111 4 G 7 C2 C Harty Royal Onyx Clements Bertha K 759CG Windsor 34 1145 good 7 105 3 3 G G1 G5 J Bergen Edgely HoyalOnyr PrHohenlohe 7592S Windsor 34 113 fast 4J IOS 2 3 G 8 S J OToley BIllieHibbs Charlie Gilbert Giles 75S04 Windsor 34 1154 slop 5 111 1 542 21 Nicol Ida D AVaterbury The Belle BelleBEN BEN 1077C023 STILLE hr g 4 hy Alloway Freshet H Busenhark Weight today 107 7C023 AVindsor 34 117 hvy 25 101 7 7 8 8 8 Deverich Ida D Listerine Royal Onyx 759CG AAindsor 34 114 J good 15 103 9 88 72 7T Brannon Edgely RoyalQnyr PrHohenlohe 75751 Windsor 34 114 fast 8 104 3 3 3 22 3 D ArmstgAnnaSmith TofSpades LeftGuard 75510 Hamilton 34 113 fast 10 110 8 G G 41 5 D Armstg Purslane Anna Smith El Dorado THE BELLE ch m C hy Faraday Lucy Crocket F G Belknan Weight today 107 76110 AVindsor 34 IIGR slow 5 99 10 8 8 Ci 4 Deverich Hollow Kate Carney Maycella 7C024 AVindsor 7S 123J hvy G 101 S 4 3 3 3l 32 Deverich BelleoftheBay LordDIxon Jupiter 75SS7 Windsor 34 113 J fast 20 103 4 77 710 7 1 G Swain Please Jane Swift Bertha E 75S01 Windsor 34 1155 slop 8 95 8 9 C 51 4 1 J Bergen Ida D Alencon Waterbury ROSE F br f 4 bv Hermence Chnrrvflamo G E Dudley Weieht today 110 70136 AVindsor 5i f 107 good 40 110 9 99 7 9J AV Allen Green Dale Aphrodite Pnnky 7C022 Windsor 1 144 hvy 40 101 G 3 5 G 5 52 Golnes Tom Dolan LofLangden Petulant 75962 GMacBriOeArlington75S91 Windsor 34 114 good 4 107 4 32 2JJ 1 Goines RArtillery GMacBriOeArlington 75S91 Windsor 1 18 1542 fast 40 104 7 G 4 4 5s 5 5 T Rice Imboden Golf Ball Usury GLENA MAC BRIDE h f 4 by Dr MacBride Glendola A L Lehman Weieht today 105 759C2 105759C2 Arlington75S91 Windsor 31 l14g good G IOS G 43 3l 321 Moreland Hose F Royal Artillery Arlington 75S91 AVindsor 1 1S 154 fast 30 99 11 11 12 7 G1 Gsl Brannon Iinboden Golf Ball Usury 75799 Windsor 34 1131 fast 30 9411 11 11 71 7 Deverich Belmere Grace Kimball Splon 75485 Hamilton 34 114 fast 100 102 9 99 10 10JGoedike Temmeraire ColFaverdale I Reck ReckSHOWMAN SHOWMAN hlk g 8 hv Atheling Judy Mrs G F Richings Weight todav 114 70130 Punky7590G AVindsor 51 f 107 good 15 105 1 1 1 lt GS J Bergen Green Dale Aphrodite Punky 7590G BoftheBay75G75 AVindsor 51 f 1002 fast 15 IOS 7 77 G 55 C Ross MaryHall Waterbury BoftheBay 75G75 AVindsor 34 llGg slop 12 110 10 8 10 lOill18 Shea Little Minnie Alomar Revery 75540 Hamilton 34 115J good 7 116 5 43 4 31 Rosen Punky Left Guard New Year HELEN ATIRGINIA h f 4 hy Sempronius Sarno D Hill Weight today 110 75075 AVindsor 34 1 16g slop 10 103 7 G 8 91 9 = iVhitning Little Minnie Alomar Revery 75536 Hamilton 1 144 good 25 IOS 13 12 12 9 9 5 9 i Abshlre AltaMcDonald Banrida Estella C 754S6 Hamilton 781292 fast 10 12310 9 9 8 81 55 Abshire Green Dale RoyalLegend Kid Roos 75415 Hamilton 5S 100 fast 20 108 9 9 S G1 412JAbshire Please Herman Johnson Gold Bars JACK DOLAN h h 5 by Pontiac Charma J Phillips Weight today 117 72746 FGrnds 1 11G 151 good 41 IOS 10 12 13 10 15 15 Pickens Creel Jack Witt St Noel 72C5G FGrnds 1 11G l55i slop 10 IOS 4 C 5 4 G2 fi K McDanlHawkama Gargantua Debar 72420 City Park 34 1142 fast 40 105 7 777 7I6JW Dow JackAtkin The Bear LadyEsther URIPIDES h h 5 bv Sorcerer Alcnstis R S DavidsonT AVeight today 117 7592S 1177592S AVindsor 24 11 3 fast 30 111 Left at the post Fbrolher BIIIIeHibbs Charlie Gilbert Giles 75749 Windsor 34 115 fast 4 109 1 33 32 1 W Ott C J Cella Margaret Ballot Bur 75055 Windsor 1 1413 fast G 105 3 1 1 1 22 3 S AV Ott Lexington Lady Halbard Ena 75491 Hamilton 1 1415 fast 3 102 10 10 10 10 10 10 Fbrother True Boy Coude The Globe KOYAL LEGEND ch m 6 hy Ingoldshy Royal Una W G KingHodds Weiffht today 112 70019 AVindsor 7S 133J hvy 10 105 888 7 72 7 IJT Baker Nancy Prince Hohenlohe Grevilla 7COOL AVindsor 34 113J fast 40 107 S 10 10 S 8s J Baker Ida Reck Refined B of the Bay 75749 Windsor 34115 fast 15 109 G 4 4 41 G J Baker Euripides C J Cella Margaret 75655 AVindsor 1 1412 fast 15 103J 9 10 9 9 71 8 J J Schaller LexingtonLady Halbard Euripides EuripidesRESTORATION RESTORATION ch g 4 hy Masetto Recovery Valley Farm Stable Weieht today 112 75910 Windsor 1 38 221g fast 20 104 6 8 8 S 9l 9t8JC Ross St llario Doubt Wilton Lackaye 75G55 Windsor 1 1412 fast 7 102 10 9 10 10 10 10l2JFbrother Lex Lady Halbard Euripides 75410 Hamilton 1141 fast 7 105 8 910 10 10 101T Rice Ida Reck Millstone Clifton Forge 75339 Hamilton 1 1401 fast 3 100 3 G 5 5 5 581 T Rice 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