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MONTREALS FALL STAKES DISPLAY DISPLAYMontreal Montreal Que July 27 The Montreal Jockey Clubs autumn stakes were announced Saturday They are eight in number and each has 1000 added Entries SThere close at midnight of Saturday August S There are two stakes for twoyearolds the Hoch elaga at five aud a half furlongs and the Huron at six furlongsFor furlongs For threeyearolds aud upward there are four stakes as follows Earl Grey Cup one mile and a furlong Iaurler Cup six furlongs Champlain Selling Stakes one mile and St Denis Selling Stakes six furlongs There are two steeplechase stakes Stratlicona over the short coirse and McDonald at two and a half miles milesThis This makes a line showing for a racing organiza ¬ tion only in its second year and which has en emintered tremendous expense In completing such a big plant as Blue Bonnets The fact that the stakes have 1000 added Instead of guaranteed will please horsemen as the entrance money all goes to the winners They should thus have n value of from 00 to 00 in addition to the added money