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SECOND RACE 1 Mile All Ages Handicap 4S34S 137 3 112 112INFERNO INFERNO b h G by Havoc Bon Ino J E Seagram Weight today 114 75232 Toronto 1 1S l53g fast 710 12i 121 1 in 2 C II ShirgKllicolt Clell Turncy Cave Adsum 7515S Toronto 1 11 209g fast 11 126 1 1 1 1 H C H ShilgZiiiango Lois Cnrunagli Keliiie 7496S Toronto Im70y 146 fast 25 12S 222 2 li 21 C H ShilgKeidmoore Oxford Clell Turney 60023 Toronto 1 11 2OGg fast 126 133 2 I1 I2 R McDanlLotus Eater Tourcnnc TourcnncFAR FAR WEST b g 6 by Montana Toucho Pas M L Schwartz Weight today 113 76332 Saratoga 1 139J fast 185 113 4 7 4 3 2 2 Gilliert Dandelion Dorante Iurslane 76262 Saratoga 1 11 205 fast 3 102 7 5 4 2 32 23 Gilbert Monfort Danoscara Bedouin 76149 Brighton 1 116 146 fast 2J 116 G 3 3 3 1 lh Gilbert aally Question Mark DArkle 75740 Sheepshd 118152 fast 20 100 3 4 4 4 S3 1 Gilbert Jack Atkin Gold Lady Westburj KENTUCKY BEAU ch g 4 bv Star Shoot Kentucky Belle II G R Tonvpkins Weight today 98 76370 Saratoga 1 141 slop 115 10S 1 2 C ii r4JMcCahey Bonnie Bard Golcouda Col White 76130 Brighton 1 1lfi 147 fast 13 113 311 1 1 = I3 D McCthySailor Girl Moonshine Brancas 76013 Brighton 1 116 1461 fast G 113 5 1 1 1 22 22 Notter Tileing Ellisdale Colonel White 75919 Brighton 34 112 fast 20 107 8 7 7 7 6 J Lce Jacobite Tom McGrath Besom THE SQUIRE ch r 3 by Prince of Melbourne Homespun T Welsh Weight tcday 105 76422 Saratoga 31118 hvy 4 10S 1 7 7 S S9 Nutter Adriuche Banyali Torbellino 76365 Saratoga 7S 1262 fast 2 lit 1 2 2 3 2k 23 R McDanlKcnnyctto Jacobite Aster dOr 76106 Brighton 34 113 good 4 109 1 22 21 25 W Miller King Cobalt CharlcsBdward Cohort 76016 Brighton 34 113J fast 5 112 3 3 3 3J 4 Notter Rialto King Cobalt Marathon BEDOUIN b h 6 by Meddler Lizzie Montroso E W Jowctt Weight today 108 76262 Saratoga 1 14 2oJ fast 8 10 423 5 4B1 D McCthyMoiifort Far West Danoscara 76035 Brighton 1 14 203g fast 2S 106 2 2 2 3 32 3 D McCthyBig Chief Frank Gill Lally 75997 Brighton 1 18 154 fast 65 122 222 2 42 31 D McCthyCalrngorm Black Oak Lally 75765 Sheepshd 1 1S l52g fast 2 106 G 2 3 4 9J 7 J Lee Monfort Spooner Grapple WOOL SANDALS br c 4 by Woolsthorpe Winged Sandals W J Young Weight today 98 73375 Liatonla 1 1402 fast 85 10S 134 4 31 31 V Powers Plnkola Prince Ahmed Kercheval 75124 Xatonla 34 1131 fast 25 109 1 4 4 31 11 Ucldcl Al Muller Deuce Goldproof 75011 Louisvlo 1 116 145J fast 8 108 2 3 3 3 lh 3 = E RobinsonTho Minks Kcrcheral Wing Ting 74962 Louisville 1 138 fast 7 111 2 3 G 6 B1 3 J Butler KinssDaughtcr Altuda HasAgncs FORT JOHNSON b c 3 by Chuctanunda White Frost J Sanford Weight today 107 763S4 Saratoga 31 116 mud 3 111 X 3 1 1J 2i C II ShilgBnnyali Tjelirlum Half Sovereign 71517 Jamaica Clfl07 fast 12 112 1 4 5l 5 VKnapp TheS iilro LawPDaley Masciue 71492 Belmont 31 112 fast 12 103 G G G G1 7 = llorncr Falcada TheSquIre Lady Winifred TONY BONERO br c 4 by Sain America C R Fleischmann Weieht today 100 76122 Saratoga 31 118 hvy 7 103 7 8 8 7 GJ O 11 SliiPgAdntiche Banyuh Torbellino 76216 Brighton 1 116 1468 fast 3 112 5 3 3 2 2 2l C H ShirgCrcssina Bul News Zlenap 76149 Brighton 1 116 l46i mud 2 113 4 1 1 1 4 6 D McCthyFar West Lally Question Mark 76107 Brighton 1 18 153 good 45 112 311 1 I2 I3 D McCthylmport Pins and Needles OHonestf FULTONVILLE b c 3 by Chuctanunda Princess Monmouth J Sanford Weight today 98 71473 Belmont 34 l13g fast 12 115 2 335 = C W Knapp Uncle LawrcneoPDaley Onatsissa 71419 Belmont 78 l27g fast 1 117 1 2 2 1 I2 I2 R McDanlMonocle Bro Jonathan Bolando SCHLESWIG b c 2 bv Planudes Unterock J E Madden Weight today 90 7GI04 Saratoga 34 117J mud 2 103 2 C 5 f 6 = Sweet Sea Cliff Statesman Joe Madden 76347 Saratoga 6 f 106 fast 95 112 1 377 7 ° J Shreve Mediant Sea Cliff Preceptor 74235 Bennins 41 t 69 slow 32 112 7 5 31 1 D MpCthyCluiborne Demetrios Gr Jubilee BECKON chf 3 by Plaudit Semaphore Brownleigh Park Stable Weight today 104 76415 Saratoga 1 l41g fair 12 U7 3 2 2 3 3 McCahey Royal Tourist Dandelion Dandelion763S7 763S7 Saratoga 1 1S 201 mud 8 116 2 1 1 1 31 4 = McCahey Stamina Mayfiold Anonyma 75865 Brighton 118 l53g fast 21 109 2 1 1 2 45 5iR McDanl Trash Cairngorm DArkle DArkleBISKRA BISKRA br f 3 by Hermence Africa B C Murray Weight today 86 76103 Saratoga 34 117 mud G 103 3 3 3 3 3s Cullen Whip Top Refined Grace Cameron 76303 Saratoga 1 l41g fast 30 103 1 2 3 4 5 513 Cullen TheWrestler CrackShot GGHall 76081 Brighton 1 116 147 fast 10 101 4 1 5 6 G 6lCullen Trash Monocle Gowan J Sanford entry Fort Johnson and Ftiltonville