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fort Eric Entries and Past Performances lor Monday August 17 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK GOOD Handicapped for a good track FORT ERIE ENTRIES For differences in weight add or deduct 6 points to the pound An extra good f riders avorago worth is 3 pounds I R Ing starts at 245 p m Chicago lime 145 XR ns well in mud Superior mud runner runnerFirst First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Mile2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track jrecord 57338 l00ji 2 94 Ind 94Ind Horse Wt ISec A Wt Hdcp Hdcp701GG1 701GG1 Flower Beauty 10S 302J 107 723 70522 Point Lncc 330 101 110 720 70407 110X7107rf4S Pimpante 105 102S 110X710 7rf4S May Lutz 107 710 710tfijin tfijin Bondieea 1001 1021 104X703 41 Mrs Clarion Moore 300 700 70350 Splendidn 100 nr 7044t nr7044t Woodlands Uose 100 GSr lhiP5 GSrlhiP5 FaIv CIara 103 1022 301 ORO 37 Ruplcoia 10O 07r ii 22 Nita R 307 G2r G2r704SC 704SC Dolly Bultman 107 G2T 74901 Anile 107 GOO GOOSecond Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 70313 1OGR 4 112 0107 KIM HARWOOD 92 107 103X72T 103X71704G7 0422 Alice 102 l0 i 103X71 704G7 T M Green 103 107 110X705 70040 Richard Reed 100 lfl a irl X703 70503 Dan de Noyles 99 107 110X700 70544 Irrigator 95 107 105X700 G30I2 Dr Holzberg 107 112J 105X700 7 693Gfi3 21V Yankee Tourist 103 693 Gfi3 The Missus 103 I5 I5G4S5 G4S5 Cap Griffon 103 G50 G50Third Third Race Short Course Steeplechase Steeplechaseyearolds yearolds and upward Allowances Track record C420G 344 6 142 7292 St Volma 5 1MX700 7 GOOnrL 52 Croolin1 S 354 GOO nrL Picktime n354XtK5 7G32 n354XtK57G32 Little Wally 7140XGS5 7135 Arian n 151 XGSO XGSO7U418 75148 Awawegang 5 151 XGSO 7U418 Impertinence 4 137XG75 Ind Horse Wt Rcc A Wt Ildcp 09072 Inkap II 4 139 COO COOFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Allowances Track record G424G lllji 3 112 70450 lierwick 112 112 4I0 X750 5X7457I533S 7170 Night Mist 115112 C 5X745 7I533S Superstition 100 IMIJ I105 740 70153 Dixie Himmel 110 115 1011 X7 ° 5 715470 Chief Hayes S lijt r 100 725 7257G513 7G513 Royal Onyx 110 ll s 4112X720 4112X720FifUi FifUi Race 1 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Allowinces Track record 40074 1383 I SO 75520 3 Youthful 102 140 102X725 102X72570503s 70503s Keep Moving s S 1418 100 715 7157G340 7G340 Hcverus Ki 141 I105X710 I105X71070515s 70515s Tcrah 00 150 0112X710 0112X710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 575S1 lii 3 110 70317 = Lady Esther 100 144R K X 725 7i45 Warner Griswcll Griswcll7C245 14 lit Oil X 71 5 7C245 Miss Strome 4 107X705 7050 Camillo 1M72 4 102 705 7G3 Topsy Robinson 108X700 7035S Miss Marlorlc 117X700 Queen752S 7C50S Oriental Queen 117X095 752S Lady Baldnr 2XO 5 7G44 Aniieta Lady 10SXC5K 75iOn Moonrakcr 108 X 510 70415 Nancy 107X 5S5 701HO Kose F 107 CS5 70525 Usury 70347 Tagane Seventh Race 1 1S Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 7G4722 Holscher 110 154 si 113 X 720 7207G29G3 7G29G3 Lady Martha 102 l55ij 3 04X71 70472 3102X7107fillG2 Spunky 105 lr5i 3102X710 7fillG2 Clements 112201 4 112 X705 76547 Tivolinl 104 154 4 105 X 705 76525 Matador 114 155 0 100 700 70520 Chanida 109 l33g 7104X700 7104X700Tlie Tlie figures under Rcc in above entries show showthe the best time mad by the horse at the distance distancewith with weight carried since January 1 1006 This Thistime time is not necessarily made by a winner It may i be the estimated time of a losing performance