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NEAR CLOSE AT AQUEDUCT, f to GOOD RACING BUT SMALL FIELDS OK NEXT 1 TO THE LAST DAY OF THE MEETING. Statesman Wins tho Babylon Handicap Animus . Makes a Sensational Finish Bcaucoup Recovers Good Form. j Vfw York. October 2. This was tlio List day but one of the racing at Aqueduct this year anil an excellent anil belter tilled card than usual was provided lor tbt delectation of the small remnant left of Now Yorks former great racing nubile. The attendance f 1 5s keeping ll well, there being no perceptible falling iff iti that respect on account of District Attorney I I r Ins published criticisms of the track and its 1 . tticials. There was a touch of autumn In the air and topcoats were noticeable everywhere. A .stiff Wind blew down the long homestretch and ina-irJ"llv helped the non-stayers. I tie Babylon Handicap, the feature of the card, va seriously depleted tw withdrawals which re-d.i d It To tln?e starters. Statesman. Wise- Mason .aid Ladr Selina. The first named was thought to be well iu and the outstanding form of the race, with only ninety-five pounds to carry. In the running Stuteandman esandaved to wait on the outride of Wise 1 .Uasja, but before a furlong bad been covered Ins jockey nas compelled to give him a freer rein, with 1 imc result thai lie left; the others in a couple of utrldes tin if thov were anchored. All through the 1 Inns lialf-mlle of the lioinestretch Me-Cahey took ; iiui tcrs easy, too easy In fact, for he drew au uk-neer ssarily line finish with Statesman. It was apparent to close observers that he was ouly "kidding McCarthy, on Lady Seliua. Wise Masons early strenuous -pursuit of the? winner caused 1dm to Ure midway of the stretch, and he swerved obliquely across the track to the outside. This trait, which, lias hitherto been unsuspected in Wise Veins make up. effectually disposes of any stake horse pretensions on the part of the half-brother to the famous Met hesney. The tabled history of the Babylon Handicap is jriven below: Year. Winner. A. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. 1002 St. Finnan 5 lit .T. Martin ..,230 1:27? 1003 Reveille us Redfem 1.5S0 1:27? 1SHI4 Oxford KC, .r. Martin... l.fflO 1:13 V". Kinleydale 11: Shaw 1.000 Zambesi 17 AV. Miller. .. 1. 530 VASf. W.NLive Wire . ...10S 11. MeDaniel 1.530 1:141 LioS vtatesman 05 McCahey ... 050 1:13?. Uuti at fceren-eigliths of a mile In 1002 and 11K3. lor all ages in J0o2. As a purely racing attraction the opening dash of seven furlongs was far superior to any other on the program. Besides having engaged the largest and best Held of the day. it was run in faster time, considering the stiff wind facing the runners up the hackstretch. and also served to reveal a rattling itCNsl two-year-old in Schleswig. S. C. Hildreths recent purchase from J. E. Madden. This colt displayed speed of a high order when he dominated the running of such a fast and mature lot of horses tor six and a half furlongs. It was only iu the tiual hundred yards that the ame youngster succumbed to Delirium and Live Wire. With of which passed him after a long and dosperate stretch effort. The stare and the finish of the second race furbished sensational features anil all on account of Animus. When the field started. Animus was virtually left, but when ueariug- ihe finish he whs the only one in it. drawing oat of the ruck with lsttcli a meteoric night of speed that the spectators stood agape. Beaucoup. with McCarthys assistance iu the sad-tile, played with the poorly ridden favorite. Killiet-eraukie. in the long-distance race. Miss Crawford retired after binning along for a mile. William C. Father Bill Daly, enjoyed an unusual honor in having n horse of his start a favorite in a raee on metropolitan tracks. It is a tradition hereabouts but no horse of Halvs can win so handicapped. Yet. the old man rooted for victory harder on this ooeaslun than ever before. The whole grandstand sympathized with him over Killiecrnnkles defeat. Crowlev and Lord Stanhope proved a winning eom-"ilnntiou in the fifth race and Constellation, a notoriously fast non-stayer, was literally blown in iront of her six opponents by the gale at her back Jn the long homestretch. Delirium and Statesman were the only two successful public choices. Adrlucbe ran In the name and colors of .Tames Me.Manus today. Trainer Kimball Patterson re-larked in the paddock before the race that she had rot eaten a handful of food in two days, and this -iv as horne out by her race. Eastern race-goers are unanimous in saying that the lockeys riding here are the poorest riding on any track in the country. McCarthy is considered very much superior to any of his saddle rivals. S. C. Hildreth left .loo Madden and Schleswig behind in Charge of V. DI. Taylor. Martin Nathanson is here in the interests of the w California Jockey Club. Latest reports from the Kings Comity Hospital, where the injured jockey. II. Smith, is confined, are , neouraging. The doctors in attendance say that he vill recover ultimately.