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; ONE OF THE GREAT UNDEFEATED THREE-YEAR-OLDS OF THIS YEAR. : 1 I AUGUST BELMONTS CH. G, 3, PRISCILLIAN, BY HASTINGS ST. PRISCILLA, Ip a raving way Priscillian was the one great discovery of the year. He was not started as a two-year-old and very little was heard of him, except that sickness had prevented him from being shipped to Kngiand with the band of yearlings that included Norman III. and Crossbar. Still, some rumor of speedy work iu training last spring got out and, when finally he made his appearance in a race for maidens at Jamaica, May G. he was second choice to Peter Quince in the opening betting and a 0 to f favorite iu the closing quotations. Peter Quince is a fast horse himself aud. while Prisellliau won by three-quarters of a leugth. he was doing his best at the end of the six furlongs of the race, which was run in 1:13. His secoud race was at the same track. May 12. at a mile aud a sixteenth, which he won iu a canter by five lengths in 1:47JS. with 110 pounds up. Zienap was secoud. Killiecrankie third and three more unplaced. His next start was for a purse at the same distance at Belmont Park. May 14. Again he won off by himself, with Berkeley second and DArkle third. Time, 1:47J. and weight 117 pounds. May 22 was the occasion of his first stake race. This was the Ciaremont Handicap at six and one-half furlongs. With 111 pounds up he won by a length aud a half from KInc Cobalt, with Roseben third. Tho track was muddy and the time 1:214. At Sheepahend Bar, 3jiue 20, Priscillian made his however, had a decided effect on the attendance, which was several times as large as ou auy of the other days during the week. The clubhouse and laws were plentifully sprinkled with people, while a portion of the grandstand was comfortably filled. Betting was heavy. There was no interference and it seemed a bit like the old days of unhampered speculation to the people who were there. As ouly 0110 favorite was successful, the speculatively inclined contingent must have left the track distressed financially. reappearance on the track after a considerable absence. This was in a mile dash, in which his amazing speed was signally manifested. Carrying 10S pounds he won pulling up in 1:37S. and could plainly have far eclipsed the present mile record had he been sent along. His opponents were Peter Quince. 105; Fur West, 105: Robert Cooper 106. and Jubilee, tea. Next he was started in his first race of great importance. This was the rich Commonwealth Handicap of a mile and a quarter at Sheepshead Bay, July 4. The track was muddy. Priscillian had up 100 pounds aud. taking the lead on the backstreleh. drew away and won eased up by two and a half lengths In 2:0S. Firestone. 100 pounds up. was second; Royal Tourist. 104, third, and those unplaced were Master Robert. OS: Gold Ladv. 103: Gretna Green. 110: Frank Gill. 115: Montgomery. 114: Old Honesty. 09 and Running Water. 110. His next and last race of the vear was in the Occidental Handicap at Gravesend. September 14. It was at a mile and an eighth, and he was an easy winner in 1:52. He carried 120 pounds, and defeated Master Robert. 110: Dandelion. 112: Firestone. 112; Tourenne. 107: Far West. 102, and Tonv Bonero. iS. Shortly afterwards he struck a leg while being exercised and it was decided to retire him for the year. His triumphant record is as follows: Year. Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. Won. 190S 7 1 0 0 0 S1S.S50 1 West Australian.. J Melbourne. r Australian J Mowerlna. Young Emillus. Km L,milm ilia 1 f Sptimturift.;.. J j Persian. I 1 J ??t01U f Lexington , I Aerolite 1 Alice Carneal. U Floriue i f"0,0? ..... - - 1 Melody. f Hustiugd 4 I -Tomahawk or f Kiu Tom gffloS. j2 f: . :Kuiu I Miumueat Sweetmeat I Cinderella .... J - Hybla. 1 . - ; :; - 1 Bwn Bread j EoSSe 3rt Uluuiiu.., Tartot j Birdcatcher. d t : ,".- t -laitKt Marc by Don .Toiiu. "3 k " i Trumpeter. o r Plutus iiutus.. w , Daugh. of Planet. 5 - fFlaOlut -....J j - v,a..Uf. lavonte Monarquc. S tR rritayon dOr... ! " "j Constance. .4 r -vinbrow 1 Touchstone. 0 "-. . -. AinDrose j Annette. . . - 1 Araucana 3 j Glencoe. locahontas Ut. Priicilla... J - - - Marpessa. I " , aermlt Txprmu i Newminster. - Seclusion. f St. Blaise j Marsyae. Fusec i Vesuvienue. lPauUue i Sweetmeat. f .Parmesan Parmesan , Gruycre. I Patience j Vntrnn ,. J Prime Minister. 1 anonuge Rjgolboche. Hows in his veins. He is a grand looking bay by Orsini Santa Bella aud resembles his illustrious brother, although put together on finer lines. William Walker stopped off today en route from Seattle to Arcadia with his stable and arranged to ship Edwin Gum. Harry Scott. Earl Rogers and Old Settler here from Santa Anita in a few weeks to be trained and raced by P. G. Lynch. Walker may return here with his entire stable before the running of the Rums Handicap. Phil Chinn will ship six horses here. Harry Stovers Montana string reached Petalunia today and will be prepared there for their Oakland campaign.