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REPORTED FUND TO SUSTAIN RACING. New York. April 2 — It is reported that over S2O0.-mx of a projected fund of $:;iHi,IMMi for ihe MtBMtl and inainteiiaiiri of racing ovi-r tile metro|iolitan tracks, has Iwen suhscribed and the remainder is I i-|i..n-ilily assured. Tins money will be held to Jiiakv giMiil any loss the racing associations mav ex-Pei iein-e if Hie revenues from the gales should fail !.. nn-.-i expenses. This movement toward the establishment of a linking fund was started several inoiillis ago. All ■rimer tin- soliuis of tin- tuif have bi-.-n busily i-n-Kacetl -oiiudiiig men 011 tlnir loval: to ractaai. In ever ease the project to obtain 1300.000 bv 1.0M siibs4-riptious was broai-bcd. Some nii-n were not nxioi.s to donate — that is what Hie iib .-ripti.ui realty amounts to but enough men wen- found who aere willing to acn-pt tin- rtafio— IblHty of placing large amount at the disposal ot the Jo. key 1 lull.