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THIRTYDAYS MEETING FOR PENSACOLA Pensaeola Fin January 2 W II Rlckers has organized the Pensaeola Midwinter Uacing and Fair Association with the object of giving 100 or inor days racing here each winter hereafter The aso clation has acquired a threequartermile trottin track and is converting it into a claysurfaced running course on which a meeting of thirty davs in duration will be given beginning March i It is expected that there will be an extensive shipment of horses hero from Tampa as the local meeting will OIMU at alwut the time that Tampa closes Ship ¬ ments of horses are expected from Jacksonville as well The booking privileges and other concessions will l e sold shortly and Mnnager Bickers promises purses of S250 and OO Pensaeola has a ponula tlon of t7000 and its permanent population will bo added to while the nice meeting is on by the pres ¬ ence in port of a large fleet of American warships Pensaeola is in a thciving condition The spending of 1T OOOOO for street paving during the past few months has put much money in circulation in tho community and times are good here