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NOTES OF THE TURF TURFMarch March 31 has been select promised thirtydays meeting at Pciisacola Fia FiaChris Chris Smith of Yo Tambien and Maid Marian fame lias put in an appearance at Jacksonville JacksonvilleTom Tom Shaw is organizing a minstrel performance among racetrack regulars at Jacksonville for the benefit of two deserving Jacksonville charities charitiesIn In New Zealand they are strict in respect to rough riding U Deeley a leading lig cently suspended for a year for an offense of that thatThe The grand jury of Kenton County Kentucky ha returned an indictment against the Latouia jockev lull for racing without a license from the State Racing Commission of Kentucky during the period when its case against the commission was pendinr in the courts courtsT T C McDowell has engaged stable room at Churchill Downs for twelve horses but he will not occupy those quarters until the spring meeting lie gins there He will do his earlv training at the Kentucky Association track at Lexington as he purposes to race some of his horses at the Lexing ¬ ton meeting meetingJames James Hewitt with whom Jack Sturgis is asso ¬ ciated in the ownership of Pnlka is reported to have refused an offer of 7501 for that blood relative to Sir Martin Pnlka was bred by John E Madden lint was sick for a goodly portion of 10 and never raced to his real form as it twoyearold He la liberally engaged this season