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WILL REPORT MILLER BILL CANADIAN COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY TAKES SURPRISING ACTION AT OTTAWA Measure Will Go to the House on Tuesday Next NextAfter After Being Passed Upon by Department of ofJustice Justice to Determine Its Practicability Ottawa Ont iMareh 10 At todays sitting of the Miller hill 1omnut tec it was decided br a vole of to 2 F II Monk and 7 B MiColl dissenting to report llio bill to the house oil Tuesday Before that is clone the department of justice will be asked to pass on the wording of the bill with regard to ts practicability and iji order to make It clear that it does not prohibit individual betting I all proba ¬ bility if will debated in the house next week The action of the committee conies in the nature of n surprise to the advocates of racing as it had been generally thought that n majority of the com ¬ mittee would be adverse to the legislation proposed liy Mr Miller MillerJohn John F Ryan of the Canadian National Bureau of Breeding lias tiled in the house a1 strong presentment in opposition to tiie Miller bill the chief points of which arc as follows followsThat That the National Bureau gets Its horses by do ¬ nation and that 7 per cent or such donations come from American owners and breeders who race in Canada and approve of the AngloSaxon racing laws in force here That the National Bureau cannot compete for thoroughbred horses in the open market against the buyers of Kuro caii governments so that if there is any legislation which will stop the donation of horses our work will lie greatly hampered hamperedThat That any legislation which will close up the tracks will stop all American donations to the Na ¬ tional Bureau BureauThat That our bureau aims to improve the horsebreed ¬ ing Industry of Canada The thoroughbred is the inly known Iioree which improves all breeds and the breeding industry of a nation means all breeds This luis been proven by other nations for ail years yearsThai Thai in addition to improving all breeds the National Bureau is creating a utility type which will do a large share of I the nations work anil be ready for cavalry puriKfos In time of war In other words the NationafiBureau Is solving the re ¬ mount problem for the IJritlsh Empire and IJiis branch of imperial defense is second only in im ¬ portance to the British navy The territorial army alone in England is S4OOO horses short In the event of a European war England would not be allowed to purchase horses except In her own territory or that of an allv During the loer war she purchased cavalry horses in Austria Hangary the Argentine and the United States This vas because the Trans ¬ vaal was not a sovereign power If such had not ben the case England would have been crippled for the Boer war used up 800000 horses and apart from war altogether England needs from six to eight thousand horses per year to keep the cavalry up to a peace footing footingThat That the English war ofiice has sent men to cverv bole and corner of Canada and these men are asking Canadian farmers to raise cavalry horses and to avail themselves of the opportunity offered by the National Bureau BureauThat That the war experts of England say that Eng ¬ land depends niton Canadian farmers to produce this crop The English government lias the money to pay for them and if Canada does not produce these liorses no other country can Australia sends 8000 war horses per year to India France Germany Russia and Japan jealously guard their horse crop Austria to which England has often sent for horses low needs them herself