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FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances SS570 111 7 105 Index Course DIstTImeTckOdds Wt St StrFln Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy ELMETA HAMILTON ch f 3 97 97SSC30 By John Bright The Crisis M Preston SSC30 Jacksville 34 1141 fast S 101 5 1 1LAWNDALE 1 1 42 McTagrt 14 Imitate Marie Hyde Amyl AmylBy LAWNDALE 97SSG12 BELLE ch f 3 97 By Box The Queens Gambit Lawndale Stable SSG12 Jacksville 34 1131 fast 200 112 2 2 2SS53S 3nt 711 Dreyer 10 FairLouise AmanIwce Ail t Rose SS53S Jacksville 5S 1011 fast 50 107 4 3 3MARIE 72 89 Palms 9 Herpes Miss I ris Voltaire VoltaireBy 97SSC30 MARIE HYDE b f 3 97 By Handcuff Miss Golightly W H Fizer SSC30 Jacksville 34 1141 fast 13 1031 S S SSS578 4 21 Mountain 14 Imitate Amyl Elmeta Hamilton SS578 Jacksvllle 7S 1272 fast 25 96 5 4 3 3SS521 53 5ei J Wilson 10 Dander Boserriah Silverinc Silverinc3U SS521 Jacksville 34 l14g fast 8 107 3 2 3U 44J Mountain S Mon Ami Herdsinah Amyl 88472 Jacksville 7S l31g food 20 92 10 8 C CS8271 7 7iMoore ii Myllenry ForeGuard LMcNally S8271 Jacksville 51 f 1121 hvy 8 92 G 2 2t LMcNally2t 32 Moore 9 Mystifier DNichoIsoh Sij Deal SS3IG Jacksville 5 f 1101 hvy 10 105 4 44 44SS257 3 320 IxiVLH 5 DofOrmonde VreeliidHOrdsinn SS257 Jacks ville Dif lilOjjhvy 12 9411 10 10 9 9iWeathers 12 Catroke Pllaiii Colonel Jot JotInk 8184 Jacksville 3H llCg slow G 107 3 11 11AMYL Ink 4cj Mountain y Allaufearu Herdsman Unlverse UnlverseBy AMYL b f 3 97 97S8G30 By Ildrim Anitra Kenwood Stable S8G30 Jacksville 34 114 J fast 13 10113 7 7 78S078 7l 3J Obert 14 Imitate lariellyde EIIamilton 8S078 Jacksville 7S 1271 fast 0 92 91010 10 10SS521 S EIIamiltonS 8lJlAdaniR 10 Dander Boserrlaii Silveriiie SS521 Jacksville 34 1142 fast 21 107 1 3 4 2t sij G Burns S Mon Anil Herdsman MarieHyde 88473 Jacksville 7S l31g Rood 12 97 13 13 13 13 13KS419 12 122S J Henry l Myllenry ForeGuard LMcNally KS419 Jacksvilla 51 f l09g fast G 9512 10 9 9SS3S9 4 Pease 1 Endymion SquariDeal GRagglo SS3S9 Jacksville 34 11CJ good 3 97 7 66 66UNIVERSE 21 J Jlenry 8 Dave Nicholson Sylph Diction UNIVERSE b c 3 102 102SSG30 By Dicudonne Belle Graham H Bowen Bowenr SSG30 Jacksville 34 1142 fast 7 103 4 5 5 5SS53S r G4i J Reid 14 Imitate Marie Hyde Amyl SS53S Jkville 1 116 14S fast 10 107 2211 2211S8525 lit Amyllit 54i K Griffin 7 Zyiiiolc Colohol Jot Ten Paces S8525 Jkville 1 116 l4Sg fast 40 100 7 H 9 9 98S473 9 92 OConnor 9 Oberon GJnbilee EofRicbmd EofRicbmd9J 8S473 Jacksville 7S 131 g good 12 100 81110 10 9J 9l 9llHannan lHannan 13 MyHenry ForuGiiard LMcNally 88334 Jkville 1 11C l5Sg hvy 10 112 2355 2355K82SS 45 24 llannan it FortyFour Myllenrv LMcNally K82SS Jacksville 7S 1322 hvy 16 104 4 3 4 4 32 4 = 1 S Davis GfOrmsby FCecilian LMcNally 88233 Jacksville 51 f 110 hvy 15 9IJ 7 6 5 5SS184 5 4 J OConnor 8 VStrcinle GFIsher J Reardou SS184 Jacksville 34 llGg slow 1 112 4 55 55PALMA 41 3s Nicol 9 Allanfearn Herdsman Mllyde PALMA ch g 3 99 99JS575 By Loki May Easter W C Leach JS575 Jacks ville 7S l2Ss fast 100 U7 2 1 1 2 2SS407 9 93Ploss 10 FGuard lALJWhalen Sandpiper SS407 Jacks viile 5 f 108 good 100 9911 12 12 12MARTIN 12 1221 F II Kiiig 12 DParadelL LCreed FCtcillan FCtcillanBy MARTIN MAY b g 3 99 99SC30 By Bridgewater Brenda F J Pons SC30 Jacks ville 24 1141 fast 50 9713 10 10SS521 12 12JM Henry 14 Imitate Mario Hyde Amyl SS521 Jacksville 34 l14g fast 15 109 5 87 7 71iObert 8 Mon Ami Herdsman Amyl 8490 Jacksvllle 34 l14g fast GO 99 7 9 10 10SS419 9 8uiOCoimor 30 St Regis J Ueardon Vreeland SS419 Jacksville 5 f l09g fast 8 97 11 11 11 11SS303 11 9 ° J M Henry K Endvmion SquareDeal GRaggio SS303 Jacksville 5S 1042 hvy 10 1011 5 55 55SS004 5t GRaggio5t 711 Obert 8 Rosseaux JReardon QueensSg SS004 Jacksville 51 f l09g slow 15 109 1 3 3 3S7SGG 31 3J Obert 12 Starboiird Oghwaga Herdsman S7SGG Jacks ville 51 f 1081 fast 12 109 2 33 33QUEENS 4 t 42l Obert 14 Briareus Herdsman Universe UniverseBy QUEENS SONG b f 3 97 978S53S By Clifford Queen of Song R Angarola 8S53S Jacks villa 5S 1011 fast SO 107 2 G G G8S490 52 42i llannan 9 Herpes Miss Ixiris Voltaire 8S490 Jacksville 34 1142 fast 25 100 6 67 67SS441 7 7 G i llannan 10 St Regis J Reardon Vreeland SS441 Jacks ville 1 1421 fast GO 102 Left eft at th the post Haiuian 12 Starovir Allaiifearn IXt Creed SS333 Jacksville 5S 105 hvy 100 107 G G G GSS303 G 5 Illinium G Carroll Zacatecas Fk Purcell SS303 Jacksville 5S 104 hvy 25 102 4 43 43LEVENGSTON 433 3s Harinan S Rosseaux J Reardon Pin Oat LEVENGSTON b c 3 106 106SS630 By Migraine Clasher D Hill SS630 Jacks ville 34 114 J fast 20 110 2 22 22S7452 3 S5i Troxler 14 Imitate Marie Hvdc Amvl S7452 Jacksville 5X r lOS fast 15 11013 13 13 13S7313 12 = 12 JJ Reid 14 Dave Wallace Universe Smug S7313 Jacksville 5S 1 03M slow 7 112 4 44 4 4 Troxler 10 Ililicniicn Briarens Amyl 87175 Jacksvllle 34 1161 fast 16 112 S 78 78HENRY S 5ai Musgrvc 12 Gypsy Girl Zymolc Martin May MayBy HENRY CROSSCADDIN b g 4 109 109Si By Senator McCarren Credulity H Miller Si 37 Jacksville 34 113E fast 6 107 4 36 36SSG30 C5 C42 Ganz 9 M Popular Boserrian Ken Queen SSG30 Jacksville 34 114J fast 7 108 3 G GSS310 5si J Henry 14 Imitate Marie Hyde Amyl SS310 Jacksville 78 12SJ fast 20 100 13 874 874JJ8490 4h 11 3JJ Wilson 14 Totem dOr Silverino Dander JJ8490 Jacksville 341142 fast 20 IS 9 7 S S 71 J Wilson 10 St Regis J Reardon Vreeland 87885 Jacksville 51 f 1075 fast 13 104 S 5 2 32 34i G Burns 15 TresToli ILJuiilor MJWIialen 87745 Jacks ville 34 1141 fast 4 11015 2 2 2873S9 24 42i V Powers 1G Pollylxe Universe Gatien Lass 873S9 Jaricsvlll 34 114 fast 10 HW 13 X 9 9BONNY Ill H1 n Meftlivi imly HIM Amvl Allnnby AllnnbyBy BONNY BLOOM ch f 4 107 107SS3y3 By Loki Mollie Hickman W C Leach SS3y3 Jacksville 31 1122 fast 100 103 7 49 49COQUETA 10 103J Reid 10 D tafford HoraceE FPreinium FPreiniumBy COQUETA ch f 4 107 1075G41 By Ethelbert Frantic K Van Ry 5G41 Jacksville 51 f 108 fast 15 102 7 43 43SS53G 61 74 llannan 11 Briareus Snow Ball Pedigree SS53G lacksvllle Ci f 1211 fast 100 103 3 21 21SS524 2i 4 ° 1 llannan 10 Comedienne Mozart Flarney SS524 Jacksvllle 34 l12g fast 100 107 fl 10 10 10S745S 10 10 J Deiriison 10 StkeOnt JCabiniss KAvdal S745S Tampa 5S 106 slow 6 106 5 3 3 8 S1 J Dennison S Clysmic The Ram L Mate 87320 Tampa 5S lOGg slow 25 109 7 87 87MONTCALM 52 55 J Dennisonll MandFaces Bslayer Vaudm VaudmBy MONTCALM b c 3 99 99SS3 By Rocktoh La Tosca II F C Piper SS3 G Jacksvllle 34 112 fast 200 104 G 66 66SS53S 6s 8 f Loach S Martinez MiltonB Anavri SS53S Jacksville 5S 1011 fast 50 109 6 75 75W Gi AnavriGi 7s Leach 9 Herpes Miss Loris Voltaire W C Leach entry Bonny Bloom and Palma