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JACKSONVILLE ENTRIES. Lacing st.irts ai 2:W p. m. Chicago time. 2:"i». I V Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maiden. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4 vear olds and mw.n.l. Selling. Track record: s.V.22 1:061 — 6 — 112.1 Ind. Barae. ,Wt. Bee. A. Wi. IIilcp. sssis Caaaaaaeaae MB l:*M 7..H7.. ■ 7J5 v ;il Tre« Joli |gg l:ii7- g..MT..XTBI SS!i323 11 in,, 4..K»..X715 KWU.T? »Mls» Herbert 4. . KU . . /. 715 sviio s, l, ,-i |i ]i7 |:«g] 3. . loti. . . Tlo f# :n Inaugnration 5..M7..XTW iss.vii, Harold Hall Wfi 1:ns3 S..MB....T0C sVGs, M. J. Whalen 3..109.. 705 sssoj IVrej T:ivl.,r lor, 1:113 4.1ir,. JWi sv:M Hill ln7 1:11 4..MS. ...BB v-i.;s Praaee Alert 4. . MB. . ■ .79$ Second Race — 1-2 Mile. 8-year alte. Alhnraacea. Track reconl: aagja _4s; 2— 10".t. i iss:,:M, |.:, I McMcan .... I« !t :1s: m ■ 725 iss7sl, G rover Hughes lis : u* 1 1 1 . . . .720 ssii ivi-H, ,,-,.ilile Ill :t.i. 111 . 715 HK7T53 KUanette |06 :.",.• los.. -715 KS.SI.-; J,nie Me 11V :4!»» I11..X7M Nshwi Kir Kearney 113 :4!G 11I....7DI is.s-.ti7i Keaorator los :4!»t 111 BM ss7si ;|t,tiniie I ! i KNi 705 MMM* ir. it. BraaaM iMi.ii:: -.vis MB. ...Tag ss!ii7- lieea Mi 11 » : 4".* UCi 7 mi ssiT.-, Dixie Blue Mi... 110 :50 MB.. ..TBI 8K232 Col.tta 10N....0U."t sstBMi Rlla Bijaaa MB.. ..Mi -It. D. Williams ntry. Third Race — 7-8 Mile. ::-ve:it aide and upward. Selling. Hack recor.l: ssvn i r".-,: | km;, i sso.M l.l.i May 100 1:25 5. .tig. . ■ 725 ss:.:, mIm Marjorie 100 1:2j 3..MB. .XTM ssuis- Herdaaaaa Mi ::. . ■». . /715 MMf lay O. Mi . . •Jl 7i0 Ind. Horse. Wt. Bee. A. Wt. Ildcn. s.s:o:t ii Hietoa Mi 4.. 100 lag s.s:i74 *Wild lire ::. . so BB S804.S *«:,.r,iou i.i-e S. .Mg. i..TM R8KWI Away MM 1:20* 7. .MM.. XTM ssttls Silv.r.uhi 4..1O4..X0W0 Fourth Race — 3-4 MUe. 3-year-i his and upward A:hnvnces. Track rerord: BBSTg— 1:11?.— 7— MS. ss!M!t- Kve White 101 1:1::: S..g7..X723 ■SS051- Begone 112 1:131 4. . 111..X720 ss.G!» Wool Sandals 1111:13 3. .114..XT13 ssiMO- Inferno Queen ::. . 33. .XTM ss.uj Kniist 33 1:13 5..MJ9. .X700 ssin.1 Kustaciau MM 1:15* 4..M3..XTD8 SSS47 Doc Allen 1111:15 T..111..X338 Fifth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4 year-olds and Howard. Selling. Track record: 311711 I 33j R III 1 33133 Bahia Graada MB l:07!5 4.. 33. . X725 vsoio Arionette 107 1 :07i 4..M4..X723 87!t52*Rjjhle 107 1:07= 4..MW..X7MI w.i:;:i SplemUda 1 7 1 :7 4. .104. . X715 s.ss47rl Light Blue MB 1KB! 4..M»..ffi710 s,so::ii" Belined 3. .137.. ©700 KH031 The Mackintosh ...KU 1:11| 4. .MB.. X 730 88376 Baser de Civerlev Mi 07 1:12i 4. AW, 133 ss7»4 Night Mist 107 1:371 B..MW..X8H;;: Warden 102 1:081 4. . 100. . X5k» Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-otda and uoward. Selling. Track record: 98822—1:331 B 112.1 ss.hh- STKIKK OCT 38 1:331 4..333..XT38 S -:i51 *St. Jeanne 112 1 :MP 8..MM..X720 HN01O* Joe Gaiteaa !4 1:074 4. . loo. .©715 s:t51 Judg- Cihiniss OS 1 :07? 4..100..X715 ssoto Lady lrma S7 1:M* 4..1r3..XTM NNB7R* Camel 1011:371 4..10B..X713 KNMI1 *14gbl Kniglit KM 1:034 A.. 3K..X710 sso7s Hooney K MB l BBJ 3..138..XT39 Seventh Ra.-e — 1 1-16 Miles. 4-vear olds and unward. Selling. Track record: 8303 1 1:431 4 MM. 837834 Console »S 1 :45g 4. .133. . X 725 ssii:; Piute 133 1:47 4. .MM. .X 720 iss:i::ii First Ircmiiim 103 1:431 7..110..X715 ssc:4- Fore Gaard 112 1:40 4..13S..X710 88332s Jack BJgbt tin... 119 1:471 4. .loo 70S 88802 Caatlewood 10S 1:47* B..1M..XTM ♦Apprentice alhiwallce. The figures under "Bee." in above entries show the lust time made hy the horse at the distance, with weigl t carried, rince January 1. MBS. this lime is not ne-essavily made hy a winner. It inay l e the estimated time of a losing performance.