Future of Canadian Turf Assured.: Advocates and Opponents of Miller Bill Agree Upon Measure to Regulate Racing in the Dominion., Daily Racing Form, 1910-04-16


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FUTURE OF CANADIAN TURF ASSURED. Advocates and Opponents cf Miller Bill Agree Upon Measure to Regulate Racing in the Dominion. Toronto. Oat., April 15. — 1nder 1he arraunement of dates for the season of UIK for the tracks under control of the Canadian Bachaj Ass.M-ia lions, there will he two ateetian* of ciuht days at each track. The time is so allotted that each will take iu two Sal unlays, leaving ample lime bet are t a Meeting* for the journey from one pla.e to another. The season will otieii at Woodbine, as usual, on ihe I rul.iy he-fore Vieioria Hay. The Kings Plate will he run 011 the opening day. Montreal. Hamilton, l-ori Rrte ami Windsor follow as in Hie pant, and at each place nine day* are allotted, so thai one will he lefl hlank. Ihe blank day will lie decided upon later hy the cluh interested, bal in many cases it will be Monday, though some probably will make il eight daya straight hy opening on Friday. The first variation from the old schedule and a welcome one is the holding of a Woodbine meeting in summer instead of fall. The second meeting of the Ontario Jackey Cluh will come- at .ho eml of Jaty and will laelade Bkc Civic holiday. Thou en mi s Haiiiilion. as MontreaJer* prefer Septeaaber dales, while Hlue Hontieis will follow Windsor, which closes on Lab** Hay. The l-orl Krie fall meeting will close the circuit. The schedule is as follows: Ontario .loekoy Cluh. Toronto, eight days li.t v -.-ii Friday. May 2 *! and Saturday. May 28. Moiiireal Jockey Cluh. eight days hetween Thursday. June 2. ami Saturday. Juno 11. Hamilton lackey Cluh. eight days het-woon Thursday. June Hi. and Saturday. June 25. Niagara Baeing Assocbttion, Fort Krie. eight dayi helweeii Thursday. June :io. and Saturday. July 9. Windsor Baeing Aaaoeiatlaa, eight days betareca Thamdny, July 14. and. Saturday. July 23. Ontario Jockey Cluh. Toronto, eight days between Thursday. July 2S. and Saturday. August fl. Hamilton Jockey luh. eight days between Thursday. August 11. and Saturday. August 20, Windsor Uaiing Association, eight days betareca Saturday. August 27. and Monday. Soptemher 5. Montreal Jockey Cluh. ebjefet days between Thurs day. September s. an 1 Saturday. S»iitenilier 17. Niagara Baeing Association, l-orl Krie. eight days let ween Thursday, Septeaaber 2.!. and Satarday, October 1. Ve-t onlays Meeting was attended by President J. K. Seagram. Sir Montana Allan. Judge Moach and Messrs George M. llendrie and .1. II. Ma.iigan. and the utmost satisfaction was oxpiessed a 1 r the racing null 00k. The peruianence of Uie snort is now e» tahlisiied and the racing associations will continue their efforts to maintain il at its present height of popularity and puhlie confidence. The different cluhs will at once sot abaat preparations for their attractions. A measure which will not lie of a controversial nature will ho presented lo the House of Commons at Ottawa next wick lo cover the racing situation permanently and will receive the approval of hoth the supporters ami opponent* of the Miller hill. It will make clear the legality of spt dilation at rare meet ings 011 the local races and will establish the fixitv of a place for ihe bookmakers, pooisellera or the pari inu.uei Method. The privilege will he restricted to Meetings of n t longer than seven days duration and not ofteiter than twice a year, hut only on xistiug tracks. New cluhs cannot he Incorporated to take advantage of the situation. The hill will also include provisions against handhooking am! naaaraaaa keeping that are expected to he eaTecthre and will prohibit the sale of betting information, whether on barae races or other events.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910041601/drf1910041601_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1910041601_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800