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GOSSIP FROM KENTUCKY SOURCES. I.i-uisvillc. K.. Aplil 21. -Col. W. K. Apple-gate- baa di-po-d "l all his old Kret atan stark in the way ■ d thoiciiigubred mare- with the cNeeptioii eel Volnia. a daughter of tie -real Volante-. He- has a proinis ing yc-arliim til I y bv WTunlatharae out af Vohna. and the- two-year obi. I- log. in trainc-r William Walkers c-are at Chai i hill Dowa*. owned by him and W. O. anke. is also out of this speedy man-. Frog is bv tin- Knglish stallion. Monsieur do l.Orme and is eligible to the Bashford Maaar Stakes and ether Bjiatata t wo | ■ -ar old events, a- well as the Ke-n-tuekv Peibv ot BUI. On- reason Colonel App]. -gap-lias each ■ I igh regard for Vnln.a is that Ini dan:. Maori, also produce el the great KiIii-IIm-H. site- of lb* 0iiici liz Herhert. Cat, Hat! J. aytaa saya thai Waldo.- aaraer, C. I.. Harrison, told him in New York recently that the crack eolt an I all hi- :_ * d t w 0 v.-al-ohb. Aviator. Meridian. He.u-e-ma id. Miadlnette ami Prineeaa Callaway weiiiiei reaaaia lo-re ihiwaalnnii the- Louisville-inietiiiu ami he promised Colonel Winn that in future-lie- would nominal- bearily f er all stakes bete. Fight lag Bah. ti we Keifs eaadldato f.n- the Keatarki Derby, namrlaed his lialaii and i group of eaalimken todaj I". ejafatK ■ mile and an eighth ever .-, heavy track at Fhari hill Daaraa in 1 :5!il. Wahlo. He ruling favorite, was out ami received a bt isk an Map. Be vera! other Derby rnndMntes acre eseretard freely batty for the- tirst time in a week iinelcr favorable weather condition-.