Good Feeling for Latonia: Kentucky Racing Commissioners Confer with Representatives of Track, Daily Racing Form, 1910-06-08


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GOOD FEELING FOR LATOMA KENTUCKY RACING COMMISSIONERS CONFER WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF TRACK. Questions Affecting Financial Aspects of Racing Dis cussed — Unwieldy Fields Provide Only Ordinary Racing and Speculation Falls Off. Cincinnati. ».. Jane 7. Rig fields furnished inter sling sport for a l.i iily largo crowd at l.alonia to day. S| o lllal ion fell off considcrahlv from vestor «ay. chiefly because of tiehK Favorites Were successful in three races. The eaaneM that aih.l iii liiiled J., In, Carroll. On anil Stieker. After John Omli defeat jockey Mesa** claimed against tl:. winner. Alma llov. I.ut the judges would not allow it. dooming that the interference he stlf t.T.d vtii not sufficient to warrant disijualiticat ion. I h judgi-s. however, censured Kcnncdv. Alma Itrns lidor. for rough riding. The officials are beut "on li.uing .lean racing ami aim to punish the slightest tnMaflpeaaers. Alter Crexa defeat l.v Iscppa. thev -111:111. Hied 1:. Martin ami informed that voungstei that !• would have to dispiai more Stlfll ■■ he. v anted ;,, continue hiv vocation here. He gave the co I a weak and listless rife. fllMfJI .1. Longs c..l-rs were successful at the .irst attempt when •.iiiini.a -co;.d over twelve platers in the second race. Another big hand went in the third and Henderson A; lb-galls BMeiersaa proved an easv winner. The opener eiialded Bettie Sue to graduate trotn tin maiden ranks. The closing dash was ■simply a romp for Leamonoc. which showed marked improvement over his Louisville form. Five machines were taken off this afternoon, onlv twelve l«ing in operation. No 1 ones were used. Seven were for .si hettors ami five were for those il. -siring to wager $.,. The same number of machines .111.! denominations will be continued for the rest of the meeting. .lo. Morris. Boots Boula and Itonau. which finished •" " do: 11 inn d in the l.atoiiia D.-rbv. came out « f tin- race in good raaeauea. Donau will lie rested NT a spa.-, and will later be shi]iped with Haniiridgo lo Hamilton. Milf.n Young, who will preside at Oklahoma Citv. will attempt a little missionary work in tiiat section with « vi.-w t influencing the promoters of racing in that locality to hold short spring meetings, beginning next spring. T.inns Stride arrived today with Johnnie Blake and s.v.ia] others that he intends to race hero. I.011 JSMMM claimed Bad News H. after his defeat in the fifth race, paving ,000 for him An informal MMTereanse was held hue last night l.otwcon racing commissioners Camden and Young MM representatives of the I.a tenia ass.M-jatioii relative t,, Hi,, resolution recentlv introduced which would force the association here to hang up purses ot not feaa than BBS* value ami aim deprive it ,,f • h. .hJ.I pom do- when the break in the goes ••vor the link.!. Messrs. Camden and Young stated positive! that the; wanted to he impartial to all the Kentucky tra. l ami the resolutions will not 1.0 :!i]", "" "", M "i" rtaae " •» L*t"iiia aatetiax. Ml tie tracks will then be given a hearing their l..-k- will he examined to ascertain their financial Mat us ami the commission can then act accordingly I he raise in purs.- will p he ordered in proportion to the h.isines- d„:ie at the respective tracks. It may he that the commission will -,;,,„• lion an increase of on.- per cent. commission to all the tia.ks and area* that all the breaks of odd peuiii. - re to 1 tmmi l-i the maintenance of disabled h • -ke.i- .and trainers or to so-:,e other worthv cause SHIii Steven-. the well known b.H.kmaker. val among today s visitor* and left tonight far Montreal John londmi returned to Chicago tonight.

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