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NOTES OF THE TURF. Termer bjefeej Charles Kelh is now a bookmakers clerk. Waller O. Parmer will sell liis yearlings at De-trail -li August s. dartag ihe Windsor m.sding. 1. 1.. -mere has U n t r«.u!il. I with ■ solo liaek and It was neceanarj i cover the |K ini « t" liis withers villi mi l. Ml ■nddStag liiin in his last start. OaL W. i:. Apphgate aaa arrive. I at New York. where ins boraea have beea raring ..i laic, lie ra maiie.l in lite to act? Uie miming at the l.aloiiia Derby. I. S. IMK of He* Mel. II Stml. l.evnilMoll. K.V.. lias |iui, i;.i , ,| ,,r A. I.. Albright lUe stallion Peep oUay. si!-.- ..I tin- I. .it. .nia I.-rii. ui i. Morris. Th. heme has beaa m Mr. Berueea care far several ji-.-iin. lie !-. arveuteea yea CM of age .Hid is l. r hhire Sundown. t:»iv iv :, i,i:ii ii .he gnu color among race hones in England year, and a ilnailw I l gray arinuera nave alreadj been ret anted. With ■ mini lx-r ,.f mates ..| thit rulor in the ureedlaaj ranks iin.l goad aoraea like tlrcj Let. I.«- Rol lleroile, Na-bah and Friary ai the si ml. ihe rolor ma |Mi sil ly reach the aaaae iaaaactaace as in rrame. arhare it i atraac