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KENTUCKY ASSOCIATICN STAKES. r.::n M al for slakaa mt the Kcataeky ss.«ia 1 .Hid l.HU have been distill. ii. eil auio;;g the l. . -ei:o-,i al Latonia. The stakes an-: d u Handicap, for I line year obis in 1*11: . J M 0. Breeders uturitv. for two-year-olaa in BU: v lue. tfl «» The* -■ a-ill rkwe this .:.r at mhmlehl of The nexi payment in the 1911 Dweasrs January I. I.l . A p:. inent is dae 15 uekl in the ltlii Crass Ktalcea. an othar : . ■ i id race i le run at Lej:igieu ucxt Rpftjfcfe-