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WINS WITH RIGIITEASY JOCKEY KNAPP SIGNALIZES RETURN TO SADDLE BY SUCCESSFUL EFFORT. Skillful Riding Mainly Responsible for Bedwrll Mares Victory Over Emperor William and Hanbridge — Camel Shows Return to Form. Cincinnati. .. June 23.— H. C. lb-dwell finally MM -i v. ,1.1 1 in winning a purse when Rightcasy. skii fully Ii.iik1I.iI by W. Knapp. scored in the li:i n l ••:■ | :i Hirer quarters, athkh featured bsdaya card. The Whs victory was largely due to ilie horsemanship »t her rider. wli allowed surprisingly good lorin atfNc I lengthy abacaeC from the IMW, lie was • Hll.V n-cciiUy restored to favor allll his appeal all..- ■ •II Righti a-- marked his first mount since March •" . P»e . Kiupeior William was l o»t in the rare and with a go-xl sead-SCT mi. I stronger rid** would have won. lianhridgc also -h.uhl have lK-aten the while r. hut slight interference whhh Ik- eneountered in »ie carl stages. .hiiI.ih.mI with a imorly-judged ride. br.sr_;,t Shoal his defeat. S|«-culat ion oa the race • ■•Altered on the first thr.-o. with Hanbridgo ruling iJjc favorite nt | tiuic. Spirited s|xirl was again furnished this afteriUMUi and w» witnessed l-y a Id;: crowd. Jlie heat was intense, l pacta were breaaaat, the greatest sac resulting from the running of the apejalap dasli. when I a promising youngster in the Re-I"-- -table, w.i* taken into eaanp by IScn Dataj and Dclan.y. Ilie winner was so lightly regarded that his ha i k.-rs obtained GO to 1 against him. The lirst-tiiue starter, lender Heart, made a show of he* aaanaattfaa, thirteen other maiden lilln-s. in the aeeaaal rare. Peach? was maile the medium of a Intting roup, hut she had nothing l»ut had luck and was iioier prominent. Hainlv Panic finally managed to win a purse, hut sll. ;;llr In 1 backet- Illllell collee.ll 11 li t il in the last Oolong where siie hli| |Mil through j! small |wiiiug i" win going away. II. McCarrcn. Jr.s Camel -••wed .i surprising form reversal when he got op to land Hi,- fifth rare hv a MM trout Alma Hoy an. I Plantl.ind. Tin- thirteen platen in this race furnished tin beat contest of the dav. The • losing dash went t.. Third Kail, w ditch eatStajred KeJlui in a sharp drive, witli Nadzu in third place. I.l.i May ttv.-h.ped strong supiort in this race, hut After running prominently for the lirst tlucc-.piar Ivr*. tii.-d foully. The program Ihm* lac the last two weeks of [at taaia ractag was Fo wan today. Hern tary Maginn will have for Koi | Krie net" Satutdav te assume his duties there. John Hachnn ist.-r will not he at Koit Krie this araasa. His place probably will Ih- tilled I.v .1 i.h Martin, of St. D.uis. Trainer Hani stated after the running of todavs handieati that Hani. ridge had been to iniieh lough u-.ig. and that he had lamed himself I.v ii-nimg in . on:.:, t with the feme, dm- to crowding. W A. I|;i:,ii - ning of racers, excepting I.a Toupee and Great Pirate. „j|| he shinped to l/.ui-v49h and rested until fall racing. Mr-. Bewail has 1 .weil a tendon, and Star Venus recent Ij contract. -1 a cough. Cncral Manager Haclimcister is making arrang. in- His to handle ■ monster attendance Juh 1. Ml Ilie railroads l-ading into Cincinnati have re «l« rates 1 1 ■ -m aearbi eittea lor the l..-n. tit at tfaaac wi-hing I., attend the I.atonia racing on laic pendrncc ] .i .I.M-key Knatip rode at 112 |K.unds tiHlav. hut . l-l- •• l» tiding it Kis rcgul.-nh. He araa given w rousing ovation aftet his victory mi Ilighteasy .