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FORT ERIE MEETING HALTED RAILROAD STRIKE LEADS TO DISARRANGEMENT OF CANADIAN CIRCUIT SCHEDULE. Directors of Niagara Racing Association Postpone Opening Scheduled for Today Until Railroad Is Able to Furnish Service to Race Course. Buffalo. N. Y., July 29. — At the eleventh hour the Niagara Racing Association announced through the local press that the meeting at Fort Erie, which had Ixen aftvertised to begin tomorrow, had been postponed until such time as the Grand Trunk Railroad, which has a strike on its hands, can furnish service to the course at Fort Erie. The announcement of the postponement came so suddenly that few at first gave it credence. The official entries for tomorrow were made at the usual hour at the course this morning and were printed in the afternoon papers, and not until late in the afternoon was the news given out of the postponement. Should the Crand Trunk strike be settled within t he next few days the meeting will be run, but should the strike continue the racing at Fort Erie will be deferred until Octol er. Much of the patronage accorded to Fort "Erie racing comes from the territory served by the Crand Trunk and the directors of the Niagara Racing Association felt that the meeting could not be successfully conducted witliottt the usual train service* to and from the track, which the railroad was unable to guarantee on account of the strike with which It is contending. _ • Dave Leary, who came here in charge of Fitz Herbert, wired S. ft Hildreth the news of the postponement and asked for instructions. The chances are that the horse will be shipped to Saratoga to fill his stake engagements at that point. E. W. Hefner, who brought fiey Fisher and Bang from New York, will race these tiro horses over the Canadian circuit during the remainder of the season. Jockey A. Lang accompanied Mr. Heffner and -will do all of his riding when be can make the weight. Jockey Kennedy, who has* been riding for J. R. Wahnr right, has arrived from New York, and will ride as a free lance. Joseirti A. Jones got in with four horses from the Knipire City track. His string is made up of Isabel Casse. Hash. Amoret and Hectagon. Jockey J. Wilson is here and will teui|H rarily ride for Forrest Rose. Beginning with the meeting at Hamilton he will join the Valley Farm Stable and will ride for them during the remainder of the season. x Jockey Ganz has returned to his home at Louisville, where he will rest until the opening of the * fall meetings in Kentucky. Canz has been ill for a month with malaria.x « Judge_ Charles F. Price, who was the presiding official at the Windsor meeting, is here to conclude the investigations of the Mill on the Floss-Caper Sauce ami Moncreif-Bedwine races. Several parties r have been on* the carpet and it is understood that sensational evidence has developed in both of these cases. S. A. Clopton. W. t. Borttsehell, jockeys Palms. Pease, Coldstein and P. T. China, owner of Itedwine, have all been interviewed by Judge Price and a final decision in the matter will lie handed out , iu the next few days. Up to date Pease and Palms have been suspended and Coley Thompson has been barred from the privileges of all the Canadian tracks.