Pimlico Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1910-10-16


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PIML1CO FORM CHART PIMLICO MB SATURDAY OCTOBER 15 1910 First day Maryland Jockey Club Fall Meetin 14 days 35 books on Weather clear Presiding Judge W P Ric Starter A B Dade Secretary W P Kiggs Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 115 p m W indicates whip S spurs 1 blinkers Fig ¬ ures In parentheses following the distance of eacli race indicate index number track record age of Iiorst and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance QQ1Q43 FIRST RACE 34 Mile TSiOSl 112 6 2 122 500 added All Ages Allowances JLf tJt O Net value to winner 415 Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O II GPS 91557PRISCILLIAIC wit 5115 22 li Ill 1 C H ShilgA Belmont tC5 75 91014 out outwn 92U7FIELD MOUSE wn 4 115 7 1 4 2 2 2J E Dugan A Belmont t 5 75 91014 out outwn 91561 COHORT wn 5 115 37 7 6H 4 3 Estep Oneck Stable 10 20 20 C 2 2WB 92130JSIR ALVESCOT WB 4 112 C 4 3V 32 3 4S Gross R F Carman 20 30 20 6 2 2WB 914S5BESOM WB 5 112 45 6 7 5 = 5 Musgrve P S P Randolph 85 2 95 35 13 13WB 91532 ROSSBAUX WB 3 110 13 5J 4t 6 6 McCahey J Fitzsirnmons 30 60 50 20 S SWB 92323 DANFIELD WB 3 107 56 2J 5J 7 7 W Doyle G A Bronder 20 25 25 7 2 f Coupled in betting no separate place or shQv betting fastWinner Time 23 46 112 equals track record Track fast Winner Chg by Hastings St Priscilla trained by S CVHildreth Went to post at 211 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving PRIS CILLIAN quick at the start drew away from the others in the first furlong and easily won all the way FIELD MOUSE outbroke the others but was outrun to the far turn from where she moved up rapidly and ei ily disposed of the others Iii the stretch COHORT was caught in a jam at the start and pulled up tlivii closed a big gap into a fast going third SIR ALVESCOT tired after following the early pacemakers closely BESOM was sharply cut off on the backstrctch and pulled up DANFIELI was eased up In the last speedScratched quarter and showed early speed Scratched i1520 Rose Queen 115 80130 Asticot 107 QfclfQirT SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 80107 107 2 113 500 added 2yearolds J 1 tJC I Allowances Net value to winner 450 Ind Horses AWtPPSt = 4 StrFin Jockeys 91490 ADAMS EXPRESS IOC 4 1 E Dugan H C Hallenbeck 20 25 25 S 4 92019 ROEBUCK AVB 102 3 2 22047SWEEPAWAY Estep MrsLALivgston 50 GO CO 20 10 2047SWEEPAWAY w 107 S 5 592138MAR 3 = 3 3s Musgrve J Rowe 71045 35 14 out 92138MAR V LITTLETON V 105 1 4 49I5I3 T 4 4J Gross G W Scott 8 10 8 3 G GSU G5 9I5I3 = ZILLAH w 103 9 0 SU G 5 J Glass O M Bishon G G 6 S5 91514 = 0 U BUSTER w S9 2 C 4 a Ch McCahey W D Althouse 50 CO 40 12 4 91248 ANTENOR w 107 7 77 7 S1 7 7s 74 W Doyle G J Kraus 8 9 S 3 31 31Cnt 32 92231 BARNEY IGOE W 102 5 3 3i C Cnt t Si Snt Dunn G A Mullcr 100 300 200 SO 40 89832 IVY TON WB 99 10 S 7 9 999 9 9 Gordon J S Tyree CO 150 100 40 15 1591C17 91C17 KINGPIN WB 114 6 10 10 10 10 10 Phillips Quiicy Stable CO 100 100 40 15 15Time fastWinner Time 24 47 i 100 106 new track record Track fast Winner TaylorWent Ch c by Adam Frederica trained by F M Taylor Went to post at 244 At post a minutes Start fair Won easily second and third driving ADAMS EXPRESS began quickest and drew away into a Ions lead in the first quarter showed great speed all the way ami won in a canter ROEBUCK off forwarder dropped Into second place in the first sixteenth aiid remained there but was tiring and just managed to last long enough to outstay SWEEPA WAY The hit ¬ ter broke well but liegan slowly and had to make up ground and failed to get up finally ZILLAH closed a big gap and is worth rememberjng MARTIN W LITTLETON finished well KINGPIN was as good as left speedScratched O II BUSTER showed speed Scratched 92047 = Leah 114 91534 Mutineer 102 915CO Blackfoot 110 92000 Rogon 110 90982 Seith 115 92159 Altamaha 107 Overweights Adams Express 4 pounds Zillah 4 Antcnor 2 QOfOQ THIRD RACE 34 Mile 780S1 112 2 122 Matron Stakes 5000 added C ltt ilO 2yearolds Colts and Geldings Allowances Net value to winner 9485 Ind Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 91560 NAUSHON w 125 5 2 5 2h Ink in j Glass R T Wilson Jr 85 2 2 35 out out915GO 915GO ZEUS wn 119 23 C 6 4J 2 C H ShilgS C Hildrcth S5 S5 32 25 out out9203SFOOTPRINT 9203SFOOTPRINT W 122 4 1 2S 3 3h S t E Dugan A Belmont 3 31 16591014 1659101492136IPHARAOH 92136IPHARAOH W 11G 34 1 = 1s 2 = 41 W Doyle W T Ryan 50 GO CO 20 5 5915CO 915CO BLACKFOQT WB 114 1 5 3nt 4 54 5 = Musgrve F R Hitchcock 20 30 25 G 2 91534 BOURBON BEAU W 112 C G 4n 5nk 6 C G Garner T Collins 50 100 GO 20 5 5Timp fastWinner Timp 23 5 46 59y5 112 J Track fast Winner Br c by Yankee Royal Gnu trained by T J Healey Went to post at 311 At post minutes Start good Won driving second and third the same NAUSHON while steadily improving her position was taken to the outside and came wide when entering the homestretch then after wearing PHARAOH down tired in the final strides of a resolute finish ZKtIS a very slow beginner closed a big gap and swerved behind the winner at the sixteenth post and his rider had to straighten him out then finished gaining on tiie winner at every stride but failed to quite get up FOOTPRINT was a prominent contender all the way and outgnmed PHARAOH for third place The latter set the pace and showed a great flight of speed to the stretch turn then tired Scratched 915CO Novelty 129 QOI OQ FOURTJI RACE 2 Miles Steeplechase 8940 404 0 153 COO added l rt A 9jF 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner S5SO Ind Horses AWtPPSt 3 C 9 12 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 91645 SELECTUS W o lau 4 o 1 I1 l r 5 Hayes Mr McMurtne 91442 JESUIT w 4140 6 2 2 2s 21 2 292022JIMMY 8 Kermath H I Stone 3 4 1351 12 92022JIMMY LANE w 10 155 1 G 4 4 4 3 3920G2JOSAGE 3s W Allen G R Tompkins 75 2 S5 71013 920G2JOSAGE ws 4 137 2 27 7 3 3 3 31 4 I 4 Branch C H Smith 4 5 41 32 710 91645 INDIOLA w 5 130 7 1 Lost rider McLhlin T Wilson 50 CO CO 20 10 92379OAKHURST ws 4 142 3 3 Lost rider rider91544O McKiny H Flippen 23 30 20 S 4 491544O 91544O K w 7 153 5 4 Lost rider Donohue C Pflzer 15 20 20 8 3 3Time Time 359 new track record Track fast Winner fastWinner B g by Voter BelltieldH trained by A Alien Went to post at 35 At post 1 minute Start g x l Won easily second and third driving SR LECTPS showed a great flight of sliced for the first turn of tlie litld ami drew away into a long lead then hiiuvpeed in reserve whiai JESUIT challenged and drew away again after running out after taking ti twelfth jump where he had to pull up JESUIT a goixl fencer moved up with 11 grand burst of siieed In the last turn of the field but tired after getting to the leader JIMMY LANK was outrun all the way but ii gauie third OAKIIURST bolted at the lirst jump and colliilin with O K M tli horses unseated tluir inters bidScratched INDIOLA lost his rider at the second jump The winner was entered for 500 no bid Scratched 922505MagelIan 135 9077 Bushranger 141 OOAQO FIFTH RACK 34 Mile 780S1 lU s 2 122 Matron Stakes 5000 added t bJttrOV 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Net value to wliine Ind Horses AWtPPSt 16 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 9iriCOBASHTI w 117 5 1 242 1 1 = C II ShltKH 1 Whitney 25 9203lOiut 915f0IXVENOT 106 42 Int 2 1 Held K H Bradley 31 5 5 1 25 207S HORIZON W 116 3 5 4l I 31 3 G Garner U I Carman 20 50 40 10 3 91534HEATHERimOOM W 114 24 G f k r I Gross K 15 Cassatt 15 30 30 G 85 205SWRAP w 109 3 33 3 4 5 MIISKIVM A Simons 20 30 20 4 fi5 Oinrt fi5Oinrt SWANNANOA W 114 1 G 5i G G G K Outrun K O Cowdin 12 20 15 3 1 T e 22 46 113 Truck fast Winner fastWinner Br f by Adam Disadvantage trained bv T Wcll Went to post at 405 At jiost 2 minutes Start good W Wn n aslly second and third driving BASHTl forced a very fast pace until straightened out iu the liomrstrel h then shook off LOVENOT and away iu the last furlong The latter showed great speed in pace miking for five furlongs but this told on Icr in the stretch and she was tiring at the end HORIZON w s cut off on the stretci turn by WRAP but quickly recovered and finished fast and gamelv SWANNANOA was cased up in the last sixteenth HKATHERBROOM began slowly and finished fast WRAP ran well t the Wretch and tired Scratched 92427 Zillah 10 S 92431 s SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 780S1 112U 2 122 500 added Syvnrolds and ward Selling Gentlemen Net value lo winner Inu Horses AWtPPSt ii Str Fin Jockey O H C P 912S7 MEDALLION w 3 13S 4 1 3 3 1 = li Mr T Wr WrtE 15 Cassatt 1 65 45 r 90706 CHAR HARGRAVEnvii 3 1ST 5 G 5 51 4 41 31 M Mr II Tk TkJ1533 TkrJ Hcver 4 5 4 3 i V J1533 DULLCARE n 3 141 3 5 4 V 4 = 3 Mr O Fa FaS9572 FatiO F FleischmannS 4 4 i r S9572 BANYAH w 5 140 2 3 2 2t 4s Mr 1 L Gtl Gtl757S6 GthtJeverwyckStable S 10 s 3 7 757S6 RAMPAGE W 5 134 12 1 1 1J J 55 3i 510 Mr L Cie CieS5S67 CierM L Chebonnier 20 30 io j S5S67 BRACING BREEZEwsB 7 136 C 4 C C 6 li MrJMBk MrJMBkTime J M Black 100 110 100 40 J Time 24 49 116 Track fast Winner B c by Ornament Ave Marie trained bv J S Healv Went to post at 431 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second and third thi simi MEDALLION followed the leaders until rounding into the homestretch where hi moved up on the in side and dashed Into a good lead at the furlong post but was driving at hi end to oalstav Hin n HARGHAVE The latter began slowly aud was taken wide on the turns hut closed a bis gti tind finished fast and wearing the winner down DOLLCARE came fast at the finish after slipping through on tho inside RAMPAGE ami BANYAH ran well to tin stretch and tired in tlie last quarter The winner bidScratched was entered for 1000 no bid Scratched 140Overweisihts 41547 Iklie Mawr 133 SS094 Endyinion 137 91C7 Gay Deceiver 140 Overweisihts Unnrah t iumuiu iifiii i lin pzi QOf Of SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 7SOOG 144 4 110 000 added 3year C CttO olds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 500 AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners S15G1 FIRESTONE w 5 111 S 3 2 22 2 Il I2 C H ShllgS C Hildreth G5 85 92077 PRACTICAL WB 4 107 4 5 1 I1 1 2l E Dugan A Belmont 7 10 10 4 S3 S3W 5U607EVERETT W 3 10S 7 4 3s S 3V 33 32 McCahey Quincy Stable 3 5 41 2 1 1W 91953 AMELIA TENKS W 3 103 3 C G8 G2 a 5 ° 4k Gross JrsLALivgston S 12 la 4 2 2w 51649 SUPERSTITION w 5 108 12 5 4l 4 = 41 511 Estep W L Mau in S 10 8 3 85 91117 DANDY D1XON wn 4 IOC 2 7 7s 7 7 7 C A Lang Ittrs G E PerrinW 00 fO 20 10 S392319rTA S93CSJUBILEE wf W510G 106 5 1 41 SI G ° 0s 7 Alex 1 Littlefield 12 15 S 3 S3 92319rrA XUN DA wn 3 100 C S s s Pulled upG Garner Mrs W G Wilson S 12 12 5 2 2Time Time 23 47 112 138 142 new track record Track fast Winner Ch h br Roval Flush III Modrcda drained by S C Illldreth Illldrethwent went to post at 45S At post 7 minutes Start bad Won easily second and third driving FIRE hlONE followed PRACTICAL until well around the far turn then inovrtl up rapidly and taking an easy lead after entering the homestretch was under restraint at the finish 1RACTICAL showed a fine turn of eJTly t Mvd in paccinaking to the stretch but tired when the winner cleilleiigcd EVERETT was outran While rounding the first turn but was in close pursuit of the leaders all of the last half and finished close P AMELIA JENKS ran well SUPERSTITION was messed about at tlie start and outrun all the way LA XUN quarterScratched DA was pulled up in the first quarter Scratched 91557 PriscIllian 10S 9155311111 Top 103 92105M iCambon 100 92131 Fauiitleroy FauiitleroyOverweight Overweight Practical 4 pounds

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910101601/drf1910101601_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1910101601_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800