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NOMINATIONS TO SARATOGA STAKES August 29 the Saratoga Association closed four rich state races three for twoyearolds to lie rim in 1911 and one for threeyearolds to be run in 1912 They are the United States Hotel Stakes Craml Union Hotel Stakes and Sphwway Stakes for twoyearolds and the Travers Stakes for threeyear olds They received nominations as follows followsUnited United Slates Hotel Stakes 34 mile 9 Grand Union Hotel Stakes 34 mile i Spinaway Stakes 5 12 furlongs 04 04Travcrs Travcrs Stakes 1 14 miles 77 77Total Total In closing these events the otiicials of tlie Saratoga Association gave public notice of their confidence that racing is to continue in New York and in view of the fact that these stakes were closed with ¬ out the usual advertising the support awarded them by owners is gratifying and surprising Western owners are not well represented probably because of the lack of advertisement but in each event then is abundant material to furnish as good racing as could be desired and with such sires as Orsfiii ItiKk Sand Hastings Ethelhert Adam Broomstick Star Shoot Matchless Aeronaut Dolce Far Xicnte Inflexible Heno Yankee Plaudit Cesarion Ren Strome Cunard St Avonicus Burgomaster Peep oDay Golden Maxim Islington Woolsthorpc Scm pronius Hippodrome I5en Brush Delhi Armeatli II Meddler Voter Peter Pan Prince Melbourne Bryn Mawr Ormondale Cliuctauliuda Clifford Isi ¬ dor Caughnawaga Hamburg Ogden Royal Flush Planndcs Contcstor The Scribe and Golden Garter having representatives nlwut all that American breeding now lias to offer is comprcliended in the nominations to the four fourStudents Students of breeding could lind many interesting problems here Tor instance II P Whitney has entered a chestnut yearling colt by Hamburg Martha II in the United States Hotel Stakes and Travers Stakes He is a brother to the famous Artful Hut Artful was a brown Hamburg and Martha II are bays Martha II Is by Dandle Din mont a bay from the chestnut Rayon dOr mare Louise T Kayon dOr was a chestnut Hamburgs sire Hanover was a chestnut son of the bay horse Hindoo In the matter of color this chestnut brother to the brown Artful throws back to either his grand sire Hanover or his great grandsire in the mater ¬ nal line Rayon dOr Iut to which For one thing it can be said that if this youngster proves as good as either of these illustrious ancestors he will be a racing gem of the highest order orderIt It is of local interest that Sam Hildreth lias en ¬ tered a bar colt by Ben Strome Strychinia This is a brother to the illfated Highball winner of the last American Derby mii at Washington Park and by nature a great race horse horseTo To give some idea Of the breeding and ownership of these young racers of the future the nominations to the United States Hotel Stakes and the Spinaway Stakes are here presented presentedUnited United States Hotel Stakes of 1911 1911For For twovearolds By subscription of 100 each or 10 if declared by November 1 1910 or 50 if declared by May 1 1911 Starters to pay 100 addi ¬ tional Guaranteed gross value 3000 of which 700 to the second and 300 to the third Winners of two races of the value of 1400 each or one of 3000 to carry 3 Ibs extra of two of 2000 or one of 5CO 5 Ibs extra of three of 2000 or two of 000 or one of GOOO 8 Ibs extra Nonwinners of 2000 allowed 3 Ibs of 1200 0 Ibs of 7r 0 9 Ibs maidens 12 Ibs Closed August 29 1010 Six furlongs t tAllen Allen M M Bay colt by Orsinl Compensate bay colt by Orsini Lady Marion MarionBelmont Belmont August Black Rock bit c by Rock Sand Black Poplar Vestibule b or br c by Rock Sand Lady Violet Golden Rock b e by Rock Sand Fairy Cold Belamour ch c by Rock Sand Bel dame Overman b or br c by Rock Sand Orienta Nickle b or br g by Hastings Niminy Tactics b g by Hastings Merry Token Racquette ch e by Ethelbert Lady Rayon Tipsand b c by Rock Sand Tiptoe TiptoeBrown Brown II C Brown colt by Adam Nadavls bay filly by Adam Privateer bay filly by Broom stick Ethel Lee LeeClay Clay Woodford Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Marie Frances bay colt by Broomstick Thirty third thirdCassatt Cassatt Capt E B Foxbrook bc by Matchless Athleta Patent Stopper b f by Aeronaut Corker Be br c by Aeronaut Millie A Spring Board b c by Aeronaut Bettie Bouncer Uncle Henry Harrison b g by Aeronaut Netta Minstra ch f by Aeronaut Northminster Change of Air br f by Aeronaut Exchange Sleepland ch c by Dolce Far NIente Land of the Free 16 Nothing br or gr c by Dolce Far Niente Fear Not Ipllie Pitcher ch f by Star Slioot Semper Paratus ParatusCarman Carman It F Brown or bay colt by Inflexible Orsini chestnut colt by Heno Rubbish bav colt by Orsini Belle of Palo Alto AltoHitchcock Hitchcock F R Bay colt by Yankee Smoke chestnut colt by Plaudit AVhyota chestnut colt by Cesarion Elsie IS bay colt by Yankee Grace ¬ ful fulHildreth Hildreth S C Bay colt by Ethelbert Rose Lady bay colt by Ethelbert Goldie Cad buy colt by Ben Strome Strychinia chestnut colt by Cuuard Tower of Candles bay or brown colt by St Avonicus Eonic bay colt by Burgomaster lanna lannaHitchcock Hitchcock Thomas Jr Brown gelding by Yan ¬ kee Gntta Pcrcha brown filly by Yankee Camno CamnoJohnson Johnson Frederick Bay colt by Peep oDay My Gyps chestnut coin by Inflexible Tcricbrae TcricbraeIreland Ireland J T Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Last Cherry chestnut colt by Star Shoot BIue Danube DanubeIdlebrook Idlebrook Stable Bay colt by Golden Maxim Ridicule bay colt by Islington Komurasaki chest nut colt by Woolsthorpe Taluca bay colt by Sem pronius Hunger HungerKeene Keene James R Chestnut colt bv Hippodrome Maid of Erin bay colt by Beit Brush Running Stream brown colt by Delhi Runaway Girl bay colt by Hippodrome Belgravia BelgraviaLakeland Lakeland William Gray colt by Rock Sand Motley MotleyLivingston Livingston Mrs L A Bay colt by Armeatli II Madden BloomerMadden Bloomer J E Chestnut colt by Meddler Bonnie Blue II chestnut colt by Prince of Melbourne Dainty DaintyMilitown Militown Stable Acton b c by Bryn Mawr Miss Doone DooneMacManus MacManus James Chestnut colt by Islington Grey Agnes AgnesMcDowell McDowell T C Chestnut colt by Voter Brace girdle chestnut colt by Yankee Fancywood FancywoodOxnard Oxnard J G Scholar ch c by Islington Mary Stuart Overlook ch c by Ormondale Nancy D DOueclc Oueclc Stable Disenfranchised br e by Voter Kiamcsha bay or brown filly by Adam Renown RenownSanford Sanford John Chuckhaunt br c by Chuctanunda Euphrata Sea Cliff ch c by Clifford Cayudntta Cooper ch c by Cnughnaivaga Retaliation Isirose br f by Isidor Rock Rose RoseWelsh Welsh Thomas Chestnut colt by Adam Home ¬ spun spunWimmer Wimmer Peter Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Janowood bay colt by Star Shoot Mercurial MercurialWhitney Whitney H P Chestnut colt by Hamburg Martha II bay colt by Hamburg Morningside black colt by Burgomaster Sundria chestnut filly by Hamburg Blue Girl chestnut filly by Adam Handspun chestnut filly by Hamburg Perverse PerverseWilson Wilson R T Jr Bay colt by Yankee Calea Imy colt by Yankee Witfull bay colt by Yankee Anodyne Bay colt by Yankee Mary Black chest ¬ nut colt by Yankee Courtplaster bay colt by Yan ¬ kee Liicy Glitters chestnut colt by Yankee Old Lndy hay colt by Planudes Passan chestnut colt by PlaniidcH Lady Scborri chestnut colt by Con testor Hazing brown colt by The Scribe Imp chestnut colt by Golden Garter Lady Amelia chest ¬ nut colt by Ogden Busy Maid brown colt by Og ¬ den Lola A bay colt bv Ormondale Futurlta FuturltaZiegler Ziegler H M Chestnut colt by Royal Flush Crimea bay colt by Cesarion Retained II IISpinaway Spinaway Stakes of 1911 1911For For fillies two years old By subscription of 100 each or 10 if declared by NovemlKU 1 1910 or rO if declared bv May 1 1 11 Starters to pay 100 additional Guaranteed gross value 5000 of which 7 JO to the second and JCO to the third Winners of two Rices of the value of 1400 each or one of 000l to carrv Ibs extra of two of 2000 or one of 3500 r Ibs extra of throe of 2COO or two of 000 or one of 0000 S Ibs extra Nonwinners of 2000 allowed 3 Ibs of 1200 0 Ibs of 750 9 Ibs niaidens 12 Ibs Closed August 29 1910 Five and a half furlongs furlongsBclniont Bclniont August Dance Spirit br f by Rock Sand Sclina Toggerv b f by Rock Sand Teas Over Ladv Paramount b f by Hastings Lady Lan ¬ guish Mission b f by Rock Sand Misgivings Dragnet b f by Rock Sand Donna Mia Peccadillo b f by Hastings St Priscilla Lucky Lass br f by Ormonrtale Lux Casta Wildweed ch f by Ethelbert Woodvim Turquoise ch f by Rock Sand Tarpeln Toastrack b f by Singleton Toscana ToscanaBennett Bennett G C Bay filly by Sempronius Disha DishaBradlev Bradlev E R Bay lilly by Broomstick Way ¬ ward Lass bav filly by Cunard Ella Smith SmithBrown Brown H C Bay filly bv Adam Privateer bay lilly by Broomstick Ethel Lee LeeClay Clay Wood ford Bay tllly by Star Shoot Hying Ship bay tilly by Sir Dixon Single Shot ShotCassatt Cassatt Cant E B Patent Stopper b f by Aeronaut Corker Minstra ch f by Aeronaut Northminster Mollle Pitcher ch f by Star fchoot Semper Paratus Change of Air br f by Aeronaut armaii R F Bar lilly by Inllexible Legare biv lilly by Inllexible Spinach chestnut lilly by Slir Sliiuit Miigna Cbnrla CbnrlaIlltcliiiifk Illtcliiiifk F It Bay lilly by Yankee Tangle chestnut tillr by Ogden Tepee TepeeIliHhiock IliHhiock Thomas Jr Hiw ftllJViV YflllKcd Campo bay filly by Yankee Caoutchouc CaoutchoucIdlebrook Idlebrook Stable Bay tilly by Ben Strome Earth bay filly by Marta Santa Art at ion ionKeeile Keeile Janies R Chestnut filly bv Hippodrome Editha brown filly by Aoter Ecatarina chest ¬ nut filly by Hippodrome Nora Cteina black filly by Peter Pan Bituriea BiturieaLakeland Lakeland William Chestnut filly by The Picket Francolliii Livingston Mrs L A Chestnut filly ny Armeath II Meadow ley leyMadden Madden L E Cliestntrt filly by IManudes Sara togi Belle chestnut filly by Planudes Dorothy Hampton bay filly by Yankee Ondurdis bay filly by Planudes Partridge bay filly by Planudes Golden Drop bay filly by Ogden Flora Pomona chestnut lillv by Plaudit Nahrna bay or brown filly by PlauMit Mariti MaritiMcDowell McDowell T C Bay or brown filly by Hastings Miss Gussie GussieOak Oak Ridge Stable Wondawhy b f by Sempronius Fairy Bird Kate Sterling ch f by Woolsthorpc Sechelsea Belle Nelson b f by Sempronius Ethclinda Belle Hampton br T by Yorkshire Lau Oneck DebaterOneck Debater StahleABay or brown filly by Adam Re ¬ nown bay filly by Waterlmy Fairie Queen Sanfonl John Bay Cliff b f by Clifford Mi i Elwah ch f by Chiiclanunda White Frost Isidora ch f by Isidor Aurksville Bally Cliff ch f by Clifford Ballyroe Ruth Rock b f by Rockton Adriutha AdriuthaWimmer Wimmer Peter Black filly by Sir Dixon Lad Alberta AlbertaWhitney Whitney If P Bay filly by Hamburg Ascen ¬ sion chestnut filly by Hamburg Blue Girl chest ¬ nut filly by Hamburg Leisure chestnut filly by Hamburg Perverse chestnut tilly by Adam iland spun bay tilly by Adam Wild Thyme ThymeWilson Wilson R T Jr Chestnut filly by Mexican Lady Navarre