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FIVE RACES DAILY FOR 3PENSACOLA Iensacola Fla November 30 Cold weather af ffctid the attendance somewhat today but specu 1ition remained al out normal as compared with for liicr davs here There were no outstanding features of routine order In the closing I hi siK rt Iieing a ltrih Complete bolted through the fence while rounding the second turn and caused some little ex itcmclit but the jockey emerged unhurt unhurtrter rter iHttlng had been in progress for some time lor tin fifth race itf was rejwrted that Miss Vigilant bid broken awav from her attendant while being led to the paddock and at a late hour she was still gal Iciiiiii at large over the commons The money bet on her was refunded refundedllii llii judes got after the rough riders and sus lieinl lieinlil il jockeys A Wrispen and J Howard for all liii ilicir contract omidoyers for the remainder of ril w ek A Martin aud Daveuitort were also MiKponded for the rest of the week for striking each oihr with whips during the running of the last lastOil lastr r Oil r ° livi liviwees wees will hereafter be carded on account of thi li starting hour The people do not begin ti coiiieoiit until after three oclock The horsemen m nut tnkin the fiveraccsdaily proposition with fiVor Then an alwut 450 horses here aud they liivc limited opportunities of starting even witli six rai on th card on acount of the limiting of aih mew to ten s tarters