Second Race [2nd Jacksonville, Daily Racing Form, 1910-12-07

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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances SS57G 111 7 105 TiAPLETON b p 103 By Scmpronius Maude Fcaly M Nicoll 113 fast S 109 1 r 5 S = S Hewitt 11 Malitine LatighEyes Woolcasta 128 fast 13 10S 211 1 1 1 Wilssm 0 Amyl Sir Plillo Battle Fleet 492 fast 135 112 2 1 1 1 21 21 Goosi 9 Hookcastlc TSayers CaslStce 132 fast 0 10 22 21 Sl J Wilson 11 SoaSwcll SPreston AL almv almvWf WindHo i Wf fast fastS7nJadkillc 10 107 7 G 5 4 = 2 k J Henry 12 Howlet TedBtar ElHahillton S7nJadkillc 31 1132 132 fast 101 101 7 G G GJ 610JM Wliiting 7 IdaD CWBurt JackNunnallj WOOLSPITN b m 5 106 By Wonlsthorpe Spenola J Elson ElsonOS3 DSOC5 Jacksvillc ri f IjOSJ OS3 fast 5 111 2 2 3 45 2 j Dcniiison 7 Phoronis MadeltneL LouLanier LouLanier47M rvii Uville Im70y 47M fast fastS 4 110 2 4 4 4 41 4J J Dcunison 7 Hibernica ASturtevt BPulln BPulln07S S jSvHIe 5J f 07S J Jt1 fast t1 100 111 7 S S S Sls Kunz 9 Eye White AnnaLDaley Claque 92SS7 Jacks vllle l lir 15J Claque15J fast GO KKt 2 G 6 51 4 J J DennLsonlO IdaD Tom Shaw Joe Gaitens GaitensI4i S94S Jacks vllle 34 1112 I4i fast 50 107 3 8 S S S 3Pease 8 MJWhalen Herdsman Fav O O14g SSM9 Jacks vJHe 54 1HE 14g fast fastALLONBY 4J 107 7 889 H llannan 9 NCannk MJWbaleu Pedigret ALLONBY br K C 103 By Peep oDay Princeton Girl J H Shaw Shawi ti9s JkvilK Iin7 y l l7r i 7r = fast 31 IH 4 3 r 2 fl Mnsravo 7 Ilibirukn ASturtcvt BPiilIn BPiilInII y lacksville 34 11 II IS fast 12 Ilia r 4 Obert 7 TGaiiins Hibernica Or Itnruh SSS73 Jacksville 7S I3K 31 fjoo good 23 109 1 4 S 13 13 = J Reid KS My Henry ForeGuard LMcNally NSW3 Jacksvllle 7S l2Sr 2Sg LMcNally2Sg slo slow 30 104 11 10 0 4 31 3 J Reid 1 Skyo Critic Tivolinl S7902 Jacksville 1 M 41 fast fast 8 109 2 1 1 1 3 33 G Burns 8 Gaticn Lass Danger ForeGuard S7G75 Jacksvllle 51 f 1102 103 hvy 41 101 G n 5 43 35 Fain 8 DBnltinan HJunior S Vagrant S5S JacksviUe 4 114 14 l m 1 W 3 4 3 5 lcol 13 Saudr Hill Amyl Zvpaole AliDY GINTER b c 4 109 10991S2S By Goldfinch Sham F Rector 91S2S Anaconda 5J f 113 mud 3 109 1 W Cotton 7 WillMorris RabeXeely LHKlva 91502 Butte 55 f 109 fast 3X 109 3 ° Coburn 10 Flying Quccufnll Balm Ncely 91259 Butte 58101 fast 100 108 108HEART 6 W Cotton T HanLouise OnParolo KoySlonc KoySloncBy HEART PANG b c 3 By Orlando or Jack Point Fair Penitent J E EMarquctte Marquctte Jr 91070 Empire Im20y 40 110 9 G 7 9 9 9JA Thomas 9 Big Stick Acumen Wcnua 91042 Empire 34 113 fast 40 110 10 8 8l 7I3A Thomas 12 Infatuation Scarpla Oxer S9S91 Gvesend 1 116 1482 fast 50 50S9301 93 6 9 9 9 9 93Moore Glucose Cliff Edge Sir Evelyn S9301 Aqueduct 34 115 fast 5 5S91G4 308 9 7 7S9 7 7 G J Moore n Floriinel FlDIaua EHamilton S91G4 Aqueduct 1 142 good 8 S9 S 2 2 2Iflfi 2 2 2 Moore 10 BadNews GField Constellation 89402 Aqueduct 1 l42i fast 3 Iflfi G G G G G UJO M McGee l Bryce YonngBelle George Field FieldBv LTTZERNE b f 3 3903GS 102 102S Bv Hermence Princess Monmouth Newport Stable 903GS Hamilton 7S S 129 fast 20 209025S 110 5 5 9llt9JT Chandlerl2 HHutchison TaNiinDa Toniata 9025S Hamilton 34 4 1132 fust G 104 9 5 11 ll15 T Chandler 11 Carrillon TcddyBear Searchlight SearchlightBy LOUIS REIL ch c 3 105 By Giganteunv Rosa Regina S H Kunz 91950 Toronto 34 115 J slow 100 105 7 S 8 S S1 Mcllale S VStrome JHHghtou Onager OnagerG 01049 Ran unplaced at Hawthorne HawthorneS5S32 S5S32 Windsor 51 f 112 hvy 30 109 3 5 5S5779 G 6l G Ramsey 7 Kid Woolcasta Jack Dennerleii S5779 Windsor 58101 fast 10 108 1 4 4PEDIGREE 4 4J 7rJ J Howard 0 Forez LordElam JackDciiucrlcn PEDIGREE blk m 5 109 1099142C By Ogden British Blue Blood C H Davids 9142C Hamilton 31 1UJ fast 100 10312 9 98CS02 7 10 1018 Moss 12 KAvondale CWBurt Sinfran 8CS02 Latonia Im70y l44g fast fid 104 8 S 9 9S9500 11 11 ll11 McNulty 13 Camel Alma Boy Plantland S9500 Lsville 1116147 fast 181 10G 11 10 11 11S970S 1 11 11 Hsl3Ganz 11 ThlrdRail Grnbridge Golconda S970S Lsville Im20y 149 hvy 90 1C9 1 7 7 7SJG2S 7 G1 6JMcNtiUy 11 Pirate Diana Cloistercss Adalia Adalia9899J SJG2S Louisville 34 1163 mud 59 107 9 9 9S202G 9899J McNulty 10 LaRHindoo PirDiana Metania S202G Jacksville 34 1142 fast G 100 8 7 4 4J 2l Moss 8 Brown Tony Youthful Enlist

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Local Identifier: drf1910120701_5_3
Library of Congress Record: