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EXPLICIT WINS FOR E CORRIGAN CORRIGANPensaeola Pensaeola Fla December 7 The return of fine weather brought with it a marked increase in at ¬ tendance and interest hi the racing here The suc ¬ cess of four heavily backed oddson favorites caused f V i 1 sustaln heavy loss Edward Corrigan pursf ° f thc lpetiK when Explicit led ic imie m his opiMments in the fourth race Holmes on Baby claimed a foul against the winnerwhich o not allowed In the third race Jockey T on Complete attempted to strike MeCloskey o Ivnuiii uiiu HYP nays Admiral naysAdmiral Young and other distingnlshed naval oincers wore in attendance today and took keen in ¬ terest Jn the si ort