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JACKSONVILLE FORM CHART JACKSONVILLE FLA MONDAY DECEMBER 12 1910 Monerief Park Sixteenth day Florida Live Stock and Agricultural State Fair Association Winter Meeting of 1CXI days 24 l ooks on Weather clear Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Starter A B Dade Racing Secretarv H D Brown QOKO FIRST RACE 34 Mile SS57C 1 1114r 114r 7 105 Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens t O OwOtf wOtf Allowances Net value to winner 325 Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 V str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 93159 RERTIS wn 107 G 51 o 3 1 = McTagrt C Woodfonl 6 S 31 95 4r 93117 PERTHSHIRE W1J llOi S 3 2 25 IJ 2a Troxier W N Adrians i 3 324512 aW islirSi W 109 3 4 li in 2 3 M Bell T R Condran 455245 1 1I3137 207SAM MATTHEWS wit 112 12 1 4 41 41 4 Butwell S P Randolph 687 25 65 10S2793 I3137 H1CKEY w 11 10 lt 9 S 55 Obert G Hickey HickeyW 20 40 40 15 8 S2793 sIGOCiSUAJlPANT CHOPTANK ir 4 2 s W 10 9 C Goldstein U Stevenson 15 25 25 10 5 IGOCiSUAJlPANT u 11 7 7 75 C Knight T Irwin 30 50 50 20 10 10HO W460 DEFINITE AVB 109 1 5 J S C S1 Adams R D Williams Williams3U HO 0 0 25 12 JOSJ EMMA STUART wn 109 3U gut f jl Goose A Weber 20 50 40 15 1U460 7I31SS MASON Wll 5 7 7 6l 10 10s S Davis E W Lagserot LagserotS I31SS CLARKSBURG w 112 4 S 11 11 115 Steinhdt M C Qucsnal 100 200 00 SO 40 sum i3157 yiiiAiiA ORTAUA W15 w 10 li 12 ¬ 12 12 12 12 Gross J Hamilton 15 20 15 6 3 3Wl Time 23 47 113 Track fast Wl inner Gb c by Star Shoot Bonnie Blue II trained by J McCormick McCormickycnt ycnt to iwst at 215 At iH st 2 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving BERTIS i C R lthind tlle leaders to the stretch turn then came through on the inside and finishing with a Vi iV ug UI PERTHSHIRE was much used in forcing the pace and ran a good race but tired in iw iwlnai lnai lnaiTr1V Tr1V SIIJJ outbiokc the others and showed a line turn of speed but failed in the final drive 1MSA STUART ran well for a half and was pulled up at the end cralchcd JKKBT Aviator 10 93235 Oakley 109 93207 Harvest Moon 109 93115 Ford Bank 107 rt 0i iRatburg 112 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs SS522 1OG 8 112 Purse 400 2yearolds Selling Net value to winner 325 Ind Horses AWtPPSt Vt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C wu 112 7 4 I V I3 1s Butwell A L Ferguson 686 107 8 1 1wn 4 3 3 2l Killwth A G Weston 15 30 30 12 5 1 31SSRED BOB wn 112 9 2 2w 2nt 4 t 35 g Davis H 3IcCarren 8 12 10 4 2 3157 TIPPY TIPPYNKHS w J09 4 5 5W 61 5 t 6 4nt Gross J O Holder 15 20 15 6 1a NKHS DECEIVABLE W 1101 2 C CWs it 7 5 Troxler R D Williams 20 40 40 15 7 2ir7FORT WORTH Ws 110 6 J JW 7 6J 41 C1 Sweeney J W Burttschell 333112 91CtlFRECKLE W 106 3 7 7WB S 7 9 71 M Bell L P Doerhofer 365 l n070BlLLY BARNES BARNESillOT WB 112 5 S SWB S 5U SJ A Lang BeverwyckStable 3 4 3J 65 35 illOT DANCEAWAY WB 115 1 3 4 S 9 Goose A Weber 15 40 30 12 C Time 23 47 101 107 Track fast Winner B c by Cesarion Metrical trained by W J Young Youngent ent to post at 230 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second and third driving MONTY VOX drew away from the others in the first sixteenth and held the race safe all the way TRUSTEE came through on the inside on the stretch turn an l finished fast and gamely RED BOB ran in nearest rirly pursuit but lost ground on the turu and tired in tlie last sixteenth TIPPY finished well DECEIVA ILK closed a big gap DANCEAWAY showed speed and was cased up when he tired FORT WORTH was slnillled back at the start The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched Wlr7 Double Five 112 02075 Kingpin 112 03200 Evia 112 03157 Edna Collins 104 031S7 Agnar 100 0318S Wine 109 023T Earl Senff 100 100Overweights Overweights Deceivable 11 pounds O Q T I THIRD RACE 34 Mile 8S57 111 7 105 Purse 600 2yearolds f O l J JL Handicap Net value to winner 525 Ind Horses AWtPPSt i = i Str Fin Jockeys 93139GROVER HUGHES w 111 23 11 = I1 15 Troxler J M Barker S 12 12 4 2 13016 VIA OCTAVIA s 111 1 5 2 t 2S 2s 2n McCahey J Fitzsimmons C 8 6 25 1 1U320S U320S JACK DEXMAN vsn 108 3 2 47 4 = 4t 3 Obert F J Pons 6 15 15 6 3 3JO JO OSCOUNTY TAX w 105 7 7 6 65 3 4 Butwell R N Smith 4 45 4J S5 35 35QS7UR QS7UR DUENNER w 110 1 V 55 5 a 8 Davis S Ross 2 3 1351 920 9320GI DARLING w 112 64 3 = 3 6 65 Musg ve R D Williams 2 12511591025 930G5LA U MEXICAN WH 106 4 6 S 8 7 7s Kohn T Abadie 40 0 60 20 10 93089 REDWINE WB 103 8 S 71 7nk 8 S A Lang 1 Johnson 15 30 30 12 6 6Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Handsel Stamen trained by D Hill HillWent Went to post jit oOU At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving GROVER HUGHES drew away into a long lead in the first furlong and showing great speed easily won all the way VIA OCTAVIA paved ground all the way and finished gamely after racing DARLING into defeat In the first lialf JACK DENMAN came on the outside of the leaders on the stretch turn and moved up fast when straightened out but tired in the final strides COUNTY TAX moved up rapidly on the far turn and came through next to the rail into a close up fourth DARLING quit in the last quarter after running a fast half DK DUENNER ran a bad race raceOverweights Overweights County Tax 2 pounds La U Mexican 1 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 88894 145 = 100 Purse 500 All Ages 93262 Allowances Net value to winner 425 Ind Horses AWtPPSt 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners CHOPS liSJS MARY DAVIS w 4 113 4 5 41 2l 2l 2 = 1V Goose L P Doerhofer 65651 12 15 15S3142SANDRIAN S3142SANDRIAN Avn 3 102 6 3 li 3J 31 3U 2 t Obert C DcWitt 4 5 45 66 35 35Sir9 Sir9 SANDHILL TO 2 9V 7 4 2nt iu j ink 3 McCahey J Fitzsimmona 5 C 44 75 35 3160 = GLUCOSE w 4 113 3 1 3 4 = 4 = 4 5 4l J Wilson R D Williams 5 8 8 21 1 1S293 S293 TA NUN DA WH 3 105 1 7 6 51 5J GB o1 ai Hell Mrs Vr G WilsonlS 30 25 S 4 J3LOS GARNEAU WB 2 92 S S 8 S 8 6l 6 Killwth WFAMulholland 12 20 20 8 3 3JKSJO JKSJO LIVE WIRE WB5113 2 2 5h fil 7 S 7J Butwell E Trotter 15 30 30 10 5 5U30SS U30SS LEAMENCE w 4 113 5 6 7 7 6 7 S J Deavpt D Riley 20 50 40 15 6 6Time Time 25 49 114 140 146 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Watercress Colonial trained by J W May MayWent Went to post at 321 At post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second and third the same MARY DAVIS moved up rapidly on the outside while rounding the lirst turn wore the leaders down on the ImckKtretch and finishing gamely outstayed SANDRIAN The latter after close pursuit of the pace inakrnt was cut off when entering the homestretch where his rider tried to come through on the inside thMi was taken to the outside in the last sixteenth and would have won in a few more strides SANDHILL ttin on the inside for the entire trip showed much speed all the way and finished resolutely GLUCOSE quit in the last quarter TA NUN DA ran fairly well wellScratched Scratched 93238Toni Hayward 113 113Overweights Overweights Sandhill 1 pound QOfcl iO FIFTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs 88115 121 7 121 Purse 400 3yearolds and 7 O A O O upward Selling Net value to winner 325 Ind Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 93L10COL ASHMEADE WB 3 106 3 5 6 J 4nk 4 2 Loftus L Tauber 15 15 15 5 2 2i141 i141 = STARBOAUD ws 3 104 1 1 I1 I1 2s 3 Obert F J Pons 15 15 10 4 2 2Hn090EYE Hn090EYE WHITE w 3 109 2 2 4 3l 3 4 Musgrve W H Fizer 25 3 3 6512 C090 PARKVIEW w 5 109 S 4 51 5 53 5C J Deavpt W O Joplin 21 35 31 85710 8571091433TURNCOAT 91433TURNCOAT 4 112 4 C 75 7J 61 6 Butwell M Goldblatt 4 7 7 21 1 190779ARDRI 90779ARDRI W51097S S 8 S 7 S Davis F Regan 5 T 45 2 1 1S32C7 S32C7 ELMETA HAMILTNWB 3 105 53 2b C1 7J 8 McTag rt M Preston 40 40 40 12 6 6Time Time 24 48 114 121 Track fast fastWinner Winner 15 f by Macy Callatine trained by W A Burttschell BurttschellAVvnt AVvnt to post at 345 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving secondhand third the same M MTINti wore STARBOARD down on the far turn and coming fast in the stretch took the lead at the f nr ng post but her rider went to the whip in the last sixteenth and she tired finally under n badly ridden finish COLONEL ASHMEADE finished with a rush on the outside through the homestretch after having l t n sliuflled back at the start STARBOARD set the early pace but was cut off by the winner when en twing the homestretch then came again and would probably have won but for the interference EYE WHITE ran a good half ami quit badly PARKVIEW ran much below her true form The winner entered for 500 was bid up to 805 and l ougut in inScratched Scratched 93001 lien Howe 115 93000 Tom Shaw 112 92S42 = Earl of Richmond 109 93207Havre 315 KiiSMapIcton 112 9323G Congo 109 109Overweights Overweights Elmeta Hamilton 1 pound O9O43I SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 88894 145 1 IOC Purse 400 3yearolda and up tJ O O tt ward Selling Net value to winner 325 Ind Horses AWtPPSt 14 str Fin Jockeys Owners 3240ST JOSEPH WB 7 10S 3 3 4 = 4 = n 35 I1 M Bell MissAMMarrone 32953235 14 14931923MEItMAN 931923MEItMAN w 3 102 S 2l 1 35 2l 25 Steinhdt Steinhardt 10 12 10 4 S5 931 2STONEMAN w 5 108 8 4 1 1s I1 15 3h McTag t W E Scott 10 15 12 5 2 233192VANDER 33192VANDER WB 4 105 1 S 6 6l 68 5 4 Loftus W P Austin 10 15 15 5 25 25H31S9NORBITT H31S9NORBITT WB 5 111 5 7 3l 31 2 1 4k 5 S Davis W S House 4 41 3 1 12 93210 = EDWIN L WB 4 111 2 2 5 5 4i 6l ° 6s Goose A Weber 4 5 45 85 710 93210 OBERON w 7 108 4 6 S S 8 7 1 Butwell Arlington Stable 25 3 30 12 6 61I30C3 1I30C3 WARDEN WB 4 111 7 1 7 7 7 S 8 Kohn T Abadie 10015010040 20 20Time Time 24 49 114 141 148 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Kiley Clara White trained by J P Mayberry MayberryWent Went to post at 407 At i ost 2 minutes Start good Won driving second and third the same ST JOSEPH followed tlie leaders under slight restraint until on the strctcb turn where be slipped through on tin inside and got up in the last twenty yards to win going away MERMAN wore the tiring STONEMAN flown the far turn but tired quickly when the winner challenged STONEMAN set a fast pace and being made too much use of in the first half tired in the stretch racing WANDER closed a big gap EDWIN L was cut off on the first turn and went to his knees The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 9523GJSliapdale Ill 93143 Ed Keck 102