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+ * THIS IS KENTUCKY DERBY DAY WITH A GREAT RACE NOW IN PROSPECT 4 + T"da the •-»■ ] ■ of l.oui»viIle. tn say aetata*; of beany ethers from other p.irts. will he enjoying the agreeable expects ncj of wit nets tag a rati- of the kind thai eagreeaes tin mterral of turf haters lor ■recks snd a/peks in Kdranci of the event. It area anee -" bete in blcago arben for months thonsamhi looked lorwar.i to the .1. ■ ,m m i iii. American Derbj with eegei antieipatloe of pica sere, thrilling excite wenl ami possible profit through ihf running nf thai great race. And - it pre* m Sfen Tarfc when a Broos vii ll.ntli. ip. a Si bin!. an or a IutuiiM a is Rpproacbiog it- .lay ol fulfillment ami the Half for ■IJ.II1 III! the roeaneratire merit* ..f the equine pandldatex »:i- aboel to merge Into the aectatre tc-t ol tlm sctael straggle. The two greet* t com muni thru are now deprived "f tin captlvatluK eeneatloua attendant ■pea viewing blgh-clasa horses in made strlrtng, but the Ken tuck tans ban preserred tli.-ir ■porting hade-pi tdence and to them Kentocky Drrhg nay w ailD annually the greateel -li lo the pehnaaar. There is tl.i- poitu apparent in thi- years Derhy. lis probable eontestaate sn bitter three rear old bare mei in ii for a number of yeexa and if il e day i- pleasant ami the trai k at it- best a new record i i- i in raci n i he confident l expected. Oorereer Brej a -id M.i iiiian. in ii t ii tltanle ajtrnggle ar Uexhsg tee last Wednesday, clearly presaged this. Bound t li- Wield Is :i resBarkakie iill aader rerj akrewd onta a-* imnt and will onlj succumb to something cxcesslvp in th- wa.i nf -peed. Is ton wan expected to preee m the t-ra.k two-year -olds .f last year and failed t" eo -■ bal baa been rfclng hi a waj tkia year - prge tire "i a possible redemption of hi- early promise, And thi otheta eea :_.. some. s.» all aronad thi n - prerj elemenl pondncire I • i rpcord breaking affair in the Ikfaftj seventh renewal of th.- Ken tuck] Derby ami. quite probably, to a rererd-breaktag attendance. The main nine hath in the rase i- that Loufarrlllc i-.* : wiilnii a aeeen eUlea ot so of Chicago, The Kentuckj Derbj i- tut a nne Derby in the Matter ef dlatancr. but ir i- tic heal we have aeef and iis i..nLr reeerd t- a- follows; Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time 187."i Aristides Lewis. .]* Voleano 100 Verdigris 100 $ °.sr»0 2:37J 187G Vagrant Swim . . 07 Cieeduioor IflO Harry Hill 100 2.050 2:3Si 1S77 Ihnlen Itaden Walker. .100 Leonard HXJ King William. .104 3.:t00 2:38 187S Day Star Carter. .100 Himyar 100 Leveler 100 4.050 2:37 1870 Lord Murphy Shauer..100 Falsetto 100 Strathmore 100 3..V.0 2:37 1SS0 Itinso C. LevIs.lOa KImhall 10." Itancroft 198 3.S00 2:371 1S81 Hindoo J. McLaujrhlin . .105 Lelex 102 Alfauibra 105 4 410 2:40 1552 Apollo Hurd .102 Dunuyim tie 105 Densnt 105 4. ."GO 2-40J 1553 Leonafis W. Donohue . . 105 Drake Carter 104 Lord Raglan ...105 3.760 243 1554 Buchanan 1. Murphy . .110 Loft in 110 Audrain 110 3.0OO 2:401 1885 Joe Cotton Henderson. .110 Dersan 110 Ten Booker 107 4 630 237J lssfj Ben AH P. Duffy. -IIS Blue Wing , IIS Free Knibt ...US 4. MM 2:36* 1RS7 Montrose Lewis . .IIS Jim iore 1 IS Jacobin IIS 4.200 2:391 isss Macbeth II Covington .. 1 15 Cnllfet IIS White US 4.740 2:andSJ l*s:i Spokane Kiley..llS Proctor Knott 115 Once Again 118 4,070 2:34$ 1SD0 Bilev I. Murphy. .IIS Bill Letcher US Robespierre IIS 5.4GO 2:45 1881 Kingman I. Murphy. .122 Balgowan 122 High Tariff 122 4.6S0 2:52 1889 Azra Clayton. .122 Huron 122 Phil Dwver 122 4.230 2:41* 1883 Lookout Kunze. .122 Pint us 122 Boundless .....122 4.090 2 :? ISM Chant Goodale-.122 Pearl Song 122 Sigurd 122 4.020 2-41 1885 Halnin Perkins- .122 Basso 122 Laureate 122 2.070 237* !Sno*Hen Brush Slmnis . .117 Ben Kder 117 Semper F.go ...117 4,850 2:07| 1887 Typhoon II Garner. .117 Ornament 117 Dr. Catlett 117 4.S50 2:12*. IK».S Plaudit Siram«..U7 Lleher Karl 122 Isahey 117 4 S50 2 00 1888 Manuel Tafal . . 117 OorafcvJ 122 kfexo 117 4.850 2:12 1000 Lieutenant Gibson Roland. 117 Florlzar 122 Thrive 122 4 850 2 061 100t His Eminence Winkfield . .117 Sannazarro 117 Drlscoll 110 4 850 207J 1002 Allan a Dale Winkfield . .117 Inventor 117 The Rival 117 4 **50 2 08| 1803 Judge Himes H. Booker. .117 Karly 117 Bourbon 110 4.850 2 00 1004 F.lwood Prior. .117 Kd Tierney 117 Brancas 117 4.850 2:08* 1005 Agile J. Martin . 122 Uams Horn 117 Lavson 117 4 S50 2101 1006 Sir Huon Troxler..U7 Lady Navarre 117 James Reddiek.117 4.S50 2:08$ 1007 Pink Star Minder . .117 Zal 117 ovelando 117 4 S50 t 12* 1008 Stone Street Pickens. .117 Sir Cleges 117 Dunvegan 114 4 850 2 15* tooo- Wintergreen V. Powers. .117 Miami . 117 Dr. Barklev ...117 4.s.V 2-OS4 1010 Dona 11 Herbert-.117. Joe Morris 117 Fighting Bob .117 4.850 2:06! •Distance reduced from 1 1-2 miles.