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TRAINING NOTES FROM WOODBINE. Toronto, Int.. May 13 The hecSM that John Dyraent brought down from Bnrrie, have speed in plenty :iinl from his home bred two-year olds an ample supply of Plate material for next season can I" sel end. in their first work al Woodbine. Trn-uacolium. Heresy and Rush Order went a quarter 111 :.:•. and three eighths in 38 . Pulling up iii response to the trainers signal, they finished half a n He in r.c. These youngsters w-r,. :, rosled al Ihe Biookdale Farm, where their dams still arc. -md the represent the sires Nasturtium, Sain and Tongordcr. Another set, consisting of Franchise 111 ion ami Trixil Leroy. did hall a mile in ."..: . ill.- Ci-sarion colt. Marcovil went three furlonga in ".s . easing 111 the halt mile in .".2. Chief Kee and Ihe three-year-old Brogansa went a mile handily m l:46§. ihe big Allow. iy horse never looked better. A. ;. Weston will ship here from Baltimore mi Monday with the first division of the Thomas Clyde horses for Woodbine. William Garth will be acre next Thursday with sixteen bead. Id. tllasscos two-year-old. Prince Polo, bv Maka-I.-n.d Knty Regent, lias arrived from Windsor, but be 1- keeping his champion, the Martimas— Miss Gsiety colt. Joe Osiety. for next years Plate. The Klrkfield two-year-olds are coming along it, an encouraging way. Glenwire ami Birdcage went 1 quarter in 25|. md three-eighths in 384, while since Dream ami Birthmark worked a shade faster. these youngsters are just learning and are thriving on ihe education. The three-year-old Laocaedou. one of ihe Seagram loi that was left ai Waterloo because of being cast in his slall a day or two before the others were shipped, may join tin- stable here next week old Caper Sauce is training weU. He worked :i quarter in 24 and three-eighths in : S a day or two ago.