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HEARING FOR NEW YORK RACING BILLS. Turfmen arc eagerly awaiting the fate of 1; racing toils at Albany. The Senate Codes Committee will conduct a public hearing 011 Tuesday and the racing lateresti bane for favorable action, if tic bills are passed by tile Legislature it is said on excellent authority that the sport will not be re anmed hire before July 1. when the Empire City track will open for a months session. Alter thai Saratoga will monopolise all of August, following which wll come tin- regular fall meetings at the local race courses. 1he bills have the support of all the atate and county fair associations, while inaiix business men in various parts of the state have written to their senators and assemblymen urging them to vote in favor of the measures. If the bills iio 111! pass the Jockey Clubs tracks will remain closed. — New York Sun.