Third Race [3rd Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-23

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i x ] .,. V „ I, ,,■ :, K 9: q 1 n. m * m g tt 9: M I 91 9: ■ aj s E I : 9 j ■ ,, n, E ,. ! j 9 f :, I l ! I ! I J J ! ; j ■ J ; ! ; ; ; ; ; ■ ! ; • ; ; ; ; "7 I .luarez Juarez 51 oh f f 1M8J 1:06S fast fast 20 20 M4 104 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1331 1331 Ormes Ormes 13 13 Serenade, Serenade, Bariene, Barlene, Braxton. Braxton. THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile, 4-year-olds and upward. Selling, 03833— 1 :11 1:,— 1— ir.i;. 1 TOY BOY, b. g, 8 112 By Gorman— Dolly J. W. Fuller. lh7 Juarez 3-41:12| teat 6 115 2 111 2 Gross 7 Mat-sand, Hid. Hand. W.H.FonL 1052 Juarea 61 t 1:871 teat 2 112 S 9 9 7s SMlSelden 10 F.G.Hogan, J.H.Sbeeban, Coed. II •; .luarez 5-S 1:01 fast 6-5 117 4 2 3 4= 1" Keogb s L.Stalwart. ElPaso, J.H.Sbeeban 93650 Juarea 5J f 1 :0S* slow 8-5 ins 1 2 4 3* 3«1 J Howard 9 Kootenay. Jeanned* Arc. llv.leei. .•492 Dallas 3-4 l:14g fast — 109 3 RRWilan 7 Fundamental, Sterlin, Im in Hen. 99344 Dallas 4* f 54* fast — M8 3 R R Wson 8 L.Staiwart. A. Oldham, D.Allen. 94594 Juarea 3-4 1:12 fast 5 111 2 I 4 4* A- T Rica 7 Vie, land. P.. Man. MaxinisPride 94250 .Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 7 lot :i 4 5 5 6*1 Moleswb r Follie Levy, F. Mullens, B. Boyer 94222 Juarea 5* f 1 :0Cg fast 31 lo7 5 2 2 21 21 Kenneuv 7 LMari lunt. F.. Mullens. Helmet. 94102 Juarea 5 l- f 1:05* fast 2 Ml 1 1 1 1* 1" J Howard 7 Enfield. BobbyBoyer. The Pippin. 93242 Juarea 3-4l:il fast 9-6 115 1 1 1 2- 22 R Wilson ." Execute, Rio Pecoa, Marco*. 92114 Ok. City Ab 5-S 53 fast 1 121 3-J R Wilson 7 W.T.Overton, BonnieHaya, Bvraa 92087 Ok.City Ab 5-S 1:00 fast 1-3 ill li R Wilson 8 Pedro, Bscutcbeon, Arrowahaft, OXER, b. h, 5 115 By Toddington— La Primera J. Hochrein. 1100 Juarea 3-4 1:14| test 4 115 3 211= 1 1 Grosa 10 Bob Lynch, Don Diego, Jim Mc. 1068 Juarea 51 f 1:07 fast 2 111 s 6 4 8*1 2*1 Borel 12 Waner. B. of the Bay, Don Diegfl I0M Juarez 3-4 l:l3i fast 21 n;: 3 3 3 7 S" JSmall 8 .1.11. R 1, Bob Lynch, BobFariey 99932 Juarea 3-4 1:13 fast 6 1*14 4 3 5 51 7" H Garner 9 Uncle Ben, Th. Belle, Rov Junior H0S36 Juarez 3-4 1:15 slow 7 108 I I 4 33 3H J Callahan 7 TliistleRelie. rmssover, L.Macy 99812 Juarea 3-4 1:13 fast 3 no 3 11 ink 33J .1 Callahan 7 H.Walbaak, LadyMacy, Fern L. 99738 Juarez 3-4 1:111 fast 10 105 4 2 3 4 41" Buxton G Sebago, W. Widow, Qaartermstt 9*702 Juarea 3-4 1:13* fast 12 M 2 2 2 3* 8 J Callahan r. R. Hindoo. W. Widow. QuarterruT 99878 Juarea 3-4 1:141 teat 20 1:2 7 2 2 3» 67 J Callahanl3 Wlng Widow, BntterBall, Salali 99132 C. dAlene 5-S 1:01 fast 20 95 5 4 5 5 521 J Callahan a M.Canomann, Enfield, NapaNick. 98883 C. dAlene 5-S 1:01* good 15 102 6 6 6 6 671 J Callahan 7 Pr.ofLismore. T.Triek.D.Doughy Spokane 5-S 1:01 fast 21 112 3 3 4 6 6«1 J Bullman 7 Dseelt. I. Gentleman, Dr.Derty, 9S574 Spokane 5-S 1 :0ijj fast 3 113 2 2 2 1"* U J Bullman 11 J. H. Sheehan, G. Intent, Earlene. 98541 Spokane 7-8 1:2S fast 3 112 2 2 2 4 1* 6»8 Mondon 10 Blond v, Oswald B., Daddy Gip 98416 a dAlene 5-S 1:01* fast 7-10 106 6 2 2 2« 14 J Callahan 7 Earlene. An. Wells. Marie Hyde. 98345 C. dAlene 3-4 1:15 good 13-5 127 1 1 1 11 21 J Callahan » DofiEnrique, J.Hendson, Rosamo 88279 C. dAlene 3-4 1:14* fast S-5 112 1 11 l1 1 J Callahan 7 J.H.Sbeeban, F.G.Hogan, F.Hall. WM8 C. dAlene 3-4 1:141 fast 10 112 2 3 1 3" 451 J Callahan 6 Eliz. Harwood. Lomond. Cleopat. BOB LYNCH, br. g, 5 105 By Dungarven — Gueen Lithe J. Randolph. 1100 Juarea I I 1:141 teat 7-5 112 2 3 4 4- 2.. Mulligan 10 Oxer, Don Diego, .Mm Me. 1082 Juarez 3-4 1:12* test 10 105 6 6 5 6« 6M Mulligan 7 Delaney. Ed. Keck. Angelas, l".! Juarez 5i f 1 :W* fast 15 lo3 5 7 7 I1* 7"*Mulligan 9 Dr.Dghty, Goldflnn, J.CrifnII. 1016 Juarez 3-1 1:13* fast 6 110 2 1 1 11 2J Gross B J. II. Reed, B. Farley, King Elk. 98850 Ok la. City 6S f 1:211 fast 2 103 S1* T Smith 8 Tsparent, Minnolette. The Wolf. 98817 OlcClty Ab 5-S 69 fast 5 10C 2s T Sniitn G Marcbmonet, FundauiM, Dr.Maek 98723 Ok. City Ab 6-8 59R fast 31 109 C:11T Smith B L.Stalwt. Dr.Maek. B.of theBav 96823 Ok. City AbCi f 1 :21S fast 20 110 Left at the post. Reese 7 F.Pearl. J.R.Rohson, D.Mgomy ■ OkhvCity 3-4 1 :1CS fast 12 117 Left at the post. Lines S Fundamental. Lukeramus, Zool. 86328 Ok.City Ab 5-8 591 fast 12 124 91S Lines 12 LncleJimmieCray, Dr.Maek. Zool NIMBUS, b. g, 7 112 By Star Shoot— Lady Elite G. M. Odora. 1084 Juarea 51 f 1:081 fast 15 105 7 6 C 5nt r,» Selden 9 Dr.Dghty, Goldflnn. J.GrifnII. ."22 Juarez 61 f 1:05; fast S 10! 3 5 5 5 5*1 J Henry 5 ID. Wolf, J.GriffinlL, Goldlitin. t9995 Juarea 7-S 1 :25i! good 3 IM 13 4 4 5 5" Moleswb 6 RJanior, This.Relle. Florence .. 99954 Juarag 3-4 1:12 fast 21 Ml 4 5 5 5= 4,;J J Henry 8 lackrose, Roy Junior, Ed. Keck. 99883 Juarez 5* f 1:07 good 9-10 108 1 2 1 Ill J Henry S J. dArc, Angelas, II. Walhank. 99738 Juarea 3-4 1:11* fast 4 106 2 5 5 5 6l» J Henry 8 Sebago, W.Widow. Quartermstr WM Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast G-5 111 5 11 1" 34j J Henrv 9 Sebago. Lackrose. Signor. 9S099 Louisville 3-1 1:151 hvy 14 112 4 5 5 5 52» Kennedy 5 RaleighP.D.. B.Sue. Housemaid. 88481 Louisville 1 1 :3S fast 6 11113 3 S Bled. Kennedy 6 T.M.Green, P. Ahmed, Helmet. 98338 Lexington 3-4 1:14 good 6-5 115 1 3 2 2s Ink Kennedy B Chapultepec, MiltonB., Hdzelta 9S031 Windsor 3-4 1:12* fast 13-5 114 5 2 2 1"" l1! Kennedy 9 Granite, Ven. Strome. TheNlgger 979S2 Windsor 7-8 1:25* fast 21 111 1 1 2 3 2"* SJ Kennedy 5 Guy Fisher. Carlton G.. Capsize. 97851 Windsor 1 1:39* fast 1-5 102 2 1 1 1 V 21 McCahey 4 Starbottle, Mel.Street, J. Monck CHILLA. ch. m, 6 105 By Alvescot— Sunlight, by London C. E. Rogers. 99853 Juarea 3-4 1:1 IJ slow 6 110 4 5 6 51 5*1 Buxton S Goldflnn, Balronia, Med. Hannah. 90819 Juarea 51 f 1:08| alow 4 loS 0 4 4 31 las Carter 10 L. .lane. EmmaG., Flv. Footsteps. 99738 Juarea 3-4 1:11* fast 60 97 6 fi li C 5 *lCarter 8 Sebago, W.Widow. Quartermstr 99669 Juarea 61 f 1471 teat 40 105 fi 7 S S 7M Carter in N.Nick. Meadow. John Griffin II. M178 . dAlene 11:42? fast 15 99 6 4 5 4 4» 3° Carter S Rosevale. Venetian, Rusty Coat. 9:1113 C. dAlene 5-8 l:01g slow 4 181 5 4 4 2" 2" Carter 7 D. Dougherty, M.Canon.R. Hindoo 99044 C. dAlene 3-4 1:15 fast 11-5 96 5 4 4 2* 2l Carter 7 Venetian. li.Marchmt. FlruceA 98932 C. dAlene 3-4 1 :U?. good 7-5 106 4 2 I 21! 24 Carter S Cleopat, Colinet, Marburg. feSM C. dAlene 3-4 1:15* good 41 104 4 3 3 1* 1* Carter in Ravaria, N. Son. Hidden Hand. !»S io4 r. dAlene 7-8 1 :2S1 slow 9-5 106 4 4 4 4 4« 4i Carter 6 Heretic, Florence A., Blondy. M64I Spokane 7-8 1:28 fast 2 111 3 1 1 6 7 72= E McEwen 10 Blondy, Oswald B.. Daddy Gip BRAXTON, b. g. 6 112 By Filigrane — Naoma R. J. Austin. 1088 Juarea 51 f 1:08 fast S Ho 3 S 8 4* lb Selden 12 J.H.Sbeeban, Balella, Lv.Knight 1074 Juarez 7-8 1:26 fast 5 110 111 1 lni 5°1.Borel 8 JsckLaxson, L.M.LcUert. Fern L. 1 056 Juarez 3-4 1:14* fast 3 112 6 6 6 4nk 21 Gross 11 Sona. Tallow Dip. Mapleton. 1007 Juarez 5* f l:06g fast 8 IM 9 8 8 3" 3Hi S Johnson 13 Serenade, Earlene, Oonoomoo. M928 Juarea 3-4 1:14 good 10 108 7 5 5 7 7I4JS Johnson 7 L. Tendi. P. Winter. Tim Judge. 99905 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 4 105 8 8 8 8 5l2iGross 11 Rex. J. Cabiniss, Prince Winter. 99S95 Juarez 51 f 1:07* good 4 115 7 fi 7 7J 7flA Walsh 10 L. Knight, Antigo. J. Cabiniss. 99127 C. dAlene 3-4 1 :14g tast 6 101 4 8 8 9 91J Selden 9 S.Stocking. Twickenham, Signor. MOM C. dAlene 1 1:41* fast 10 109 3 2 2 4 6 fi28 Battiste 7 Rosevale, Dr. White. Juan. 9S976 C. dAlene 3-4 1:14* good 8 111 7 7 7 8 891W Taylor 9 P.Streak, Coppertown. FloreuceA. KS0C C. dAlene 3-4 1:14* slow 40 100 4 6 8 8 8" C Ross 8 Enfield. Irish Gentleman, D. Gip. 9JSOo Hawthorne 3-4 1:13* fast 2 107 1 Perkins 9 TonyW., Ir.Gentleman, Startler. 90768 Hawthorne 5J f 1:071 fast 10 114 9°! Williams 13 Roberta. Sona. Startler. 93826 Oakland 1 1:431 slop 4 105 111 1 1*9 1* Taplin 6 Star Actor, Ayame, Buckthorn. 93680 Oakland 7-8 1:25* fast 7 110 2 1 1 1 1 1*1 G Archibd 9 AdaMeade. AnnaMav, Daregton MBit Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 16-6 106 I 3 3 4 3»1 Kederis 10 Grainercy. F.G.Hogan. Lot. Creed STAR VENUS, b. m, 5 105 By Star Shoot— Lillian Beatrice E. L. Fitzgerald. 1105 Juarez 1 1:39s fast 12 9s 4 1 1 1 81 7ls,,Hill S Mais. Girl. L. Marchmont, Zulu. 1055 Juarez 5* f 1:08 fast 4 los 10 10 10 lo 7 *lKeogh 12 Braxton, J. H. Sheehan. BalelU. 1043 Juarea 3-4 1:14 fast 31 loS 5 4 5 4H Hill S J. II. Reed. Rosamo, Miss Korn. 1 :: Juarez 3-4 1:14 last 10 99 4 2 1 41 l"" Hill ! Hid. Hand. Angelua, L.M.Eckert. 1002 Juarea 3-4 1:14* good 3 110 6 11 l 2»1 Small 12 Acquia, Bit of Fortune. Stafford. 97898 Mkogee Ab 5-8 1:09| teat 7-10 107 lb F Jackson .1 M.Dixon, L.Coventry, B.Malden. 97S70 Mkogee Ab 5-8 1:00 fast 4 107 An F Jackson 6 Pops, Daypeep. Dactylis. 97275 Tulsa 61 f l:23g fast 3 108 5»i Reese 8 Clyamic, Unc. Walter, Weymouth 970SO Tulsa 61 f 1:24 slow 2 102 3«1 F Cole 7 Hancock, Tallow Dip, Bnchanau. 97032 Tulsa S-4 1:171 fast 31 113 43 E Mthews f B.J.Swanr, U.Walter. Bevstein 9fi972 Tulsa Ab 5-S 1:003 fast 6 106 5* Reese ! Arrowshaft. Sociable, Fernando. 96S1S Ok.City Ab 5-8 1:00 fast 15 104 98 E Mthews 10 Fernando. Evran, Pops. ZOOL. ch. f, 4 107 By Dr. MacBride— Blue Violet P. F. Gloat. 1013 Juarez 3-4 1:13* fast 6 105 4 3 3 C V Dennv .". Med. Hannah, J. dArc. L. Macv. 98991 Juarez 3-4 1:13s good 6 103 3 4 2 2*» 3-i Denny C F. Footsteps, Maraud, J. dArc. 99955 Juarez 51 f 1:0and1 fast 10 107 4 5 4 43 2-h Dennv 7 Med. Hannah. II. Hand. P. Winter 99880 Juarea 3-4 1:15 good 10 107 fi 8 5 3* 1 Dennv 12 Ilex. Acquia, Frank G. Ilogan. 99688 Juarez 3-4 1:14* fast 5 109 2 3 3 31! 3*1 A Walsh 7 Kootenay, Gold.Ruby, L. Pnxton. 98931 C. dAlene 34 1:15 good 10 107 2 4 3 2"* 28 Selden ■ J.H.Sheehan. Sainest, Novgorod. 9S757 C. dAlene 51 f 1:101 hvy 8 104 6 4 5 fa* la* Selden 10 Rustv Coat. Americns. Tripping. 98413 C. dAlene 51 f 1:09* fast 8 Mi 4 4 4 31 2 Buxton 11 Eddie Mott. Barnsdale, rantem. 9S343 C. dAlene 3-4 1:15* good 10 102 1 2 4 21 3SJ Pickens .. Triste. Sinkand. Binocular. 6 Anaconda 3-4 1 :22| hvy 10 105 6 5 6 6 6«"iHopkins 6 L.HarsonlL, Mon.Don. Daregton M001 Anaconda 51-f 1 :0S* fast 4 112 1 1111 2i D Boland 6 F.Ferris. II. Hawkins. Kinfolka 97871 Butte 3-4 1:151 fast 23-5 102 7 5 5 5* 8S1 Kederis 10 Flving. Gramercv, Barnsdale. 97839 Butte 3-1 1:15 fast 8 107 5 3 3 3* 3»i Reynolds *, F.KemMe, ParlorRoy, WiltrndeS !7753 Butte F C 1:101 fast 7 102 5 .3 4 4 610 Denuy 7 Yo Solo. Parlor Roy, WiltrudeS. TALLOW DIP, br. g, 6 112 By Wax Taper— Miss Dora H. Marrow. luarez 8-4 1:148, teat 3 112 4 SO Ill* Rosen 1.1 Regards. Velslni, Rider. 1066 Juarei 11:42 fast 10 112 1 1 1 1 8*1 8*1 Rosen 10 PlpeVision, Skillute. Minnolette. 1056 Juarea 3-4 1:14* fast 7 112 3 11 2".::- J Henry 11 Sona, Braxton, Mapleton. 99880 Juarez 3-4 1:15 good 10 112 5 4 4 5t" 6*1 J Howard 12 Zool. Ilex. Acqnia. luarez 5-S 1:02* slow 12 115 10 2 2 31 4JJ Howard 12 Salvage. Incision, Bellsnicker. 97862 Mkogee Ab 5-8 59! fast 4 109 1» T Smith 0 Hopewell, Regards, Dan Norton. .7782 Mkogee Ab 5-8 59* fast 3 110 1» R Brooks 5 Regarda, Hopewell, Robbv Cook. 97622 Mkogee Ab 5-S 1 :00* fast 4 109 I4 Treutiel 11 R.Rramhle. Unc. Walter, Stafford ;: 1 Tulsa 3-4m50y 1:20* fast 6-5 107 431 R Brooks 7 Necha. Tapioca, C. N. Haskell. Tulsa Ab 5-S 59* fast 21 114 47 R Brooks 8 Mary Rudd. Reversteln, Hank. Tula* Al 5-S 1:001 fast 10 109 4» R Rrooks 0 Regards. EddieFks. Earls Court SIR IRENTJS, b. c. 4 118 By Kismet by Melton— Bonita B. CB. T. Pattonl. 1091 Juarea 51 f 1:071 teat 15 M7 .". I 6 3] I| Roaen 10 Mandadero, Gift. McAlan. 1051 1051 Juarez Juarez 3-4 3-4 1:12* 1:12* fast fast 40 40 Ml iu7 4 4 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 *IRoaen 8MBosen 8 8 Balronia, Balroala, M. M. Hyde, Hyde. Lt Lt Knight Kalght

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Local Identifier: drf1912012301_3_2
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