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CHANGE IN KENTUCKY DERBY CLOSING. Louisville. Ky.. February B.— Coincident with the announcement of the stake program for tie- spring meeting «.f th.- New Louisville Jockey club at Chmoiiiii Downs, ii ;- announced Unit an Important change i- to I... made ia connection with the Kentucky Derbj ami oak-. Heretofore, these two historic stakes have closed in advance of their running. Instead of following the time honored custom this spring. Hie New Louisville Jockey club announces thai entries for the Kentucky Derby and Kentucky Oaks of 1913 will not . i.w,. until the spring of 1913. This departure i- expected to he beneficial in thai it will permit he nomination to tins ■ famous of any promising three year old I hat may be in light almost up to the running of the race. Cnder tin- old arrangement, nominations were mole at a time when ownoia bad little real idea oi the caliber -f th.- young horses thai they named and often it ha- happened that a good racer would be overlooked, while interior representatives of a stake would be nominated. Tie- advantages of he new arrangement are obvious.