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THE PARI-MUTUELS IN CANADA. Concerning the report that ihe pari-mutuel machine* Mill tiii- . ii supplant I kuiaking at ihe Windsor end I. .it Erie meetings, the Toronto Globe -,i- "The report i- probablj correct, a- It i well I. noun thai foil Brie was prepared to Install iln- machine- two yeai ig but leferred action a- the other c In!.- were not read] for the change. Ill.- eh! ring at Windsor ha- Iiici removed lo u:i for tla- magnificent neu stand that i- to tie used ihi- year, ami the plans : .; the alterations include oioi-ioii for the Iron nun. In Mont:, is nodi rsl I that I In- .!•!. -ion ha po-ilivelv P.. -i made to introduce in.- machines at Id:. Bonnets next June Whatever nni !■■ don :.i around lids -.■:i-,. i. in, •_ in r:.l prevalence of tin mechanical - .■•■in on the tracks •■ the Canadian Racing Associations i- in. i Itahti ."