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JT ,,, aI rod _. -J I . S * _ i j ■ _ , , JUAREZ FO RM CHART. IUAREZ. MEX.. FRIDAY. MARCH 1. 1912.— Terra -/as Park. Seventy-ninth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of DM days, ill Ixniks on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. II. Shelley. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. Hart Jasper. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time S:M p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-ir s in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. FIKST RACK -1-2 Mile. 81858 88% » lift. Purse hB° 00. 2-year aena. Maidens. Ip/v-l O" / -L Fillies. Selling. Net value to wiuner .*22" : second. 8SO; third. .".. Hoi-.- AWtPPSt i4 M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1393 SUMPTUOUS • 186 1 I V .1 Callahan.; M O.lo-n I K I ! 1 !C : -Tll.MV Wiil.lTACTH w 11: it :. 1» js| 2* A Murray J Quirk .". • I : 8-S i416».iosik l.EE n i"7 1 4 | • ll H Carter C B Campbell 4 »; li 1 1 1392*1 SEE IT w 11- I •• -*"1- 5* t*| Selden Powell and Parker 8| :: :: 1 M ri:il PHILOPBNA a K 7 :» • B Ebtep I Striker a 6 6 Li 6-5 1392 MOBS ROSE w i;7 10 7 !» 7 fil R HofrhmnM Moore ■ 1., IB I I 1278 MOTTOS PRTDE w 183 4 S M 8 7-, Cross C M Van C.orden 1". 15 N 4 3 1987*PAR CATHAT an 112 .". 3 3 1 V B« Reogh W Shownlter Hi 4 4 7-5 8-8 141C, SANTA CALL w 10 1 ft 10 7* 9 9s Cur game .1 O and G IT Keenel." 15 16 I 1411 WOLFRESS a IN 1111 I 10s Small I K I lark M HI 10 4 Z 1392 LITTLE BLONDE wa 109 It 1 11 H C Crand W Iford 8 Fiz.i::. :!o M 12 « Time. 2ZlA. 43. Track fast. Winner — B. f. by Father 1« at — Anrlne framed by G. M. tKlom. Went to post at 2:17. At 1 minir.e. Start uood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SIMlTIOCS was awav fast and. forging to the front in the stretch, drew away and won in n canter. TH.HV WOLPTARTH set the earrj pace and was a game contender all the way. JOSIK LEE oatgamed I SEE IT for third place m a fast aauah. I SEK IT showed aaeed, bat tired, philopkna Bnbmed well. IAi; CATHAY ran a good quarter and tpiit. Overweights — Moss Hose. 2 pounds: Santa Call. 1: Wolfress. :.: Ijttle Plonde. 4. SKCOND RACK— 1 Mile. 1884— ljS7%— 4— lli Pome 00. | year-olds and upward. 1£ZfCy OU Selling. Net value to winner #22.".: second. $."HJ: third. o. Iml Horses AWtPPSt i4 M si Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S VBLSINI w41«3 2 V i :; -■ c l« Groaa WeberdeMcOonid I 4 4 8-81-2 147C SUGAR limp ws 4 81 1 I t;1 6| 4 1 2 2*1 Carter W tford .v Plnerl 4 4 8-8 1-2 1171 MARIQOT a S 110 ".7 7 7 • *«»» t TapUn .1 Hochreln ;; 4 4 ti-." 1 ! 14S1 NOVGOROD w C 112 :i .". "•- 6" 7 7 !- Kos n S j Kelley 28 18 28 I I ISCTDOTTIJB B. w4 9ri a I tafe : ■- 31 C. :• . Kederi.s .1 Lowrie 21 :"■ 8-5 7-181-3 1348 PIPE VISION w I 185 7 4 4-.".- 5* «: A Murray Wheeler 4k WllsonM M M 4 2 ills HIGH RANGE wn 8 148 I :; l*| I-- li V 7* R HoffmanR G Martin 10 M 10 4 2* ill JOHN HEfK WB 3 942 8SS88 8E Cotton Mrs F Itaon 20 20 20 8 4 Time. 23%. 47*/5. 1:13. 1:40. Track fast. Winner — 11. g. by Orsini — Velna trained by L. T. Whitehill.. Went to post at 2:4 ;. At ixst 2 minuts. Start ;:ood and slow. Won eaaOy; second and third driving. VKLSINl ran in closest and persistent pursuit of HIGH RANGE to the stretch, then went into the lead ith a ru-ii and. drawing away, won eased up. SUGAR LUMP began slowly, but made up KTOnnd steadil.v and, finishing fast, was tin easy going second. MARIGOT closed a big gap in the last quarter and finished with a belated rash. NOVGOROD also finished fast. DOTTIK B. was sore, but rau forwardly to the stretch and retired, men RANGE set a fast pace for three ejaartan and unit when challenged in the stretch. Scratched 1804 Portarlington. 101. Overweights — Velsini. 2 pounds: lipe Vision. ■!: John Heck. 4. THIRD RACK 5-8 Mile. 8St40— 58%— 8— 18and1 Pnrne 8888. ::-year-olds and upward. 1r/Q tJJtJ Selling. Net value to winner 25; secoud. ?50: third, 0. In-i Horses AWtPPSt Yt -. »i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S i:«h-ic: lanky a 1181 . I 2»fc 3-i U c EJaogh H kfeDnnlei S 3 .". 1 t-2 120s OXER nnS in ;; •"• 7 7 •".- -: Groaa J Hochreln ;: :: .". 1 1-2 1 W3 A EM 1 VON w4 . !» ■! 2 4»1 51 li Jl Selden Powell iV Parker l" 15 15 r. 2 1. 1 •:.i*T IMMT TWIG m 4 HJ 7 7 ; 6 7 43 Carter F W Foisting 881 1-2 1432JOHN GRIFFIN II. wa N in ! 5 4* I :.-i A Marray D C Cottle 3X811-2 !.".. DR 8M Ol W 5 181 I i ::-i :-i ■ «u Small .1 I Kennedy 883 8-2 1394 METROPOLITAN w 5 111 18 s S x 71 Rosen W M Cain St M 9J M I 1443AMOHALKO v M t; :: l* in J J s J Callahan J F Newman D .". 4 3 I Time. 22%. 46 3i, 59%. Track fast. Winner — Br. g. by Kilkerran — Talpa trained by H. McDaniel. Went to post at 8:18. At post 1 minute. Start bad and fast. Won easily: second and third drivimr. DELANE1 began fasi. but was aalckly pa— Bd by AMOHALKO. then followed dose op and. when the leaders began to iire. moved to the front and easily held OXER s.ife. OXER begun slowly and ran far hack, then came like a whirlwind In the final eighth, but too late. VKNo VON ran a good race and fin [sited gamely. TOMMY TWIG closed a gap from a p.* r send off. JOHN GRIFFIN II. ran poorly for Mat. DR SMOOT was a prominent contender to the laat furlong, then tired badly. AMOHALKO set an extremely fast pace for a half mile, then c|iiil abruptly. Scratched— 1408J. B. Robinson. Ill: 1440 Antigo. 108. Overweights — Dr. Smoot. ■ pounds: Metropolitan. :i. FOURTH RACK— 3-4 Mile. 88888—1 dl%— *— 1880 Purse $:00 ::-year-olds and uTT IPAI vJvi ward. Handicap. Net value to winner 2T : second. 858; third. .S2.".. Iuu Horses AWtPPSt and ,i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1431 -SEIJAGO w 4 11.". 7 1 . I J 1: R I iohniaiiH R Brandt 2 -■ :. I 1-2 1383 II PCLTEPEC wk 7 11G 1 1 31 2*§ I* 2*|J Henry .1 II htead .". li ♦: 2 8-4 1430 ! NiLK HEN w 4 Us ., | |- V p :; A Murray .1 E Newman .". fi B -J. 1 lJTDDR nonillKKTY wn a 183 2 _• la» H ::•■ Ai Selden F Harrington I r, O I 1 14o7-PI.Yi: FOOTSTEPS wb 5 185 5 -".s 5« .".; •"- Tnplln I. Gladstone 3 4 4 »;:,::". 1431IRISH CENTLEMANw n 4 112 4 7 7 ■; • »; Gross .1 Btocbrein 3 3 tj 6-.". 1-2 h M PINKOLA wa 7 ;;« 3 it 7 7 7 Carter E Alvey 30 30 30 10 and Time. 23, 47. 1:125. Track fast. Winner -IL c. by Semproniu Portia Swelt trained by H. K. Braadt. Went to peat at 3:44. At post I minute. Start bad and fast. Won easily: second and third drivtag. SEBAGO, mach the best, waa simt off shortly after passing the half, but came aroand Ihe leaders when entering the Stretch and. wearing CHAPILTKPKC down, won in a canter. Ill AIT I.TiIKC took the lead and appeared dangerous when turning for borne, but tired when challenged in the stretch. IXCI.K HEN ran well and oatgamed DR DOUGHERTY finally for third place, int. DOCGHERTY set a ..i-t pace and finished gamely, but tiring. IRISH GENTLEMAN had no chance at the start. FLYING FOOTSTEPS ran wi 11. Overweights — Plnkola, X poumL FIFTH RACK— 7-8 Mile. 1881— Ig4%— 8— 105.1 Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. 1pr/R Oljf Selling Net value to winner 8228; aec 1. .*.".o: third. 2.". Ind Horses AWtPPSt % ;l4 Str Hn Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1444-EYE WHITE am 5 148 I 1 l" ll 1«| 1| 11 Carter Woodford 4k Flaet8-8 2 9-5 3-:. 1 :: 1451GELICX a ■ S no ■ 2 2* 21 2 _ J;i 21 Groaa L E King z 21 3 :; .". i :: • MAIZ1E GIRL w 4 MS j I :: ■■- ■■■ a* Batep J SchreJber 14 4 1 2-5 1408*F MULHOLLAND wn-8 1M I I B G S H TapUn Powell 8 Parker 3 ■• "• 8-61 io 1433»ZULC a E llu 1 1 3.1. 1". !- t •". • Small l C Feniss !•• 18 M 3 8-6 1432 PIT A PAT a I 105 "■ 5 • I ■ I Kederis W P 8 I. E Eiml". 15 15 J 2 Time. 2425. 48%, 1:18%, l:26-5. Track fast. Winner P. z. by Vaiik.i — Lady in Waiting trained by W. H. Finer. Wen. to at 4:18. At po-i i minute, start good and fast. Won driving; second and third the same BYE WHITE went into the lead at once and. making the pace fast, won all the way. but finished deim; his licst. GELICO ran in nearest pui-uil throughout and. in a gnme effort, was slowly Wearing il..-winner down at the end. MAIZIK GIRL coon ran Into third place, but could not improve her position In the stretch drive. FRED Ml LHOLLAND finished gamely. Zl I.I showed speed, but tired. The winner. . iitcred f r 8300; was bid up to 1806 tnd bought In. sixth RACK— 1 Mile. 1334—1:37% — 1—112.1 Parse 8888. 4-yaar-oa8a and onward. 1p»/i/» »3v rO S. Uing. Net value to winner .*22." : second. 888; third. .".. Inl Horses AWtPPSt M M % Str Fin lackeys Owners it H C P S 1475 TIM JUDGE am 4 M8 I l I1 lil 1 - i 1 3 R HoffmnnHendsonacHogaQ 3 .". .". 2 1 1281 ONATASSA am.7 Ml l _, Batep .1 A .liuin I hi h 4 ! 1433 L M E "KEPT w 7 112 T 3 8 8«fc 2* 2"t ::. Keogh E C Borttachell 4 4 11-64-6 2-8 1474 FIGENT w •; M ■ "■ I P H 4:r- t, A Murray P I Howard E T .". l 1 i it .--a wa •"• MM - 7 " ".■. - • • Selden .1 Bchreiber 3 E •" 3 t 13C6BEN UNCAS wt: 4 111 8 t 8 8 8 T 0 TapUn RJ Karris 18 M N t 8-6 tiTuiiMISPRISION w ; ill 8 6 7 7 7 6* 7*| Groaa Quintan Jv HIgel I M hi I 2 14; LIT MARCHMONT wn 5 112 18 8 8 8 8 8 H sea 1 Str s lo lo 4 -1 Time. 2415. 47, 1:14%, 1:403. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by The Judge -Formella trained by S. M. Henderson. Went to DOSt ;it 4:41. At ]Hjst 1 minute. Start |i.« d !m.l f;i-t Won driving; second and third the same TIM JUDGE, showing much speed, quickly opened ■ km* lead and won all the way. but finished tiring. ONATASSA ran forwardly all the way ami oatgamed L. M. FiKKiiT in i long stretch drive. I. M ECKERT ran well and mad. a challenge on the turn for home, but tired in the final tarhaag. i p;i:i ran well and finished close an. BONA waa always outpaced, but finished gamely. I...! l481*Ligh1 Knight. 100.