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DONAU IS STAKE WINNER GERST RACER SCORES IN PRINCIPAL RACE Or PALMETTO PARK PROGRAM. Run-ups Follow Decision of Four Selling Races — Charleston Track Again in Muddy Condition — Duval Regains Winning Form. Charleston. S. C. March P.— Changed track eondi tions. due to hard rain Which fell this morning, resulted in numerous form upsets at Palmetto Park thi- afternoon and entailed extensive losses to the player- who pinin ,| their faith to the i.tvoriii -. About the worst disappointment they experienced came with the running of the handicap at one mile and an eighth, in which Moekler and Jawbone Wert! regarded as laving the race between them. Tin-latter brought up in third place and Jawbone finished out of the money, the purse going to the suddenly improved Duval, with Manager Mack the runner up. Both of these three year-olds are in the Pal mi Ito Derby and on their showing this afternoon should be formidable fsjctors in the contest for that rich prize. Butwell handled Doaau to advantage in the SoVth . Carolina Stake-, which served as the feature of the card of seven races. lie tepl the Gerst rarer in a contending position until straightened for boose. when he brought him up with a rash that carried him past Helen Baibee, and Doaau ultimately won by a com:.. liable margin This race marked the first defeat sustained by Amoret at Ihia meeting. on the strength of six Impressive win- in re. the Kay horse waa naturally looked upon as the likely winner, hut after fiatteriag his backers for the tii-t half mi! . I.e began weakening and was beaten tor third place by Montcalm. Seventeen layers operated this afternoon. Tin-mihi weather brongbt out a bumper crowd to wit ne-- the sport. There were lively sessions in the paddock titter every BeUhng race. Four of the winners were bid up and one changed hands, while another horse was claimed. Morrtstown, winner of the second race, w.i repurchased by his former owner, J. C. Alilam. for jl.BOO. The coll was entered for ,100 an 1 ran iu J. L. Hollands name, the latter having purchased him at private sale from Sam ijouis. who took him from Air. Milam out of a selling race a few days pie viously. J. W. Hedrick claimed Rev from II. O. Comwtock for ..:!4 . After Donati won the South Carolina SelliBg Stake- lie ua- bid up .*S00 over his entered pfhe of .. _"»« by Sam Lotis. hut was retained by Ins owner. Fa there! a, winner of the fifth race, was boasted .s."im» over his entered price by s. a. ciopton ami 8am Loois and was retained by his owner for ,003. Hugh McCarrea was fareed to stand a raise of 00 to keep bis useful plater. Camel, which had lx en entered for . The total amount of run-ups during the afternoon was ,105. while the value of the six parses, aside from the stake, totaled only *L.:t*io. A few trials took place between races this afternoon, unhiding the following: Barn Dance Mile in 1 JfO. Bodkin — Three-ouarters in 1:24. Breaker Boy Half mile in 63. c.d ui. 1 Holloway Three-quarters in 1:23, Ciittybunk — Mile i;i 1 Ai. Ella Jr.iiie -Five eighths in 1:10. Elsie Heradon — Half mile iu r.t. Fl.unma Thr.e -iptarteis in I :LC. Grenida— Half aula in r 0. 1 Jack -Mile in 1:52. Knigbta Differ -Mile in 1 :." 2. Kormak— Mile in 1 :50. Limpet— Mile in 1 :."::. Merman Mile in 1:5%. Miss Edith Half mile in ."2. Parkview Three-quartera in 1:22. Peter Pender live eighths in 1 :i . Silver Bill -Flve-eightha in 1:0$. Smirk Half mile in 54. T. ai. Jreen-Thi .e qnartera in 1:21.-..