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SPECULATING ON CHARLESTONS FUTURE. The foBosriaaj press li~i-n t • li from Charlestoa is got g the rounds: "Now that the meeting it Pi! 11 -il , 1nrk of tin- Charleston Fail and Racing Ass.. elation is skoal to turn into the bemest retch, the question which is being discussed most is whether or not the aasoclatloa will race here next year. Hie aati-race track betting bill paasad by the South Carolina Legislatare goes into effect Julv 1 and sft*T that date the owner- of the track may 1..- beld legally reapoudilde tor aaj aragera made, which, if enforce, 1. would, of oiirse. put an end to the -port 111 tins state. Il i- a matter of common report, however, that tin- association is going to attempt to hold a meeting next year in spite of this law. No detail* tatemeni conceraiag this has been obtained Pom the management."