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FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 2582 1383 FAIE LOUISE br m S 109 By Ogden Flora Pomona J W Young 3213 C dAlene 1 141 j fast 185 103 5 2 ° t 4 Hill 11 Eddie Mott Onatassa Whldden 3034 C dAIeno 34 l14g fast 30 308 5 31 21 R Hoffman 8 Banorella NoQnarter Tillinght 2950 C dAlene 34 3352 mud 32 109 9 92S6S 71 6 Taplin 11 BenGreenleaf Binocular Blondy 2S6S C dAlene 51 f 3091 mud 6 309 4 42S05 11 11 Buxton 9 Boas FRuhstaller MMusgnv 2S05 C dAlene 34 3341 fast 8 330 2 4 5 J B Hoffman 8 Media Harlem Maid Critic 2687 C dAlene 5 f 1091 fast 175 107 4 71 6 R Uoffmanl2 Blondy Lof theForest FJhnsn 1723 Juarez 1 l42y fast 31 108 5 5LITTLETON 8 421 R Hoffmanll Chess George Guy ton Rublnon RublnonBy LITTLETON b g 6 ill By Lodowic Minnie A A H Wilkinson 3106 C dAlene 1 1412 fast 9 113 5 529S5 I1 1J Carter 10 Beatrice Soule Johnstown Zulu 29S5 CdAlene 1 116 l4Sg mud 7 98 2 Ink 21 Carter 7 Sake Beatrice Soule Snaldlng 2939 G2S09 C dAlene 34 1151 fast 50 109 G G2 SnaldlngG2 5J E McEwenll Critic Harlem Maid Hawley 2S09 C dAlene 1 l42g fast 20 110 9 7 7 Carter 9 Salpearl Johnstown F Johnson 2606 C dAlene 7S 1291 fast 8 104 10 10HAMMEHAWAY 421 3 i Carter 12 LMcNally Zinkand Reene W WBy HAMMEHAWAY b e 9 111 By Hamburg Clementina W Singleton 2440 C dAlene 58 1031 mud 5 107 3 1s 1 J Hanover 11 Sir Barry Tony Faust Bncollc 2276 C dAlene 34 115 fast 4 107 11 64 G W Fischer 12 Susan F Hope So Elgin 4991SS 2202 C dAlene 58 1011 fast 15 107 4 S G W Fischer 32 Canapa H Satchel Lord Clinton 991SS C dAlene 1 1441 fast 7 111 4 2i 31 W Fischer 9 RoundRound Zinkand OShore 99148 CdAlne 1 116 150 fast 15 109 6 J 7Z 531 Imes 9 Montauk Don OswaldB BSoule 9910S C dAlene 34 1151 slow 6 124 2 41 4J W Fischer 11 Commerce LRossington BBush 99040 C dAlene 34 1151 fast 6 111 f 34 22 W Fischer 11 L Elizabeth Mossback L l idy 99001 C dAlene 1 l43g good 8 109 1 1KEENE 3l 3l iW Taylor 12 LenaLech DrWhlte RoyalRlTer RoyalRlTerBy KEENE W ch m 7 109 By Star Shoot Magna Charta G Brumbaugh 3215 C dAlene 1 143 fast S 109 4 31 11 Riddle 9 Beatrice Soule ThePeer Wicket 3010 42S09 C dAlene 1 143 good 8 110 4 31 4s Cavangh 11 Jr Musgrave Dovalta The Peer 2S09 C dAlene 1 1423 fast S 331 2 31 5JR Hoffman 9 Salpearl Johnstown F Johnson 2707 122C06 C dAlene 51 f 3091 fast 10 109 12 9 9 i Riddle 32 McAlan O Shore A Schneider 2C06 C dAlene 7S 1291 fast 65 109 5 61 4 E McEwenl2 L McNally Zinkand Littleton 2295 C dAlene 7S 128 fast 7 111 1 62 4s Anderson 9 Loween Dahlgren Johnstown 221S6 2247 C dAlene 7S 1271 fast 15 109 2 41 4 E McEwen 9 Flfrent Gelico Gus Hartrldco 21S6 C dAlene 34 1141 fast 3 109 6 3s 3 J Buxton 8 BHIyMyer Sn Gold Nebr Lass 2145 C dAlene 7S 1271 fast 6 104 7 7HAHLEM 2 1 22 Buxton 9 OldMexIco HmMald Johnstown JohnstownBy HAHLEM 10931C2 MAID b m 6 109 By Nasturtium Adorn F M Hopper 31C2 C ilAlene 78 127 fast 12 107 1 4S G5 J Mclntyro30 Blondy M Musgrave C Tucker 2919 C dAlene 34 1151 fast 32 107 4 4J 2U J Mclntyrell Critic Hawley Cnvlna 52C34 2S05 C dAlene 34 1141 fast 115 110 5 2s 2 = 1 J Mclntyre 8 Media Critic Lucille Allen 2C34 C dAlene 78 128 mud 30 104 1 4nk 5 Selden 10 GImli Cisko Ed Keck 2385 C dAlene 78 127 fast 8 105 6 G t 5 j Cavangh 9 Loween Lotta Creed Force 2187 C dAlene 1 141 fast 116 108 3 3ADENA 21 31 Cavangh 8 S Barber Old Mexico Dr Wblto WbltoBy ADENA br m7 109 By Sidney Lucas Balance H W Durker 3105 72U41 C dAlene 51 f 1OSJ fast 10 110 7 7 6 J Cavangh 30 Sanel JHSheelian Anne McGee 2U41 C ilAlene 5 f 1074 fast 40 307 30 Gl 42 Buxton 32 ElHamilton OMexico Miss Sir 2654 C dAlene 78 328 mud 40 307 5 9 9 JCavangh 10 Gimli Cisko Ed Keck 2472 C dAlene 34 3171 slop 3 107 1 11 U Cavangh 11 Exchequer LoniseB Descendant 2365 C dAlene 5 f ItfSg fast 200 305 2 8 8s Corey 8 Goldfinn Thistle Belle Americus 99185 C dAlene 78 129 fast 8 103 9 9SOUTHERN 51 61 Gross 10 Sir Fretful Lyte Knight Oscnro OscnroBy SOUTHERN GOLD b K 5 111 By Gold Heel Southern Girl T Cook 3213 C dAlene 1 141S fast 30 105 11 13 31 U Mclutyrll Kddie Mott Onatassa Whldden 3133 C ilAlenc 34 114H fast 13 113 7 10 30 J Mclntyrell Canapa Ulfnin Odelia 2743 C ilAlene 1 1411 fast 10 109 7 31 5 lCarter 10 HHutchison FGuard BOleaf 2675 C ilAleno 34 115 fast 8 111 4 4 73J Taplin 11 Miss Picnic Error Marie Hyde 2441 C dAlene 58 302 mud 41 111 5 3J 31 Tnplln 9 Shortcut Rey el Torar Ramsy 2295 C dAlene 7S 128 fast 3J 113 9 7 Gi Gross 9 Loween Dahlgrtn Johnstown