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LAGOON MEETING OPENS AUSPICIOUSLY AUSPICIOUSLYCrowd Crowd of Three Thousand Persons Treated to Intereating Inter esting Racing Racingi RaeingRighteasy Righteasy Wins Inaugural StakeSalt Stake Salt Lake City Utah July Jilly3lhe 3 3The Tlie second meet meetIng meeting ¬ ing of the Lagoon Fair and Racing Association wa teasinaugurated was inaugurated to today a at the picturesque Lagoon course courseFully courseFully Fully 3000 OU persons were IJle present ellt and the races wereall were wereall all keenly 11111 contested Ten bookmakers were In line lineand lineand and wen kept bus busy during the afternoon Manager ManagerII lauagerII II I 1 Wilson ison who has been in charge of matterpertaining matters mutterspertainimig pertaining to transportation had excellent senll serviceand service and the large alge crowd was handled with alacrity alacrityThe alacrityThe The winner of the Lagoon Inaugural value 1000 51000vts 1000 1000was was furnished urnishl h by II IL G Bedwcll who was as lllreStnllll reprcsented repre ¬ sented in the race h by Rightcasy and Hos Rose Queen QueenI I Righteasy QueenItlghtlns won after sli slight ht urging rjlng In the stretchAuaset stretch stretcllAJ AJ Arasec I ee was as outpaced in the early par part 1111 but cloCdwith closed closedtviuh with a powerful rush while Rose Qnfien quit after aftermIkln afternmaking mIkln making the pace Judge Jt e K C Hopper presided ovpr the racing He JIeIs heis is well known to all the followers of the sport on onthe onthe the Pacific slope having servedlu a similar clpacityat capacity capacityat at Oakland for twd twelve years carS Martin Nat Xathansoil Xathansoilaetell Nathanson hunsou hunsouacted acted as his assllcia associate te 1Jnrr I harry Morrissey made hisdebut his hisIlehut debut as starter lie has hnslmcii IIeCII connected with Mais tuu fnls fnlsCnssltl Cnssltl Cassidy as an 111 assistant t starter for l11all many years yearsills etrs etrsHis His work with the barrier this afternoon was wasgenerally wasglnlrnliy generally good For the first two races be waRonlanxlous was wasoverauxiomus overanxious and sent his fields awa away to rathmstrag rather ratherstmgglimig straggling strag lIl1 starts but during th the remainder of tluIla theday tin Ila day the starling was good He is using the walk walkup walkup ¬ up style styleC C ed II fihillln Shilling the crack jockey left last night nightfen nightfor for Cincinnati where his wife lfe is erlmlsl seriously ill ilL liehopes He IlllIoJlls hopes to be able to return before the meetingcloses meeting metlngdoses closes closesAmong Among Amoll the arrivals today were J H Wainwrightamid Wainwright YalnwrlghtaUlI and Al Iuz Luzader mder who came from Latonia