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CHANGE IN WINDSOR TRACK COURSE IS DELUGED AND MUD RUNNERS GET FIRST CHANCE OF MEETING Essex Handicap Robbed of Much of Its Interest by byWithdrawal Withdrawal of Calgary and Lcoclmres Takes TakesMeasure Measure of Rock View Windsor Out August 2S The racing at Wind ¬ sor this afternoon was robbed of interest to some extent by withdrawals in several of the races on account of changed track conditions Heavy rains that set in this morning made the going sloppy The card in its original condition was a good one and the prospective meeting between Calgary and Rock View in the Essex Handicap was looked for ¬ ward to with keen interest Trainer Patterson de ¬ cided at the last minute to take no chances with Calgary in the muddy going and lie was withdrawn Rock View was made an oddson favorite for the race but 12 pounds proved too big a handicap in the going for tlie Belinont juvenile and he was forced to succumb to the Schorr entry Leouharei which beat him a length and a half halfThis This was the fifth running of the Essex Handicap the history of which is as follows Year Winner Wt Jockey Vnl Tim 1008 Richard Reed 10 TWMphv 1150 101 1909 Prince Imperial lit Men try 1500 l0is 110 Cismont 104 J Reid 770 l0tij 1111 Moisant 125 G Burns 151 7J 1012 015100Distance Leochares 10S Loftus JH5 015100 100 Distance fiveeighths of a mile until 1010 1010Plate Plate Glass which has proved a disappointment in several races of late was again beaten this after ¬ noon when he finished second to Helen Barlxje in the sixfurlongs handicap Plate Glass was an oddson favorite for the race Jockev Martin adopted different tactics with Plate Glass this after ¬ noon than heretofore Instead of going to the front with him he rated his mount behind tlie pacemaker In rounding the far turn he moved up on the out ¬ side witli a rush but just when it looked as If he would pass Helen Barbee he faltered In the final sixteenth lie again gained and he suffered defeat by only 1 neck In a driving finish finishThe The Adalr Baker stable furnished the winners of the sixth and seventh races in Husky Lad and Flying Feet The former was an outsider in his race while Flying Feet was a 7 to 10 favorite Tlie latters victory was a costly one for his owner who was forced to stand a runup of ffiOo to retain tlie horse Flying Feet was entered to ho sold for 500 and Sam Louis carried him to 1105 This horse has been a target for the halter men on the Canadian circuit of late He has been run up1 nr claimed half a dozen times timesUnion Union Jack winner of tlie opening race was also bid up After his victory a stranger stepped out and ran him up 505 over his entered price of 100 He too was retained by his owner ownerThe The weight and condition of tlie field was re ¬ sponsible for Gun Cottons defeat In the steeple ¬ chase for which she ruled a IS to 5 favorite SiglC proved an easy winner In this race leading his op ¬ position by ten lengths at the finish finishJockey Jockey Estep was an arrival from Maryland this morning but he did not accept any mounts It is understood that his handling of Chester Knim in a race at Fort Erie was far from pleasing to the officials and Estep will probably be given a lecture before againAl he is permitted to ride here again Al Hanf and Edward Mosier were among tiie new layers that cut in Benny Falk and a couple of others went off hut thirtyone were In line this afternoon afternoonBuckliorns Buckliorns ailment it develops was only a slight one and trainer Jack Adkins has the colt in the mile and an eighth handicap tomorrow tomorrowMrs Mrs L A Livingston who was a visitor here tr day made a number of entries in the Laurel stakes with Joseph McLennan who is looking after tlu clubs interests here August Belinont Robert Davies and several other prominent owners will race at Laurel this fall fallE E II Bradley this afternoon engaged a car for the shipment of his stable to Kentucky Immediately at tlie close of the meeting His nine head In ¬ cluding Brooklield Rallyshe Helmet and Bell Horse will go to Lexington Others who will go to Ken ¬ tucky are Paul Miles with his promising jockey F Tealiann Frank D Weir and a division of thu Pons stable