Butte Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1912-09-03


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BUTTE FORM CHART CHARTBUTTE BUTTE Mont Wednesday August 28 1912 Twentyfourth day Rut to Jockey Club and Fair Association Summer Meeting of 30 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge E C Hopper Starter H Mor rissey Racing Secretary E C Hopper Hopper47C7 47C7 First Race 5S Mile Purse 250 3 year yearolds olds and upward Fillies and Mares Selling SellingNet Net value to winner 200 second 35 third K Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl ClAdelaide Adelaide T 105 I Taplin S 2 4551 2Kiora 107 2 = X Rooney 2 i 4507 Banonica 107 I5 Cavanaugh C i i4503Gerds 4503Gerds 100 4J Groth 5 4502 Decency 107 5l Anderson 4 10 10420S 420S Xia 107 C1 Mulligan 10 8 4375 Banthel 107 78 A Murray 20 30 3045GI3Morada 45GI3Morada 107 S1 Korsythe S 12 12Mabel Mabel Olaf 107 J Parker 20 100 100Time Time 2314 48 100 Track fast Winner R J Mackenzies b f 3 by Sileo Tamiga trained by C W Carroll CarrollStart Start good Won ridden out second and third driving The winner entered for 200 was bid an to 305 and iKiught iu iuOverweights Overweights Adelaide T 5 pounds 4768 Second Race 34 Mile Purse 300 3 year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 23 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl 4510 = Marsand 104 I3 Selden 1 910 4514 Error 107 2s Taplin 4 11 5 43 Clint Tucker 110 3J A Nelson 4705 Force 1K 4s Uooney 4212 Hal 4HUi Folk 10 ti Rosen 3J15 Melton Cloth 105 7 Cavanaugb 30 20 20Time Time 24 4S 11314 Track fast Winner 1 II Adams U f 4 by Marta Santa Proud mined by R Warren WarrenStart Start good Won cantering second and third drlv iug Overweights Clint Tucker 4 pounds Folk 3 4769 Third Race Futurity Course 17 feet les than 34 mile Purse 300 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selling Net v value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse Wt WtFin Jockey 1507 Mimorioso 109 10945053Chas l = i Taplin 45053Chas Joetz 10 15 Anderson 451 Gold Point 107 1074r 3 Selden 4r 0r Ulfrun 107 I McDowell 452 Auto Girl 107 5 = Cavanatigli 4147 Ora McGee 107 fi 1 Parker MOO Russell McGill 100 7i O H Miller 7 17 4513 Merode 107 S Rooney 12 30 30Time Time 24 4S 110 Track fast Winner F Karrars b g 3 by Mazagan Olive Hut ton trained by F Farrar Start good Won easily second and third driving 0 Fourth Raee 3 4 Mile Purso 300 4 year Ids and upward Selling Net value to winner SI25 second 50 third 25 1 Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl ClVUF VUF G Ilogan 105 Ii Cavanaugh i5 45 Richard Reed 104 2 k A Murray IVHButtcr Ball 107 Taplin 4537Balronia 102 I1 K Cotton 4513 Bellsnicker 10S r Rooney 2 M M450S 450S Gibson 105 Mulligan 100 100 100Time Time 2314 48 114 Track fast Winner Chicago Stables b g 5 by HawUswick Wedding Day trained by F W Doss DossStart Start good Won handily second and third dtiv ing The winner entered for 400 was bid til to 05 and bought in inOverweights Overweights Frank G Hogau 1 pound Gibson 1 Bellsnicker 4 4771 Fifth Race 5S Mile Purse 250 3 year olds and upward Fillies and Marcs Selling Net value to winner 200 second 35 third 15 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey 3012 Iduu 101 1A H Miller 44C7 Viniur 100 2i tin it h 42SC Gleniindcane 4202 Miss Rhoda 100 43 McDowell 4510 Lady Adelaide 107 Rooney 43IO Ailsa Paige 105 Mulligan 420S Vivian Van 107 4457 Carmiel 107 S Anderson 4310 Gold Sliower 100 0 Forsythc 15 10 103702Dell 3702Dell 107 10 Cavanaugli 95 Oo Oo45GL 45GL Kin folks l 7 IMillupSlohnsoii M 20 20Time Time 241 49 102 Track fast Winner K R vans ch f 3 by The Judge Piqiiantc trained by II E Hunter HunterStart Start fair Won handily second and tuiru drlv ing Overweights Iduu 4 pounds Ailsa Paige 5 4772 Sixth Race 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 225 second iO third 25 25Ind Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl Cl4517lack 4517lack Stryker 111 I4 Taplin 351120 35112045U 351120I 45U Ohivion lit 23 C II Miller I 4150 Slcepland OS 3k Groth 12 13 13S 4508 Hammeraway 10 45 Cavanaugh S 1 4505 McAlan 100 5i K Cotton 20 40 40S 4557 Star Blue 110 C ° k Rooney S 10 412 Florence JCripp 05 7ZJ Forsythc 20 40 404552Miss 4552Miss Picnic 105 S Mulligan f 12 12Time Time 25 49 115 141 Track fast fastWinner Winner II L Wilsons b g 4 by Jack Point Belle Graham trained by Q Van Camp CampStart Start good W a easily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Slcepland 1 pound

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912090301/drf1912090301_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1912090301_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800