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HILLCREST PARK FORM CHART TOKOKTO Ont Frjday October 4 1912 Hill f ar arr r ourtn lay Toronto Driving Club ° f days 1 ° b ° ° ks ° 1K ITMldinsr Judge Ed Cole Starter W M Mur raj Racing Secretary W R Norvell 5Lii 5Liit t Race 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3 dsi and Iward Allowances DECLARED 589 Second Race 7S Mile Purse 300 4year Ids and upward Selling Net value to winner 21V Kecond JCO tlilrd 30 ind 30ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Ol PI Sh h Tec MaV 109 lli FJksii S 3 32 kJodia B 109 S EGriffin 10 10 4 2 v5SWjltc Mc I0t 3 ° Snider 4365 35 kender 10 ° 4l Wtley 323271025 323271025h h = 7 natlon 10 ° 5 CWhite 2 2i 1 12 0 4 D of Bwater 10 C JBergn 6 7 2 1 55l7Tiny Tim 1O 7 Jensen S 10 4 2 Time 2Time 131 Track fast fastWinner Winner J Cannons b f 4 by Macy TeeKy J H CannonWent trained by J Cannon Went to post at 2S1 At post 4 minutes Start t od oii easily t econd and third driving Scratched 5550 Ruble 112 ivwweights Tiny Tim pounds 5590 Third Race 78 Mile Purse S300 3year dds and upward Selling Net value to winner Jf210 second 0 third JP30 I rid Horse WtFinJocfcey Op Cl PI Sh 10U I1 Mondon 1 45 12 out V22 Tiger Jim 10 21 Minder 4 421 6W Goldlash 109 2 Jensen 7 S 3 1 3VK Senr Hubble 103 4 CKnht 10 10 4 2 KJ3Inferno Queen 104 5 Snider C C 2 1 135C 35C iRInda 109 C3 JJreyer 6 C Cr r 52j Mad River 111 71 PJksn 5 7 rr22 Tins D Kitten lOTi S AHanr 10 15 5 21 Time 132 Track fast Winner WhitehiH Webers ch g 6 by Rubi ¬ con Coma trained by L T Whitdiill WhitdiillWent Went to pwl at 257 At post 3 minutes Slarf K0 d Won handily second ami third driving Overweirhts drivingOverweirhts Kiuda 5 uounds 5591 Fourth Race About 158 Mile Purse WOO 2 2SS SS SSwoMhSSfiaf woMhSSfiaf et valuc to winner 210 210Ind Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PI Sh 54 549sTanus 9sTanus 1M 15 Dreyei 683 32 32r411 r411 Protagoras 109 23 Jensen 3 25 45 25 5555 Loan Shark 112 Si McAle 23112 5217 Lady Robbins 109 4l CWhite 6 S 3 32 411 Sandman 112 5s EGrittin 7 7 25 1 1S411 S411 Bavell Lutz 109 6 Minder 12 15 6 3 r44 Burnt Candle 109 PuupCKnt 3 2i 4525 Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner I Strikers br c by Ihlrim Joss trained by L Striker StrikerWent Went to post at 323 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won drivin second and third the same 5592 Fifth If ice 612 Furlongs Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to win net 280 second SO third 40 Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PI Sh 5524 Frog 109 I Minder 32 32 71013 i21sMiss Joe M 2 = Snider 2 2 45 25 5470 Dipper 105 31 Dreyer 6621 5559 McAudrewa 109 4 t EG tiffin 4521 472 Curious 109 PuupJBgen 10 S 3 32 32551STemmeraire 551STemmeraire 109FeIIFJksn 452 710 Time 710Time l245 Track fast fastWinner Winner G J Days b g 4 by Monsieur de LOrme Volma trained by G Morton MortonWent Went to iwst at 355 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving 5593 Sixth Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 H yearods and upward Allowances Net value to winner 210 second 60 third X Sh5522Leialoha Ind Horse WtFiuJockey Op Cl PI Sh 5522Leialoha 105 1 Dreyer 4 4 S5 45 45552tMIss 552tMIss Jean 105 2s Jensen 32 1 12 out 521 S Carissima 112 3 Wiley 5621 547 Igloo 105 4s AHanr 721 5471Wat Welles 115 5 EGriffin 2 2 35 out 5473 Blagg 112 6 Cook 15 20 6 2 2Time Time 59 Track fast fastWinner Winner Sirs K Lutz b f by Bannockburn Maicliff trained by E Lutz LutzWent Went to post at 42 At post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second and third the same 5594 Seventh Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 3 yearolds and upward Soiling Net value to win ¬ ner 210 second 500 third 30 lud Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PI Sh 5474 Chrnas Daisy 105 I1 Jensen ti 10 4 2 5474 Jennie Wells 109 2 Dreyer 3 21 1 12 55213Johnny Wise 104 3l Snider 6721 5521 Alberta Boy 109 45 EGriffin 12 6 2 1 5473 Golden Ruby 109 5 Russell S 10 4 2 5518 Con Came 109 6 CWhite 10 10 4 2 54735L des Cognets 109 73 Minder 332 1 25 5517 Jim Mallady 112 8 JBergn 15 20 7 3 3Time Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner E L Fitzgeralds b f 3 by Toddingtou Basketing FitzgeraldWent trained by E L Fitzgerald Went to post at 44S At post 7 minutes Start good Won handily second and third driving Scratched 5553 Cooney K 109 5595 Eighth Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3 vearolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PI Sh Sh5518Martro 5518Martro 107 IS JBergn 3 32 23 13 135518Cloak 5518Cloak 107 2l Dreyer 2 2 1 12 5518 Mother 111 31 EGriffin 55 2 1 5470 First Aid HO 4 Wtley S 20 7 3 5517 Miss Dulin 112 V Mondon 3 4 32 710 5517 = Iahomey Boy 112 6J Cook 12 15 6 3 5072 Fleming 112 7 CWhite 10 10 4 2 5518 Milpitas 115 S S11 Russell 8731 8731511MJ 8731511MJ 511MJ Irish Irishtown town 107 9 AHanr 12 15 6 3Time 3 Time 59 Track fast Winner G M Johnsons ch f 3 by Anak Trwnar t mined by G M Johnson JohnsonWent Went to post at 525 At post 12 minutes Start good Won driving second aud thinl the same Scratched 5473 Minnie Bright 112 Overweights Mother 4 pounds Dahomey Boy 5