Good Crowd At Mineral Springs.: Another Day of Indiana Racing Becomes History with No Untoward Happenings., Daily Racing Form, 1912-10-22


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GOOD CROWD AT MINERAL SPRINGS Another Day of Indiana Racing Becomes History with No Untoward Happenings Optimism was prevalent at the Mineral Springs track yesterday Balmy weather was one factor A really encouraging attendance was another the crowd being probablv only second numerically to that of Saturday The racing itself was clean cut and marked by several rousing finishes None of the threatened things such as raiding troops and aban ¬ donment of racing pictured in a portion of the hos ¬ tile press materialized If yesterday furnishes a reliable criterion it is likely that there will be constantly increasing patronage patronageThe The finish of the first race of the day a dash of threequarters of a mile presented the pecularity that tlie lirst horses were also the first four on the program and so carried the numbers from one to four On paper the race appeared a racing cer ¬ tainty for Ursula Emma and she won accordingly but not without some lively shaking up midway of the homestretch Old Crow was second and Coun ¬ terpart third Gross was on the winner and scored his tirst success at tile track trackWith With Mite Field Flower and Icicle scratched nine twoyearold fillies contested the second race It was marked by an exciting finish In wliich noth ¬ ing but superior horsemanship on Musgraves part landed Ella Grane winner by a neck better than Brightstone witii Kitty W a good third Spirella was well liked for this race bnt was jumped on and cut down The third race like the second a sprint of liveeighths but for threeyearolds and over did not present much in the way of demon ¬ strated good public form but resulted iu a good contest in which the track record was nearly tied when the Cesariou gelding Useppa led Modesto Boy home in 101 Elwyn finishing a respectable third under Musgraves guidance guidanceAnother Another scurry at liveeighths followed Appar ¬ ently it seemed a close tiling betwjeu Dominica aud Jacobite Both had won In good style at the meeting and were known to lx fit and in good form But the anticipated close race did not follow for the reason that Jacobite propped as the barrier flew up and obstinately refused to run aud so along with Dipper was left at tho post Dominica quickly ran into tlie lead and easily showed the way to the end with Cloak finishing second and Bobby Cook third Quite a surprise marked the finish of the fifth race which appeared to be at the mercy of Jessup Burn with Musgravc oh his back He did his part by going to the front at ouca ami mnJe the vaco fast around into thV homestretch appar ¬ ently an assured winner But in the last eighth June W camo with a wet sail and challenging the leader finally outstayed him in a capitally contested finish irt which Whatley showed to ad ¬ vantage as a good rider in a finish W C Weant bid the winner up 300 above her entered price but her owner protected her with an additional 3 and led her back to his barn barnA A mile dash concluded the days sport and had nine starters It held and pleased tlie crowd aud evoked applause when starter Dick Dwyer sent them away in a line Tom Hayward was away as well as anything but dwelt and speedily was lost Casso ¬ wary quickly showed in the load and more to the purpose kept his advantage to the end Tom Hayward had been improving his position after set ¬ tling into his stride and running in the style that formerly made him a useful Inmate of the Schorr stable came through the homestretch with a great rush that landed him a close second with Orba Smile a good third Tom Hayward really ran the best race of all and with a quicker beginning would probably have won wonStables Stables are departing as well as arriving Owners F Brown J Pinkham and M C Moore are taking their horses to Latonia Cynosure and Clubs prob ¬ ably being the best horses iu the shipment Clubs worked a fast trial Sunday and is expected to do something especially good over the Kentucky track The arrivals are from Pittsburgh and include E Smith with Dahomey Boy and Johnny Harris and Mrs H Brannigan with th useful horse Dun craggan cragganIt It was only the application for a temporary in ¬ junction against the Mineral Springs Jackey Club that was withdrawn by the attorneygeneral of Indl ana iu tho court proceedings at Valparaiso Satur day Arguments on an application for a perma ¬ nent injunction are to be heard next Thursday and a decision will IK given some time thereafter per ¬ haps not until the meeting is over overHereafter Hereafter Tuesdays and Fridays are to be ladies days admission being free to women on those days daysJockey Jockey A Hanover has arrived from Pittsburg aud that former star of the saddle Dave Nlcol is expected at the track shortly coming here from Salt Lake City CityConsiderable Considerable was expectedVof Live Wire in the last race but after going well for over a half he fell lame and dropped oat of contention

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