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I MERIDIAN FINALLY SCORES CARMAN RACER IS VICTORIOUS IN THE KEN ¬ TUCKY STAKES AT LATONIA High Private Unloaded from the Cars Few Hours Before the Raoe Runs Third Big Crowd Out OutDespite Despite Cold Weather Conditions Cincinnati O November 2 At Latonia this aft ¬ ernoon Meridian accounted for the Kentucky Stakes a handicap at oue mile and seventy yards worth 1110 net to the winner White Wool an extremo outsider beat High Private for second money and Princess Callaway the only other starter finished a distant trailer Track condition w 5re held to mili ¬ tate against Countless Bell Horse Mockler ami T M Jrccn causing their withdrawal Presump ¬ tion another of those uamcd overnight to go started instead in the handicap for sprinters Meridian ruled an overwhelming favorite and under the skil ¬ ful guidance of jockey Loftus sprinted into the lead at the rise o the barrier and heid his opposi ¬ tion safe for the entire trip High Private run disappointingly ami his poor showing was doubtless due to bis hard aud useless trip to Maryland Ho was uuloaded from the ears oily just before noon today todaySmall Small fields were the rule throughout the after ¬ noon but entertaining siwrt was turnished Frigid turnishedFrigid weather conditions prevailed but it diil not greatly affect the attendance a big crowd being 011 hand The volume of betting was up to expecta ¬ tions tionsThe The greatest upset of the afternoon came with the running of the opening flash hi which George J Longs Semprite took the measure of Anna Patricia The latter ruled a Ivot favorite uncl the winner paid her few backers nearly 73 to 1 1Moral Moral Park the favorite of the second race was berteu by llorrou The disappointment of thu race was Gowell which failed to get any portion of the purse Itoyal Tea uiul Presumption were most fancied in the third but Morristowh rminiag in Jus Itest form toot the purse with Three Lints and Eniiehl following him Sleeth scored a lucky vic ¬ tory in the fifth chiefly because of Turners good riding ay Bird the favorite was second aud Merry Ltd third The latter was unquestionably best but Ganz took him unueecssurily wide through ¬ out Cash ou Delivery the favorite scored iu the flnal dash over Merrck aud Milton B BJockey Jockey Ganz was suspended for the rest of the meeting by the starter for disobedience at the post iu the second race raceColston Colston was excused from starting in the fifth race legsCharles because of n slight injury to one of his legs Charles P Grainger president of the New Louis ¬ ville Jockey Club and Dan K OSulilvan also uf Louisville were among todays visitors visitorsTbe Tbe threehorse combination consisting of Mer itllau Sleeth and Cash ou Delivery paid S234U5 for 2 The twohorse combination composed o Horron and Morristown yielded 5320 5320Before Before the racing there was a sale of horses in I inI the transferredMarthu paddock the following being transferred Marthu Allen E Cottrull 120 Chalice R Wilson SOS WilsonSOS Automatic K Wilson SCO Mamcto J S SBaldwin Baldwin SOD SODJ J S Ward will ship the Weber Ward string stringof of racers at ihe conclusion of the meeting here t Uhiirobll winteredSolar Downs where thev will be wintered Solar Star will ba fitted for the Kentucky Derby iu the spring springL L Marion will take the H H Aiken racers to Churchill Downs to winter winterThe The horses trained and owned by W T Young will be seat to Lexington at the close of the racing here to o into winter quarters II C Riddle who formerly trained the pretentious string of racers owned by Tichennr Newgass is a daily visitor at the course He recently had sm offer from abroad to assume the training of a racing establishment maintained by a wealthy German and has the offer under consideration considerationJohn John W Schorrs Star Charter arrived todav from Laurel with Suffragist and High Private Star Charter is to start in the Latonia Knduraueo Haudi cap and will be prepared fur that engagement by J 1 Hespess High Private is also intended as a starter in tlte same race Other likely startr include Colonel Hollowiiy Any Port Tay Pay Col ¬ ston Countless and Vothorpe The race will be worth over 700 if eight start