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PIMLICO MEETING IS SAFE Baltimore Md Novemlwr 4 The Court of Ap pials havlug udjourned till November J2 th div the racing season ends the Pimlieo race meeting l now safe from any interference un the part of Ih state authorities authoritiesThe The right of the Pimlieo people to nm their mw Ing this fall Is tied up with the case of the Harfonl County Agricultural and Breeders Association whMi owns the iew tn ck at Havre de Grace Oivlng to the failure of the Racing Commission of llnrrirl County to qualify within the legal limit of thirty layi he t = tat throuuh Attomcrticncnil Po sought to have the court K di Iare that thiTi IH no legnlly constituted iKxly in Harford County to author ¬ ize iiool selling on the races racesThe The Baltimore Counti Racing Commission like lhat of Harford failed to qualify The Injunction caw against the Harford track decided against h state in the lower court was tnkeu to tl tlr r Omrt of pj eulsi where It has INHMI argued but no decision can now be rendered until after the Iimllco meeting is over