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SECOND BACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 2408 14C 5 120 By Planudes Rorka J Wt Burttschell Burttschell2nk 2nk 2t ityrne i Gh Krum Futurity Pimlico 34 115 hvy 6 305 6 u 31 3 J K Martin 10 Patrick S Coming Coon Card if 6I2S Laurel 1146 hvy 85 112 4 5 4 3 ° 2 Small 12 Spriiigms MiidelineL s Ins Ins5l 1 129 fast 4 113 8 8 8 5l 5 Small S Sam Jackson A Jenks 1 5 51 Small 5 The Manager Lahore 3 3SJ Schutger 5 DMaedonnld Fiamma Chnertp 5 5 Schntger 5 CHollowiiy Ches Krum Paton 6 6IT Schntgcr 0 Sprite Pr Alimod Spg Board 34 113 fast 61 4 ° i Loftus 7 Cliff Edge Spp Board Ch Krum C1 5JLof tus 9 John Furlong Granite Buckhorn 5 5 Loftus 5 Font Cr do Menthe Jge Monck 3533 Fort Erie 34 1 TICKER t m 107 107CSSPimUco By Yankee Coortplaster H O Bedwell CSSPimUco lin71ylI7 hvy 10 UK 4 51 54i Dprondu CKrum Law Wiggins Futurity 6302 Laurel 1 116 147 fast 1110 IK 4 4C247 5 4 = 5 Karrick fi Ulackford Key Mauissch C247 laurel 1 45 4s Kederis 5 SUacklufu Penotscot STifkson 127 laurel 1 1S 1 plr 7 7lfJKarrlck 7 Hamilfon Nnnpan ll War Horn 0073 I aurel 1 1 1ritf 21 2 J Class 7 S Jasmiue Riugling Am Jonks ritf TJ i n i linTOv 1 4 4 C H Shilg G H Hutchison Reyhourn C Cook 549 HdeGraco 58 l14 1148 hvy Co J 120 4 2 21 G Burns 0 Chll Queen Patrick S Sir Giles 5185 HdeGrace 34 113 fast 31 1 115 3 21 I1 C H Shilgl2 Cliftonn HHutPhison TGardr MMHideGrace 34 lilSi fast 6 1123 3 3 T Davies 8 Housemaid Tn Field Cllftonlan 4914 HdeGrace 3 4 1I fast 6 1W 1 1nS8 3 3 1 Ferguson 7 Hedge Chryseis Lndy Irma nS8 C dAlene 1 140 faat 6 108 3 41 7 Forsythe S Ymir Horns Maizie Girl 2676 CdAlene 1 18 1531 test 20 104 3 2 i 3 Forsythe 4 Meadow Carlton G Discontent I BET ch r 3 By Tim Payne la Hindoa J W Hedrick 6302 Laurel 1 116 147 fast 8 31 2J Byrne 5 Blackfonl Manasseh Sticker StickerI1 6212 Laurel 1 1462 hvy 41 I1 SJ Byrne 8 MAngelo Nty Lad Sen Sparks 61S9 Laurel 1 116 1544 hvy 41 102 5l Sparks5l 61 R Hoffman 8 FMulliold Hllaris TBusybodr 6075 Laurel 1116 1464 fast 30 103 31 2 R Hoffman 1O Oakhnrst Sprlngmass Manasscn 6003 Laurel 1 140 fast 25 99 6 6i Connolly 7 Hamilton Chryseis War Horn 5890 Laurel 11394 fast 20 104 6 6 Hopkins 8 Sam Jackson AJ Jenks Hoffman 5802 Laurel 34 115 J fast 12 103 6 6J Byrne 10 Veneta Strome Kate K Detect 5705 Laurel 34 1131 fast 25 10j P 8 Byrne 11 BackBay Union Jack Sherwood SherwoodB 5434 Toronto 34 114 good 150 9 B 5 i A Ferguson 8 Bwana Turabo Froglecs I ewln 5386 Toronto 34 1153 hvy 29 102 61 51 Ferguson 8 Inlan Bay of Pleasure Miss Jo 4509 Hillcrest Ab6S 1051 hvy t tSPKINGMASS 2 Connor 5 JNunnally WaterWelles Bafte BafteBy SPKINGMASS ch f 4 By Handspring Massada K T McKeever G317 Laurel 34 113 fast 30 6J 65 Connolly Ivabel Back Bay Rose Queen 6189 Laurel 1 116 154 hvy 31 112 2l 45J Connolly 8 FMulliold Hilarious T Bbo lr 6128 Laurel 1 146 hvy 2 109 1 1 Connolly 12 L Wiggins MadelincL SJosepU 6075 Laurel 1 116 1464 fast 12 107 2nt SJosepU2nt 3s Connolly 10 Oakhurst Rey Manasseh 593G Laurel 1 l3Si fast 100 104 7 7JConnolly 7 Hedge Amain The Rump 835 Laurel 34 114 fast 5 108 3 7 7 ilOl Small 12 Sixty Turbine Clem Beachoy 4702 Windsor Im70y 151 hvy 15 104 3 1 1 4 61 F Adams 6 Vreeland Helene P Duster 1411 Charleston 7S 1351 hvy 115 109 4 4 5 5 6 JE Dugan 8 MissJonah Bodkta Westn Bells 1353 Charleston 78 1352 hvy 5 109 1 4 6 7 53 E Dugan 8 Wander Oakley Longhand 1317 Charleston 34 1191 hvy 10 107 4 3 3 3 K Dugan 12 O Court Til Nightmare Pliant Pliant3s 1286 Charleston 34 1161 slow 10 109 3 4 4CLOUD 3s 2s McTagrt 13 UnionJack Carroll Gt Heavens HeavensBy CLOUD CHIEF b c 3 108 By Star Shoot Lady Elite Clay Bros 5980 Laurel Im70y 145 fast 4 113 7 9 10 51 6 Butwell 12 Turbine Adolante Irish Kid 5927 Laurel 1 116 1464 fast 2 111 7 5 5 5 53i E Martin S El Oro Futurity Towton Field 5733 Laurel Im70y l44g fast 15 111 6 10 9 3 2 Butwell 11 Colonel Cook Bkr Boy Gates 5296 Toronto 1 1414 slop 111 105 3 6 6 6 eME Martin R Hamilton Acton Airey 4016 FortErie Im70y 1434 fast 10 109 999 9 9 1T Koerner 9 Mission Hamilton Cliff Stream 3405 Fort Erie 1 1401 fast 8 107 71010 7 7 Loftus 11 Mission Star Jasmine Hamilton 3157 Hamilton 1 1424 fast 85 115 1 2 2 1 1i Loftus 7 C Curran P Asinorum HQulnn 99433 Latonia 34 113 good 12 104 1 4 B1 HQulnnB1 5J Loftus 9 Azyiade Progless Kaiser 99230 Latonia 34 1151 good2710 108 10 8 31 31 E Dugan 10 Tourist PollyD Crnie deMenth deMenth4i 99140 Laurel El t l08i fast 6 IOC t 4 4LUCKY 4i 3 i B Dugan 11 Isidora 8 Jasmine Republican RepublicanBy LUCKY GEORGE b r 3 102 By Maceo Presentation G E Marlman 6275 Laurel Im70y 1464 fast i 104J 732 2s Marlman2s 21 Gould 8 Golden Castle Haldeman Stairs 5547 Laurel 1 141 fast 50 107 7 9 8 62 48 Gould 10 SJasmine BreakerBoy Kind Sir 5161 HdeGce Im70y 1454 fast 3 105 5 7 9 41 4 Gould 10 S Jackson H Qninn S Princess 4918 HdeGce Im70y 1451 fast 10 10S 9 9 9 6J 2 t Gould 9 Adolante Mileage Hnghlc Qninn 4372 Hamilton 1 116 1474 fast 30 109 2 5 5 5 41 Gould 9 Rudolfo Cast Steel Tom Sayers 4312 Hamilton 78 1284 good CO HI 5 3 3 3 4 J Gould C Sir Denrah Belamonr Stairs 1890 Jamestown 34 114 fast 135 102 2 5 4 4 i Gould 0 JeannetteB SPrlnccss KlndSII 1826 Charleston 1 1432 fast 25 107 9 9 9 9 8 1 Gould 10 Dipper Lady McGee Partner 1793 Charleston 78 1291 fast 8 105 10 11 7 31 3l Gould 13 ColBrown JackEllis Andralosa 1234 Charleston 34 116 fast 30 106 13 13 1399S75 12 10 Gould 14 BayCliff BonEloise WoodDoTe 99S75 Columbia 55 f 113 hvy 30 119 7 7 7 53 Gould S QueenBee Fanchette ColBrown 99203 Latonia 34 1172 hvy rid 103112 12 12ADOLAKTE 12 12 JGould 12 Cbaumere ZimTota Kteff KteffBy ADOLAKTE ch f 3 105 By The Commoner Niaxui C L Mackey 6279 Laurel Im70y 146 fast 115 106 4 4 4 6l 651 R Hoffman S Caliph Beach Sand Claque 6248 Laurel Im70y l45g good 15 106 4 2 2 2i 3 5 Byrne 11 DMacdonald FMnlhollamJ 6093 Laurel Im70y l18g slow 15 104 4 3 3 4 i 3JJ R Hoffman 8 Apiaster MAngelo DM 5980 Laurel lm0y 145 fast 15 102 5 2 1 2 2 R Hoffmanl2 Turbine Irish Kid Towto 58C6 Laurel Im70y 145 fast 100 103 4 1 1 2 = t 3 R Hoffmania HHutchison Knight Deck aiii aiiiif if 5651 Laurel Im70y 1454 fast 30 104 1 1 3 9 9 S W Dunn 12 Pardner O Em Monsieur X 5248 HdeGce Im70y 147 hvy 20 97 3 2 3 3 3 J Ambrose 4 Sandhill Rejbourn Pretend 5182 HdeGrace 34114 fast SO 100 5 4 7 8l Ambrose 12 lima ComingCoon ChlltonQneen 4918 HdeGce Im70y 1451 fast 7 93 6 4 4 2S in Skirvin 0 Lucky George Mileage H Qulnn 4S74 HdeGce Im70y 145 fast 12 93 5 3 4 2 2 i Skirvin 6 Norbltt Senegamblnn Patricks 4659 H deG ce Im70y 147 fast 20 107 2 3 7 7TURBINE 7 7s lGross 8 Yellow Eyes Ballymena Accord TURBINE b g 3 105 Br Golden Garter Waterchnte A O Westoa 6249 Laurel 1 116 146 good 20 99 4 1 2 2 4 B J E Martin 7 Hilarious Nonpareil York Boy I 6093 Laurel Im70y 1482 slow 4 104 2 2 4 5 5t 7s E Martin S Apiaster M Angclo Adolant 5980 Laurel Im70y 145 fast 12 99 2 1 2 1 lz 1 B Martin 12 Adolante IrishKid Towton Field 5833 Laurel 34114 fast 10 105 5 4 1 2 2 2 B Martin 12 Sixty ClemBeachey Ballade 5776 Laurel Im70y 1434 fast 8 102 7 6 5 5 4S 4 J E Martin 12 Hilarious York Boy Edith Inez 5097 Montreal 78 128 good 3 110 5 2 3 4 4 4s Small 9 Tom Sayers Apiaster Detroit 4983 Montreal 5J f 1084 fast 12 107 2 4 44C53 5 51 55 Small 9 Anavrl Vcneta Strome Lewis 4C53 Windsor 1 116 1461 fast 30 107 3 2 2 2 21 3 Small 1O BrnceRlce Leopold Limpet 4367 Hamilton 34 113 fast 6 105 2 1 1FltANK 3 2l 3 Schutger 7 Bonnie Eloisc Elma G S Darls DarlsBy FltANK PUBCELL ch h 5 112 By Griffon Boseland Miss A M Marrone 6374 Pimlico 34 l13g fast 0 US 6 S 5 5 6l P ° S Marjorie A Yel Eyes Madman 6246 Laurel 34 114 good 20 112 9 6 3 3 i 3 J McTagrt 11 Edithlnez Patricks TheSnuire 1695 Charleston 1 143 last 25 113 7 7 7 776 6 J Bergen 8 V Powers Bcrtis Agnar 1500 Charleston 1 142 fast 0 107 7 8 8 877 7U Bergen 6 HerbTurner My Gal Profile 1470 Charlesn 1116157 hvy 10 107 5 3 2 222 31 J Bergen 8 V Powers ChilSqnaw B Sand 1440 Charleston 11481 hvy 100 108 6 7 7 7 6 61J Bergen 7 Sir Cieges Troy Weight Camel 1400 Charleston 78 1341 hvy 100 108 3 6 6 6 6 6ZO J Bergen R Montcalm JackDcnman Mock lor 99656 Jamestown 1 145 slop 7 105 3 6 6 6 6 551 Byrne 7 HarveyF Spgmass Smiqrer SmiqrerBy MY GAL b B 5 112 By St Evox Babbie M T Daly 6075 Laurel 1 116 146 fast 15 1045 9 10 9 10 10 10 = Schwebig 10 Oakhurst Rey Springmass 5777 Laurel 1 18 l52g fast 3J 105 7 8 S 8 7l 8 JAmbrose 11 C F Grainger El Bart L Elam 5587 Laurel 1 116 1474 fast 8 101 8 8 8 7 G 3s Teahan 10 H Turner M Angelo Futurity 5388 Toronto 1 116 152 hvy 195 105 1 3 6 5 41 I Teahan n DrHolzberg Lesh Von Laer 5370 Toronto 1 116 150 hvy 91 109 9 8 7 8 71 8 Wargton 10 Flower Girl Apiaster Chemulpo 5269 Toronto 1 116 1472 fast 295 106 1 7 7 5 5 5Connolly 11 Colston Lesti At Once 5136 Montreal 1 18 1564 good 8 99 3 2 2 24C74 3 3l 3 Connolly Lord Elara Lesh Naughty Lad 4C74 Windsor 1 18 1574 slop 7 991 4 5 5 5 5 41 Quinn 6 FFeet DrHolzberg LdfLangden 4373 Hamilton 1 18 154 fast 5 104 3 9 9 7 6 4 Hopkins 9 TaNnnDa L of Langden FFeet 4317 Hamilton 1 116 1482 good 2 103 5 6 6 6BTTLTKEM 5 31 3 i Teabann 6 Tit Nnn Da FlyFeet Mad River RiverBy BTTLTKEM b e 4 112 By Singleton Basilisk House Davis 6332 Pimlico 1 316 201g hvy 100 106 2 4 4 444 4iA Hanover 4 YkshircBoy ILestrade AJciks 5994 MinSpgs 78 130 fast 31 112 4 5 4 4 6 661 Jensen 6 Jacobite Defy Camel 5983 MinSpgs 1 116 1491 fast 6 112 6 6 5 4 41 3s Dennler G B of Fortune Snreon PhllMohr 5727 Churchill 1 116 1471 fast 133 110 8 9 9 9EDEN 7 71 7 i J Henry 10 Chartier Capitan Bravo Belfast BelfastBy EDEN HALL cb f 4 109 By Anneath II Eden H T Collins 6374 Pimlico 34 113 fast 200 115 8 7 6 6k S JSkirvin 8 Marjorie A Yel Eyes Madman 3108 Latonia 34 l17g hvy 83 103 4 4 5 5h 8 iT Allen 8 MCasey SwHill Golden Agnes 2878 Latonia 34 112 fast 648 107 8 7 K G 6 J Henry 8 G Hughes Isidora T M Green 91320 Saratoga 34 1141 good 20 106 2 7 13 13 lo Scoville 17 MissNctt Pleasant Gold of Ophir