First Race [1st Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1912-12-13

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IOM O br c ci By Noaloa Mrs Mrs2nk Brunell T S Gore i 93 Juarez JuarezffruS 51 t I 103 slow S 2nk Hilll 0 King Stalwart Janus Moller ffruS Juarez 51 r 109J good 50 31 3 5 Hill 5 Vd ChapmanBWelsh Rights Garter T Chapman Kil Juarez 5J f 1101 slow IX 7 75 Loft us us6s IriquctaS BWelsh G of Allah Iriqucta 6472 I a soon 41 f 591 mud 6 6s G11 Rosen S Nifty Bells Far Cathay CathayS C40G Lagoon 41 r SSghvy 3 6 6 1 Xicol S Sierra Senor Llorente V Forty C334 Lagoon 41 t 572 mud 115 4 11 Hill Hill3s Rt Little Pretty Dale Retente 6232 Lagoon 41 f 54J fast 3 3s 3si Rosen 9 JenNewinan BfulEettie Kailua KailuaG 6033 Lagoon 5S 102 fast 8 6 6 1 Ornies G Sierra Vlreo Forge COOS Lagoon 5S 101 good S 5 455 Rosen 5 John Hurie Forge Bula Welsh fSS7 Lagoon 4 f 57 slow 95 11 1 Rosen fi Wheeler Fleckuey Brigham t Lagoon 1J f 57 hvy 30 51 52 Rosen RosenC 7 Auto Run Mrs Gamp Gasket 4232 Butte 41 f 541 fast 60 C G1 Anderson 6 John Hurie Bill Finn Auto Ran n3 G dAlene 12 49 slop 8 C C l Carter S Or Blossom Garter Bill Finn 3209 C dAlene 12 491 fast 20 7 7i3Hlll 8 Kitty W The Cinder Cnnalr 2949 C dAlene 41 t 56g mud 40 9 giJTaplIn 10 Zenotek Barium The Cinder CinderG 2471 C dAIene 41 f 5Gg slop CO G G8i C Rosa G Negligee Vd Rights Al Bloch 21K C dAlene 12 49 fast 30 6 GJ Tapllu 7 BWelsh T Wolffarth FCathay I M Juarez 12 47 fast to 5 C lTaplin 5 Inquieta Negligee PanZareta j 1141 Juarez 12 461 fast 30 6 Gf Taplln G Moller Palatable Vested Right LOAH SHARK b o a afi8 Bv Lissak Wings W Elliott W Juarez fi8 J 012 good 30 305S 41 6 = 1 Bobbins fi P Zaivta RealStar Pula Welsh KG MinSpgs 5S l04g mud 2 25S Delaby Lady Rohblns Protagoras ProtagorasC Cif22 MinSpgs 5S 1013 fast C C 5i 4s Wargton 11 Ella Graue Spirella OuchDaHy WSC MinSpgs 58 l01g fast 5 7 7 7 Cook 7 Yorkvllle Ethelbg IL S James C591 Hillcrest Ab 58 100 fast 3 3i3S 31 McArdle 7 Janus Protagoras LndyRobbiun 5555 Hillcrest Ab i3S 101 fast 7 1 McArdle 9 Stanley IL Pass On F Flower 5411 Toronto 58 1031 hvy IS 5 8 8i Van BotenlO Mattie L Old Coin Rehearsal C217 Dufferin Ah 58 1011 fast 7 7ij 8 8 8 ° Shannon 9 Protagoras FFlower Bt Candl 4740 Windsor 5 ij f 107 fast 10 2 3 4 Van Boten 0 Miss Edith Old Coin Ballyshe BallysheBy MAUD McKEE b f 2 By Luke Ward Panlita I E Clark OOS7 Juarez 5 f lWi mud 3 u u l Nathan 9 Orperth King Stalwart Lehigh CC70 Juarez 51 f lOSg good 4 7 5 5 J J McCabe 9 Rosenta Deerfoot J Patterson CCrl Juarez 51 f 1102 slow S 7 C 5s InquietaI3 Gross 7 B Welsh G of Allah Inquieta 3409 OklaCity 34 123 hvy 2 2Ah58 I3 S Johnson 5 Forge Oldsiuoblle Our Last 3S2 OltCity Ah58 1KB fast 185 185AboS 3 S Johnson 7 Palatable Farraud Foil one 3231 Ok City AboS 1OS hvy 10J 10JAb5S 21 S Johnson 8 InsuranceMan Forge TightBoy 2127 OkCIty Ab5S 109 hvy 21 1 S Johnson 5 Follane Miss Hehert Magda B 2849 OklaCity 41 I 571 fast 1C5 4SJ Warren G Palatable Farraud Pretty Dae ion Juarez 12 002 slow 4 G li 1 Buxton 13 RRablee Moss Rose Lit Birdie 153C Juarez 12 48 fast 8 5 21 I Groth 12 Lit Birdie I See It John Hurie ILTC Juarez 12 4C fast 5 7 7 61 Buxton 9 Inquieta Blue Jay MoKstcbam 1252 Juarez 31 f 412 fast 5 2 2S 2 Moleswh 10 LBirdle ll Katcham M Pride PrideBy JANUS br c 2 By Ildrim Joss I Striker 707 Juarez 34 1141 gxd 20 us 6 6i 5 411 42i J McCabe lo lescar Love Day Mardaifiero CCH Juarez 5 i f 1102 slow 20 96 4 4 4 3s Halsey King Stalwart Tom G Moller CS7 Juarez 5 5CC75 f l10J mud 7 9S 8 85S 7 7 7U1H111 9 Orpertb KingStalwart MMcKee CC75 Juarez i iCCl 5S 100 fast 0 110 4 45S 5 5 5iiGross 5 Mrs Gamp Ancestors Real Star CCl Juarez 5S 104 slow C 95 1 3 2 2s J McCabe 7 Compton LVanZandt Kitty W S9C9 Pittsburgh i 58 1KH fast 2 111 1115S li Wli Dreyer C PassOn Suuguidc Johunyflarris 5944 Pittsburgh 5S 102 fast 5 111 4 Stelnhdt S M Johnson Mattie L F Flower 5712 Hillcrest 34 11C fast 4 104 104i5S Gl FlowerGl Stelnhdt 7 McAndrews Martre Casanova 5591 Hillcrest Ab i5S 100 fast 8 104 104MS ll Casanovall Dreyer 7 Protagoras LShark L Robbins 5469 Hillcrest Ab MS 1032 hvy 5 111 1115S 2 Dreyer 9 MRice Stanley IL FieldFiower 2751 Montreal 5S 102 good 100 111 4 45S 4 21 6 lClement C E Light Marie T BE Susan 240C Toronto 5S 1031 hvy 21 101 6 5 5 6S 1J Robtson C Ringling Capt Elliott Marie T TBy AZUHEA b f 2 25C1 By Joe Carey Admit M Stewart 5C1 Victoria 5S 1032 fast 5 4i 4 V Taylor J Platinum JLec Tildy Wolffarth 5192 Victoria 5S 103 J fast 1 15 I1 V Taylor C MissHebert Platinum MossRose 4S9 Vancouver 5S 1051 mud 3 3i J Hanover 7 Barium Jen Crawford Corouita 4690 Vancouver 41 f 542 fast 2 2s 11 Bczanson 7 Wastella Plaver Lady Loundes 4290 Vancouver 12 49J fast 10 10 SS Kederis 12 VIvltz Phulnana Josie Lee 4229 Vancouver 12 49 fast 3 3 215 W Taylor 11 Pphoratum RBheur RWidow 4189 Vancouver 12 4S1 fast Taylor IS RubySnn RedWidow Qn TOPDV 395 Vancouver 41 f 552 fast 5 2 Riddle dle Coronifa RedWidow Rtissella r74 Vancouver 3 f 44 slow 2n 2i Riddle i Safranori Cunair Ruby Sun SunC SMS C dAlene 4i f 532 fast 12 31 4 ° i Kederis C Debutante R Widow JNeivman GREEK CLOTH ch c 2 100 By Luck and Charity Silverplush L D Fossett rt4 Lagoon F O 1172 hvy 7 100 7 7 7 6tl SlelofC 7 OCunniiigliam NoQnarter Forge 3H Lagoon 4i f 100 J hvy 3 110 4 Mulligan JXewinaTi FarCathay Retente 491 Lagoon 5S 1081 mud 4 112 341 Pauley Retente Forge Debutante 37 Lagoon 58 1048 mud 10 IOC IOCC192 2 = J Plckeus FCathay Debutante Marie Gore C192 Lagoon 41 f 542 fast 12 112 7 i Corey S Daylight Right Little Bells 593 Ixigoon 58 103 hvy 7 103 1035S50 4lulOrmes Bells4lulOrmes Tube Rose Abound Ray Egan 5S50 Lagoon 5S 104 hvy 13 IOC IOC51CS 54J Egan54J Ormes Gasket Bula Welsh Forge 51CS Anaconda 41 f 53 fast 7 110 51 Cavangh Nifty Sierra Vireo 5113 Anaconda 58102 good 20 102 1024S47 55 Selden C OKonite C dAlene MRicbards 4S47 Unite 5S 1003 last 41 97 9744GS 5 Forsythe 7 MRichards C dAlene OKonite 44GS Butte 4 f 551 fast 15 111 3Z1 OKonite3Z1 D Boland 7 OKoulte Mol Richards Nifty 4332 Butte 41 f 54J fast S 103 41 Carter C John Hurie Bill Finn Auto Run 4182 Butte 41 f 55 fast 9 112 1122S50 3 1 Carter C Coenr dAlene Forge Bells 2S50 Salt Lake 41 f 552 slow 1G 11G 11GC75 G BellsG Cavangh 8 Auto Run Bells John Hurie C75 Salt Lake 12 471 fast 100 115 7 S Johnson 7 MKatcham K Nelson CdAIene 3492 OklaCity 341 l7j fast 15 113 44 B Martin 0 Oldemohile Ins Man Tight Boy 342G OkCity Ab58 109 slowll10 112 11 B Smith 8 Forge L Van Zandt Van Deren 3191 OklaCity 41 f 591 slow 116 113 3 T Smith G Follaue Miss Hebert Taran 3027 OklaCity 4 f 58 fast 34 111 11119CS 3t Taran3t Warren 8 TightBoy InsurMan Oldsmoblle 19CS OklJuClty 41 f 1001 slow 95 110 1102S89 11 B Smith 6 Farraud Josie Lee Pretty Dale 2S89 OUlaCily 41 f 57 fast 4 10G 10GPRETTY 2 S Johnson 8 Follane Peter Honce Pickpocket PickpocketBy PRETTY DALE b f S 102 By HinsdaMe Like Me W H Snearley 0082 Juarez 51 f 1OS2 slow 30 101 101CC33 7 7 G W Carll 7 Swiftsure Kiva Inquieta CC33 Juarez 5S 1 03S slow 8 112 112C504 2J Inquieta2J 3 5Forsythe 7 Kiva SharperKnight I See It C504 Lagoon 58 1074 hvy 12 97 61 4 Forsylhe 0 Sierra Anto Run Forge 0428 Lagoon 41 f 592 hvy 65 105 105C401 li Forgeli 11 Forsythe G Forge Retente Senor Llorente C401 Lagoon 5S 1064 mud 8 97 97C34 3 4J Foreythe 4 Auto Run Moller Safranbr C34 Lagoon 41 f 571 mud 0 107 3 1 3si J Hanover i Tom G Right Little Retente 3908 Salt Lake 41 f 54g fast 7 103 3 2 S Johnson 7 Connanght Kamchatka Sierra 3350 Salt 1ake 41 f 55ji slow 20 104 10427IG 7 7 5 S Johnson 8 Auto Run Bells John Hurle 27IG Salt JLake 12 47J fast 30 105 1053U27 5 414 S Johnson 8 Envy Kid Nelson Mrs Gamp 3U27 OkaCity 41 f 68 fast 37 105 10529C8 5s Gamp5s S Johnson 8 TightBoy InsurMan GreenCloth 29C8 OklaCHy 41 f 1001 slow 185 107 411 S Johnson 6 Green Cloth Farraud Josie Lee

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1912121301_2_9
Library of Congress Record: