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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile All Ages Selling 1SM S7 t ENGRAVER blk g 6 110 By Lithoi Eusenia S D W Kelly 6794 Juarez 1 140 fast 2i 107 1 3J Groth S Lackruse Rlu Bruzos F Duster DusterI1 1 l31 i fast 185 lOi 3111 I1 Il Hill G Sepulveda Duncraggan Console 6704 Juarez 1 143J good 6 109 5 5 5 4 44 3 = 2 Groth 6 F Duster Balcliff Crossorer CrossorerIJ 6680 Juarez 1 1411 fast 3r5t 109 2111 2111666S IJ 1 = Groth 7 Rose Oneil Balcliff Gretchen G 666S Juarez 34 113 good 21 103 2 22 2 = Il Groth S Lucille Allen Bob Lynch Muff Muff5J 6630 Juarez 34 1171 good 6 109 1 55 5J 4i Groth 7 Fther Duster Frazzle HaUeras 6272 Lagoon 1 141 J fast 45 104 1 1 1 1 1 Fryer7H 1 Groth 9 Royal River Elgin E T Fryer 6198 Lagflon F C 111 fast 15 106 3 97 7H 63 Groth 12 Visible Rue Beda 5376 Anaconda 34 115J fast 9 111 2 55 55534S 5 5 J McCskey 5 Cool The Monk Sleepland 534S Anaconda F C 1121 good 4 108 4 36 6 7U McCskey 8 Lu Allen Abound Thistle Relit Relit2s 5256 Anaconda 34 1182 slow 95 107 2 11 2s 3 i S Johnson 7 Definite J Stryker Mamlailcro 5115 Anaconda F C 1121 good 21 111 1 24 22 2 J Parker 9 Pajaroita Jnst Red Definite 4903 Butte 34 117 slop 2 105 3 33 3s 4 = J J Parker 8 LadyTendi ItHIyMycr PasscnRir 4765 Butte 1 141 fast 51 108 2124 6 6 i J Parker 7 DickBakcr JarkLaxxos Startler 4470 Butte Im20y 142 fast 1110 108 3111 11 25 Warren G Startler Jack Laxson MM oacs 4129 Butte F C 114 hvy 31 109 1 3 4 443C2 4 3si Warren 5 Oxer Little Jane Upright 43C2 Butte 34 1131 fast 8 = 5 108 2 21 12 1i Warren 7 S Spray Kn Deck F G Hogan 4260 Butte Im20y 1442 slow 5 109 5 5 5 4 4 3si Warren 6 BertGetty ColCook M Amjclo 4183 Butte F C 1091 fast 25 111 1 6 6 6 4si Warren G J F Crowley Nello Joe Knight 3493 OkCity 1 116 1481 fast 275 109 2 Wsirsher 7 Mchmonet LMEckert P pat 3384 OkCity Ab78 128 fast 2710 110 3 E Smith 8 Mchmonet Imprint LMKckcrt 3233 OkCity Ab7S 1371 hvy 4 110 3169 OkaCity 61 f 1281 slow4110 111 111SWISH 7 LMEctert Marchmonet Stman SWISH D c 4 110 11067U1 By McGee Frou Frou W E Applegate 67U1 Juarez 1 l40g fast 2 111 C 2 1 1 1 = 1 luk Bore 8 Maizie Girl Rosevale 1C Itiv r rG 6778 Juarez 1 1421 slow 10 109 5 6 G 0s 15ore S Console Gold of Ophir D Rook 6761 Juarez 34 l12j fast 6 109 6 44 51 35i Bore t SeaCllff Gd of Opbir OrbaSmili 6738 Juarez 34 1131 fast 4 10D 7 7 5 5 4s Gross 8 JBRobinson E White O Smils SmilsIl 6706 Juarez 34 1151 good 95 110 7 6 3 Il 1 = J Bore Sanel Pipe Vision Buss 6676 Juarez 5i f 1082 fast 4 110 9 89 9 ll JBore 11 Dan Norton Bob Cook Hazel C 6662 Juarez 58 1012 good 25 110 2 55 559S62S 5 5 Bore 9 Dominica Parlor Boy Visible Visible3s 9S62S Churchill lm0y l44jf fast 8 101 3 1 1 2 29S361 3s 3J1 Denny 12 Faleada Camel Effendl 9S361 Churchill Im70y 144 fast 31 103 1 2 3 6 69S457 4i 43 Moleswh s Stare Fairy Story Mocfcler 9S457 Churchill 1 1391 fast 8 105 3 8 8 10 109S360 65 35J Moleswh 12 EmilyLee Fairy Story Sigurd 9S360 Lexington 34 113 J fast 1S5 106 2 65 5 5 iMolcswh n Wkhox Toison dOrK of Yolo 96294 Latonia 1 116 1511 mud 3 110 4 1 1 1 19C1J8 5 6IS McTagrt 7 Dutch Rock Discontent Exemplar 9C1J8 Churchill ImOy 146 fast 12 107 2 1 1 1 19r996 11 1 McTasrt 12 Mockler MeltonStreet DBakcr 9r996 Churchill 1 141 J fast 21 110 5 5 3 2 293S19 1 24 J Callahanl2 DutcbRock NghtyLad IlScott 93S19 Churchill 1 116 1478 fast 18 90 4 2 2 2 2937SS 3i 53 J Callahan 9 Taboo FortJobnson Descomncts 937SS Churchill 1 116 1472 fast 4J 9fi 1 1 1 1 2J 4i Gargan 11 Scrimmage FJobnson RBrucc 93645 Lexgton Im70y 145 fast 32 92 3 2 2 2 2J li Gargan 9 Baccara RobertBruce Rowotis 93341 Lexington 34117 hvy 102 101 3 66 66BLACK 6 6T Gargan 6 Royal Captive Rash Star Bine BineBy BLACK MATE ek t 9 110 110673S By First Mate Later J Hocaraia 673S Juarez J 116146 fast 235 J0 9754 o 41 Gross 9 Balcliff Compton Sis Florence 6740 Juarez 1 116 1471 fast 115 103 1 2 1 1 15J I1 Gross G ShNorthcut Minuolettc BalcinT 6712 Juarez 34 11 IX good 12 105 12 10 7 765SOJuarez 5J 1i Gross 12 Eye White Godfather Rui 65SOJuarez 1 141J fast 7 103 7 5 4 4 42 6 Gross 7 Engraver Rose Oneil Balcliff 6636 Juarez 1 145J slow 2 105 3332 2J 21 Gross 6121 Latonia Im70y 1471 mud ll 106 2 3 4 3 362S2 31 4s Gross 11 Itllewciss Crossover Tom Bijrboe 62S2 Latonia 34 114 fast 73 102 10 11 9 71 4 Vandsen 12 JB Robson Ktbelda GofOohir 5985 MlnSpgs 61 f 121 fast 3 109 7 64 3 3 Musgrve 9 Joe Stein Stick Jin FTOK 5959 MinSpgs 61 f 1211 fast 3 111 6 5 5 3s Musgrve 8 Otilo Gold of Ophir Sir Cleges 5467 DougPk 1 116 146 fast 13 106 5 4 4 3 3 3J Moleswh 8 Cliftonian Crossover CousinPu 5404 DougPk 1 116 148 slow 8 105 8 8 5 5 4i 4J1 Gross 10 MyFellow Work Lad Pntruch 1 5333 DougPk 1 116 1472 good 30 105 9 S 7 6 61 51 Gross 9 Wander Effendi Patruche 1 5092 Lexgton 1 18 1532 fast 3120 109 4 4 4 3 21 2 Gross Supple Sacer Maid Militant 5033 Lexgton Im70y 1412 fast 4 10S 632 2 32 32 Gross 10 Patruche Carlton Club Yanker 4913 Lexington 1 1402 fast 48 107 6 5 6 4 4COMPTON 2 21 Gross 6 Howdy Howdy Sager Hclene HcleneBy COMPTON b h J 113 By Ingoldsby Country Fraud R F Carman 8 Juarez 1 l4i slow 5 12 S 4 3 3 3S 5 S Droyur 8 Console Gold of Ophir I Rock S Juarez 1 116 146J fast 135 107 1 1 1 1 1Jii Dreyer Ralcliff Sis Florence Blk Main Juarez 1 116 l47s fast 6 108 a 1 1 1 1 1 Dreyer 7 Uosivalc Rose Oneil MnizioGirl 6698 Juarez 51 f 1102 slow 2J US 5 55 4h 7J1 Buxton S Swiftsure ParnGirl Ejo Whilo 6572 Juarez 5 f 1071 good 63 118 8 57 51 7U R9oney 9 TilThomas ParGlrl Orbed I nl 6631 Juarez 58 104 slow 14 113 2 11 1 = J 1s Dreyer 7 Janus L Vanandt Kittv W 5828 Churchill 34 113 fast 37 112 6 47 91 9lFaln 10 Duqucsne RofJedh OonDnllTy 1208 Charleston 34 1161 slow 15 112 1 36 8 9 1E Dugan 9 Donau Jack Parker Eagle Blnl 59423 Latonia 1 116 1471 slow3710 110 5 3 3 5 41 5 B Dngan 9 Console Falcadti Q Margoerite 99229 Latonia 1 116 148 good 1 110 1 1 1 1 11 I1 E Dugan 11 J Furlong P Fender L Orlmar 99135 Latonia 34 114 fast 51 110 4 11 1 3 T Koerner 11 JeffBernsteln AlMnller Sea Cliff 99050 Latonia 34113 fast 12 108 6 E 5 6 6 R Hoffman R P Gal Bobby Boyer Theo Cook 98985 Latonia 34 115 slow 1C 109 3 SI 31 2 l R Hoffman 7 Ettelda Dosaa Prince Gal GalBy ORPERTH ci r 3 105 By Ornus Perth Center S R Howser 0772 Juarez 1 143 J slow 163 107 1 G 4 lh ink Groth 7 Lchigh D Euriunv K Stalwart Stalwart4t 6752 Juarez 1 141 fast 12 105 1 6 5 3 4t iu Burgamo 8 Lcscur Rue Shooting Spray 6722 Juarez 1 116 1471 fast 4 98 7 6 7 7 7 74 Halsey 7 Compton Rosevale Rose Ouoil 6697 Juarez 1116134 116 134 slow 2 aS 4311 4311WS7 12 1 = Halsey G BibC ok SilGraiu JCaffcrata WS7 Juarez 5 51 f 1 110 10 mud 5 103 2 43 SJ 1 Moleswh KingStalwnrt MMcKee Lcliisli 6 52 Juarez 34 116 slow 23 100 5 5 5 f 1 J Halsey 7 Rio Brazos Til Thomas Frazzle 1974 Charleston 1 1431 slow 20 9S 4 4 4 3 lh lh Bruce 7 Slelcliff Pardner Excalibur 1937 Charleston 34 115 fast 15 103 4 53 3 4ZJ Bruce 12 Kxcalibor Country Boy Pliant 1939 Charleston 34 1151 good 50 90 7 77 771S81 5 4 Bnice 11 Capitan Bravo Excalibur Felix 1S81 Charleston 58 1 032 mud 6 113 10 76 761S35 51 57 Nolan 12 Country Boy Felix Dal ma In 1S35 Charleston 7S 1291 fast 10 10J 10 9 6 6 5 Choptankgh 4s Bruce 10 Andrajosa Cliff Top Choptank 1810 Charleston 34 115 fast J50 103 6 86 gh 7i Bruce 12 ColBrown KnDlffer Gold Mine 1713 Charleston 51 f l09i fast 20 111 10 76 5 VI Bruce 12 DrRLSwger TTack JMilton BOB LYNCH br gr 5 110 By Dun arven Queen Lithe J Randolph 6775 Juarez 34 1143 slow 6 108 7 7 7 S3 1 Hill 8 Calethiimpn HGray SofRoiks 6719 Juarez 34 113 fast 135 110 4 B C C6C 7 6 Hill 8 OswdB AnInterest SwedcSam 6C Juarez 34 1162 slow 65 109 6 88 88C6S4 7 7 Hill 8 Rose Oneil Don Enrique Lescar C6S4 Juarez 34 111 J slow 4 106 4 66 666G6S 3 15J Hill 9 Swede Sam David Warneld Zool Zool3s 6G6S Juarez 34 1131 good 4 103 1 33 33663S 3s 3 Mulligan 8 Engraver Lucille Allen Muff Muff2s 663S Juarez 34 1153 good 910 103 2 32 2s 21 Mulligan 8 OrSmile Acumen HughieQuInn 6626 Juarez 34 1171 good 115 111 3 22 li HughieQuInnli 23 Mulligan G Sepulveda El Pato Don Enrlifne 3428 Ok City Ab78 134J slow 6 105 5T1 Enrlifne5T1 S Johnson S LPaxton Minlte Wof the 5T 33S4 OkCity AH7S 128 fast 40 10J 8IS3L Jackson 8 Marcbmonet Imprint Engraver 3265 OklaCity 6 f 1322 hvy 4710 109 6lWarren Engraver6lWarren G Ochre Court Pit apat The Wolf 3233 Ok City Ab7S 1372 hvy 17 102 44J Wolf44J S ImprintWarren Johnson LMEckert Lt Knight Imprint 3169 OkiaCity 61 f 1281 slow 21 107 Pulled up Engraver5s Warren 7 LMEckert Mmoncr Engraver 2MO OklaCity 34 117 fast 366 111 5s Warren G Aut Rose Marsand Great Friar 2S13 OklaCity 34 116J fast 29 113 B5J FriarB5J Warren 7 Transparent Engraver Imprint 1771 Juarez 1 139 fast 185 99 4 1 1 1 I212i ImprintI212i HIU 10 Ben Wilson Abound Whldden