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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Monday, January 13. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. , o — o The figures under the heading "Rec. in the entries below show the best time cf each horse at the distance, since January 1, 1911. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. Racing Ftarts al J:l-" p. as. Chicago time. 3:15. xRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maiden. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. :i year old- mid upward. Selling. Track record: D3033 -1:11% - l«C lad. Horse. Wr. Bee. A.W t.IIan. Descendant 108 1:13% 11112X715 i;7."i:S Sadie Shapiro ....105 1:13% 4 107X710 .71 P Anarea ■■ -. .710 CM.l IVrrona s7 1:13% I IO7..710 S838 Quick Trip IOC 1:1.:-. 7 1PJ/.71H 0813 Deerfool ill 1:14% B 1MX710 6847 Hoc Allen 108 1:1.1 lo 112 710 ;*:::• Tom G llo 1:15% ■■ 07x705 68i:t Palma 112 1:10% « 112.. 705 0851 Isriag Mose i.U.. OS 1:14% :: !i4..7 hi i;v:s Lookont 112 1:14% 7 112x7181 ii ci Ernest II. M ... :: : 4 IBHi King Radford, br. g, liy Radford— H. termination . . :; It Second Race — 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Fillies and Mar.-. Track record: 1334—1:37% -4—118. G83S I amy 100 1:41 0 110X725 i;s.".7 li-uia Emma 00 1:41 4 inr. 72U 0870- Mary Emily Usi 1:42% 4 100. .715 i;v".r Miss Korn lit:: 1 :::.H-, .". 110x715 ttSL.". Ib.yal Riser 10.7 1:42 B 100x705 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year olds. Selling. Track record: 04078— 1:05%— 4 — 105. 0804 Sharper Knight ..105 1:08 107. .72."". u.s::2» Mazurka 112 1:00% 1KIX720 t;s."»t.;: Moller 110 l:os--. 100x720 6832 I. .an Shark l"l 1:08% 100X715 0850 Pauipinea 104 1:07% 105. .715 0004 BoaeiUlre 107 1:00% 100X715 Intl. Hone. Wr. Bee. A wt.llan.; Inquieta 108 1:07% 1 hi ";;. ■.s-".:J Madeline B. M..101 1:06 05. .710 B784 Cart, r 105 . : K . ill". ilO 075." Ardelon m* i:o, In.". 7o". i:v«.i Kid N. 1- si i d • . 1 in ! :0fl | . to.". 7or. lis."..; Sprighth L-s ...Hi.". 1:08% 100X705 • ;s.:7 Amelia P.. M ...Pl 1:10% 00. 075 Fouiti: Race — 3-4 Mile. .: year obis and upward. Handicap. Track record: 03K23 1:11-, 2 Pi; i i cs.i:: , GILPY IPS 1:12- n 115x740 BS5S Jim Basej 103 1:11-. ." IOS®7.X" i.s4i; i.. m. Miller 110 1:14% li im 730 0840 Lady Pancblts .... •■ :, l-Al* c. -.i.", 125 0840 Cbckspnr iMi ....105 1:13% I K7..7O0 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds ami onward. Selling. Track i . . i :i a.j.. I:ll%- 2 mh;. ■:v:i lianl; G. Mogan. ..11.1 1:13 l! 112x725 fiSts ii -bed Lad I«3 I .!.:-- 7 113. .72ii i:s."2- Jnsl Red Hi 1:14 I 100X715 IW52 Venetian net l:i::% :, i to , i -, i:-l Gin 100 1:14% I hki , in i;v;i Tim Judge 104 1:14 .". 1 12 7M» • is.-.t GeUeo MKi 1:13% •; Ii2-.;in i,s..4 l...l,l.y Cook 110 1:15s 7 112 7ii". B857 Boh Pariey 106 1:12% .". 112x7o5 i:mhi" Kite Iu7 1:12 .". H . TO.", 0825 Booger Battle .... !7 1:13% 4 io. .7 " r.sp.c p.iaze B. Sf ...lit 1:17% N 1 12 ht, K833* l.uko Van iM 103 1:1 I-., :: Kl OSS Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 4 year old- and upward. Selling. Track record: KM23 1:11% 2—100. GS45** Dominica I10]l:13% i! HMI 72.7 082:1 Gimil 102 1:14% I MB x 720 c.s..., Masalo lis, !;i! , + !».i..72»i SS£ Angelas 12" 1:12% s 105x715 G834 Transparent 1nt 1:14- .". 105 71." OMI Lye Whit.- 110 1:12% 0 107x715 0845 Garland 100 1:14% 7 103x710 .721 Jim I Km; l:12i. .". 105X710 r.s."..: Bob Lynch loo l:l2r i; 107x710 isc,:, Bosenta 108 1:15% 5 103x701 Wiihite. br, c, bj Radford — He-termination 4 102 The small figure under "Str." shows the distance tha horse was ahead of that next in the race. ! j The small figure under "Fin." — unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse was I I behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races |