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AN ITALIAN RACING ESTABLISHMENT. The kiessn Bor-coni, iwners •■; the Beanate Stud. are the chief rivals on 1 1 1 « ■ Italian lail ••! -Sir Khoiand" better known aa Connl Scbeinier The Besuatc Siinl stallions al the present lime an Codo i, :.n iwli h ran second for the i ambrldgeshire won bj Berrill and Cliiaramonte. IVxtomoa is French-bred, !•:• i iml . i oat of fampanule, and traces in the u:ii li ,• i" The Flying Dutchman. Chlara in. hi- i- .in Italian bred horse hj Melanion son of llermil i nd ualf-brother to Ayrshire, both being .ui of Malanta. rhere an twentj broodmares in residence, He oldest of which is fourteen in. raeius stable, wbiefa i- located no! far swaj from lie- breeding establishment, comiueuces the i ■ i .--mi year with a string ..| Bfty horses. Inclusive o! s-iiurii". winner las! year of the Simulon lii/ . , ■ . j six yi ir-old, ami the brothers Alofnie-iloute tlive years and Alceo four years, which hare play 1 a I Is pari In receni seasons. Among the twentj three-year-olds are s,.,-r;ii with pre tensions i i winning the l**rhj The P.. smite Studs trailer is Luig] Mariangelli. wno was formerly a non-comnilssionetl ofllcer in the Italian artillery, and tie- leading Jocfcej i..r the stable is .1. Paris, who beaded the winning lis last year with seventj i I Ml,,., s-. -.