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DECISION RESERVED IN SHANE CASE. New York. January 2S._ The Appellate division in Brooklyn heard a momenta yesterday and reserved de,a-iou on the appeal by Dfatricl Attorney Weyson oi vis. .ni « « 1 1 1 1 1 from a decision of Supreme Court .iii-tin s.-iu id.-r w noi, ,.„ a writ of habeas corona tlisehmrged Haul Shane, a bookmaker, arrested at tin- Belmoni Hark [Vrminal race track la-t year At the time oi Shane- anvsi a race waa heimr eondiii-ted by the I.nlted limit- Racing Association Hi.- delenoani paid his ailnii— ion to the grounds and then prooeo,i,.,|, p. accept beta. He na- acres tej l ami held by Magistrate CJharle* P. Qlttena ..I Hempstead. L. I. Shane -wore out a writ ,,f iiaiiea- corpus, which Justice Scndrier anatalned II Just i,.. seudklei- di-isi,,n holds goad throawll tin- Appellate divisi,,,, and the Court of Appeal* in Ing ina again bee e an establbdied tbinc in this still •.