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THE LOUIS WINANS THOROUGHBREDS. A rarietj of rnnaes combined laat year i" aria di-appoiiitne-iit I • ih l.onNlnp lb. us. Hlable. mostly iimghlag and leg troubles, which are aim..-i a- faui dial a- objei 1 :■ nabb iu all racing eatnhllshmentH. Such, however are I he natural inh.-i itan.c of ili liuiueis. and, of course. Joseph Caunuu is uu ex- ceplton: on die contrary, he has had more than a lull allowance. Nevertheless, there come good times 111 then- turn, and though he had to wail until late in the season the silver lining showed itself when Adam Bede scored his double event for I.. Winan-in 1 he Bake of York Stake- .,,,,1 the Cambridge-hire. Meanwhile the two •••racks- in the Lordship string could not be wound up to concert pitch for theii various engagements owing to weakness iu one leg or another, and the season was drawn blank as far as concerned both Sir Martin and McrcnthX and even had it been otherwise it would seem that their merits have been overestimated in each instance by |h" handicappers. In spite of all the skill which has been exercised iu the direction of veterinary treatment it is pretty crtain that they must con tiuue to be a source of anxiety to heir trainer, clever as he has shown liim-elf in ii„. treatment Of dicky legs, hut should the worst come to the worst both these horses should compensate bv their future success .at the stud. Sir Martin, of American breed, is a great, big. upstanding sou ,,f Ogdea and I.alv Sterling, of rare power ami quality, and unqnestion aMy pos-cs-ed of high class racing merit, and when he has let down and tilled out to the huge frame cannot fail to make up into a grand looking stallion of quality, but I understand that he is to be trailed again during the coming season, ami if all goes well with him he should unit active service on the turl with honor. From the limited number of a few years ago Mr. Winatis racing string has grown to considerable proportions, there being no fewer than thirty horse with which to race the approaching campaign. Most o| these have ben Imitorted from the United States, the exception being Iofs Pride. Miaehead. I,ad, Eileen, Templar. Leesou Iark. Arbalest. Prince Hal. and Sandhurst. Several of these are undergoing ;: course of hurdle practice, a-, "or example, Bots Pride. Lady Bileea. Leesou Iark, and Templar, and to the-.- may be added Dalmatian, Joldbeater. Sir Colin, and Dainty Prince. Among them are lomc well grown, gooij looking horses, and it will be -fringe if some of them do not make their mark over the -tick-. Mr. Winaii- has seven twovear olds p, g . en with, two of which arc en route from America, namely. The Crown, chestnut coll. bv Star Shoot— Charter Queen, and Copernicus, bv the same -ire out of Dtagle. From the same country reienJ asi ."I Warsaw, a good looking brown colt, bv rtgden -Lady Ogdea. a very racing like youngster, ••I good size ami standing on the best of legs and feet; aNo lair o.iks. ■ well grown, sturdily built bay nit. by ogdeu lair Catherine; and Lady Doreea. a bay tilly. Bister p.. but in n wav re-sembllug. Sir Martin, being in contrast of the long. low type, wilh quality, and altogether a very good-looking mare that will sadl* belie her looks si Id -In- not develop into a useful winner. Tint something waa though 1 of her as a yearling ma- h assumed from the fact that -he was entered for ;be Derby .1- well as the Oaks, and incidentally I ma-mention that Prime Hal. Copernicus. The Crow;. Warsaw and Pair Oak- are all eligible for a cm i 1 for i!e i:iu. Riband, of these the tn-t named is -, g" "I looking colt of beautiful quality, and. mile-- I am at fault -, ,j,S, ,■,,,.,] D, j,,,, ,,- j-UB| s,.,,. Ait-ess bred in I . S A... that was bred bv S •lohii Robinson at Workson. and .1- a yearling pnr chased at the Doacaster -ales for .".on guinea-: and •11 the same day. out of Lord Bavliea RufTonl Abbe- lot. was picked up what may prove a bargain .it umi -rniaeas. Sandhurst, a hay gelding, bv Lord Bobs- Santa Nomis. In coomectioa with The Crown and Copernicus it should have been mentioned III it their aire, star Shoot, was bred bv Major Eustace Loder. by Isinglass— Astrology, and for him dead heated with Ian for the National Breeders Foal Stav.s at Samlown lark in 1900. He was. however, affected ill his wind, and wa- -old to go to nicri.i Where last year he headed tin- li-t of winning sires Among tin- seniors idam Beth i doing and 1 iug well as al-.. Dalmatian and Uluebend but ae« eral of the three i.-ai obis of last s.-a have been subjected 10 an improving operation, notably Coal heater, sir Colin. Daiaty Priace, White Plains and Tcuiplai. -London S|Hirtsuian.