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TWO AMERICAN STABLES IN FRANCE. Tin Paris em respondent of London Sporting Life in its jssue of Jaaaary ■; lets the following to saj roneeraiag two big American owaed stables In 1 ranee: "Trainers at Chaatilly and Maisons l.altitte are pushing forward their Bat racers with it view to the 1 .rthcomlng season, ami the mild weather permits of pieiity of galloping work. Sweeper II. was out with Murphys team on the Piste de Caateaa1 the other morning, going very freely ami w ||. This horse must not be regarded as a back number, ami you are likely to see the Gaineas Winner hack in Kblgland this year, as only ;l few of the races on this side oi the channel are open to hint. ftf. II. B. Ihuyeii has .1 hue lot ..1 horses that should win races In the near future. He is also breeding on an exteaalve scale at the Haras da Gaaon, where, in addition to Ids owa score of br Imares, M. .1. B. Widenet h-ts seven mares Imported from the United Siate-. M. Duryeas ~t iill.m is Irish Lad 1 1900 1. by Candlemas out of Arrawgrass, and he is depend ins a good deal on his services, although for sum,. of his paares be has taken toubscriutions to Rabelais, Motional. II. and Maiulem.n. Kavello II.. the dam of Sweeper II. , has ii yearling till by Irish Lad, and she is due to foal to Rabelais. Musette, the dam of Bugler, ha- a yearling rill v by Irish Lad. aad is in foal to Macdonald II. M. Duryeas oiler mares include Teetotum. h The Bard out of Roulette, by linden Baden; Armenia, by Meddler. the dam of Blarney; Banenstcin, bv Bavensbury: -m.i Belle, bj Bsner: Running Water, by Sir Dixon, which 11111-1 not be confounded with Biinning Stream, tie- dam of Kunn.v ln.-.til, ■: Zuiia. by Ham burg, with .1 good looking yearling Illy, mimed Mieinaes. i, Mordant; Census, the dam of Shannon; tins Jet. by Lamplighter, with a tilly named Bag Pipe, by Biniou; MTntberia, by Minting, tin-dam of The Irishman; Friaette, l Hamonrg, the l;t 111 of Banshee: Suffragette, by Voter, with a til! bj Zinfandel: Wedding I.tlls.. by Ben Brush, and Stillwater, bj sir Dixon. M. Wldeoers mares are Performance ils:t4i. l.y Troubadour oul of Matinee, with :t tili named Sand Dance i * Bock Sand: Colonial Girl 1899, by Meddler, with a filly bj Rabelato, ami now In foal to Macdonald II.: Martha Gorman 1902. by sir Dixoa, with a tilly by Babe litis, named Mad. moiselb l-iti. and now in foal to Main tenon: Froward lism. l.y sir Dixon: Langu de hat HMMj. bj St. Da mien; Nature 11900. l. Metldler. with a coll by S|tearmlBt. named Chiclet ami Wiillilower. by Meddler. •M. Dwryeas race homes me in charge id his private trainer. Murphy, at Ijimurlaye. ami tho following list the strength of Bis stable for tin- forthcoming a-ii: Killtler. eh. 1 . -I. by Adam- Muselle. Maathorpe, ch. .-. 4. by Broomstick — Ascot Belle. Shannon, b. c, 4. by Irish Lad Census Sweeper II . Ch. , I. h.V Cf. si jek KilVello 1|. rioiii.le. eh. c. t i, ,t:t 111 Intervention, Baaahee, i f. ::, lay Irbdi l.:t,i Friaette. Blarney, Itr. e, ■■. bt Irish Lad Armenia Borate, b. r, .;. by Irish Lad Ruuulng Water Chippewa, br. r. ::. by Prestige Zona. l..i Bibande, I. 1 ;-. bj Rabelais Hum/. i | 1 Micke Free, hr. e, ii bj Iriak Lad -Couteat. Moir... b. 1. ::. by Irish Lad Maaette. Scrap, br. f. ■".. bv Maluteuon Intervention. Ardee. 1.. f. 2. by Macdoaald II. Babenstein. Breakwater, l . f, 2. by Cberl Bunniag Water. Unit. ai. b. c. 2. l.y Kale lais Armenia. FrfanUe. ch. c. 2. by Binitm — Friz -tie. Hickory, eh. c, 2. by Biniou Spectatress. Home Bade, b. t, 2. by Irish Lad Monroe Doc trine. Lady Nell, br. f. 2. by Mordant Content. Mavoaraeea, h. f, 2. b.t Irish Lad Cenaoa. Mizpiih. ch. f. 2. by Mordant — Mintberia. Saiitii Anita, b. f. 2. by Irish Lad— St. Inez. Saratoga, ch. e, 2. by Mordant — Ztimt. Tie Spinner, b. -. 2. by Irish Lad — Teetotum. Torch br. f. 2. l.y Irish -lias Jet. "American owners are becomieg very auroag on the French turf. M. Widcuer. although his breeding interests are associated with those of M. Dur.vea races entirely for himself, ami his horses are trained l.y Welsh at Chaatilly, the following beiag a list of them: Daturo. b. h. 1;. l.v Hebron Flore. Petropolis HI., b. h, .. by l.e Bagittaire Perm. liilileeiuie. b. 111. ."i. by Perigord Gallnlpper. Gamine VII., h. f, :;. by Lee Samaritan Panletic. .lean Pierre, ch. c. :;. l.v Cbeslertield-.lolie Fill". Mart •adieu, b. t. :;. |,v Iarporlev -Miliaria. Nectar 111.. i . c, ::. by Plum Centre -Blftlaa. Oncle Lou. b. c, : . by Bavensbury — Pensive. Iiaisir dAmour, b. c. .1. l.v Dtdaunav — Prima vista. Rot tie POr. b. c. ::. by Rabelais Mountain Dew. Rose Pompon, b. f. .".. l.y Rock Baad— Martha German. Vol doisetiu I., c. ::. by Rabelais— VedwU. Broom, b. e. 2. by Broomstick Matt ha Gormaa. Colonial Dame. ch. f. 2. by Yankee Colonial ;;rl. Bs-wnaba. b. c, 2. by Magellian Maritime. Jacnaes Coear, b. .. 2. by Winknekls Pride— Miss Jaqueltne. l.Aiioiiiide. b. f. 2. by l.e Samaritaia -Ladoraa. l.e Grand Comic, b. c, 2. In Prime William -Clyta. Lupin, th. c. 2. by Masqat -Louise Meaard. Ma It re Coibeiiu. b. c. 2. bv Wiltllowler Pimlico. Mont dOr, b. .-. 2. l.y Val dOr I elim-ss. Nerval, ch. c, 2. l.y Vamose NebuleuMc. Parsival. gr. c, 2. b.t Hebron Peaceful Lady, Perdu, b. e. 2. by Ratapiaa-rPortiaa."